when you pulled me closer; [p]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace watched him warily. She was responsive to his every move, all of his body language. Sh was nervous he wouldn't see things to her eye. She was scared she would take Petyr's side, again. "I don't need first aid, it's not like this will kill me," she grumbled, pulling her horse to a stop. The large black stallion was clearly in distress as he came to a halt.

Grace took Henri's words into consideration. "You are a prince, Henri, and not just any prince, you are the prince. You're the Crown Prince. You can't be so easily influenced by others. What if you had done that as King and someone appealed to you just the right way and you let them go? What if that person was a mass murderer, a threat to Windhelm?" she spat in irritation, sliding off her horse. She dusted herself off and examined her wrists. They looked better in the daylight than they had in those dark dungeons. "If you don't want to be with me anymore, fine. If you're going to actually take Petyr's word for this, fine. I've lost my only defense against him. I can't give you children anymore. And there is no way the people would respect me as their Queen. Not after this," she huffed, turning away to guide her horse to a tree to tie his reigns.

"I won't hold it against you if you decide to leave. Or even if you decide to hand me over to the authorities. I am breaking the law, and for that I must be punished. If your father deems that fire is the appropriate way to go, then so be it."

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri scoffed at her words bitterly. "Easy for you to say, isn't it? Especially to the person who just saved your life. You're welcome, by the way."

He turned from her to fiddle around with the strap on his horse, letting the harshness of his words weight the air around them. The rest of her rant blurred into mush inside his throbbing head, and the fact that he was able to understand even some of it was a miracle.

"You're blind, Grace. This isn't about children or the throne. I couldn't care less if those were at stake. I wanted you. I loved you. I thought you were using me. Perhaps I overreacted, and rest assured that I'll be the first to admit it."

He cut himself off, fully aware that his words were a massive understatement. He was practically shaking at this point, becoming increasingly frantic.

"But you have to understand what I've been feeling and going through. Put yourself in my place."

He sighed roughly and mimed her actions by tying his own horse up.

"No matter. You wouldn't understand. We're both fugitives now. Turning back would be suicide in more ways than one. Have it your way, Grace. I'll leave on my own if you so wish."

The emotions that had been playing through him had drained all at once. His face held nothing but exhausted neutrality as he stared back at her.

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace didn't look at him, tightening the reins on her horse. "Don't be so dim, Henri," she growled, cutting him off. "I know how hard this has been on you. Your kingdom is falling apart. And you're in a position where you can only do so much. But I know you are a lot stronger than what you've been giving off lately. You are a stronger man than to let the likes of Petyr get into your head!" Her voice steadily grew louder as she became more frustrated. She whipped around, eyeing him up and down. "Do not flatter yourself over releasing me. Lord knows what your father will do to us once we step foot in Astyre's limits. I only pray King Merlin has some sense of mercy," she sighed, looking away.

The young woman was as worn down as anyone. Henri was right, the war had drained everyone, even those not on the battlefield. Her family was suffering just as much as his. They were not any safer than the royal family. "I heard you and your father talking. This is about children, and this is about the throne. He does not care for me or for my fate. He told you that if you choose me, you choose to give up the throne. And I'm not going to ask you to choose me."A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. "What are we to do? We have no supplies, no food, you don't have a cloak or a sword," she mumbled, leaning against the tree, watching him. Upon further thought, Grace gave up the cloak he had lent her the night before. It was his, after all, and she didn't feel the cold anymore. The two did the best they could and when they silently reached the border of Astyre, Grace braced herself.

They were boldly within a half mile of the city when yelling guards caused the two to stop. "Halt! Identify yourselves!" one guard yelled, drawing his sword. Grace took a shaky breath. This was her problem, not Henri's. "Lady Grace Calistoga and Prince Henri Ashdowne," she announced, a small quiver to her voice. Almost instantly, Grace felt herself being dragged off her horse. "You are under arrest by the authority of King Merlin," the guard growled, having a backup take her other arm. A third guard turned to the prince. "The Royal families are awaiting your arrival in the Throne Room. I will escort you there," he nodded, urging his own horse forward after taking the reins to Grace's.

Grace was taken into the throne room, same as Henri. But Henri wasn't bound. He was able to walk freely into the loving embrace of his mother. Grace's own mother stood to the side of the room, avoiding eye contact with her daughter. Next to her, Petyr wore a wicked grin, as if this had gone better than any plan he could have conjured up. Better than instant death? A long road of humiliation and loss of dignity on Grace's part.

Grace was thrown down at Merlin's feet, who stood, towering above her. "I understand you are in quite a bit of trouble, young lady. You are a wanted fugitive of Windhelm. A criminal. That makes you a criminal of Astyre, do you understand me? I do not know you in the way the Ashdowne family knows you, so perhaps that will make this process a little easier. I will allow King Alfred to sentence you as he pleases, and it will be carried through quickly and efficiently. We have much larger things to take care of than deal with you longer than we have to." his voice rumbled throughout the room, sparing no pair of ears for what was about to happen. Grace just stared at the floor. She had committed no crime. She was the one attacked, and she was the one being punished for it?

Alfred cleared his throat from his point, standing near his family. "I have reason to believe that you have bewitched my son to do your bidding. To release you. Therefore, Henri will go unpunished. I am not quite sure what I am going to do with you yet, but rest assured, My Lady, it will not be pleasant. You will yearn for your mortal life," he threatened, placing a hand over the golden hilt of the sword worn at his waist. Grace only stared at the hard stone floor beneath her. She didn't try to stand, for she felt too exhausted. She also felt that either king could strike her down if she dared stand now. "Have you anything to say for yourself, Grace?" Alfred continued. He looked hurt.

Grace wasn't going to say anything, until it all came to the surface.
"How can you stand there and openly blame me for this?" she growled lowly, starting to sit up. "The Ashdownes are a second family to me, they have been for almost twenty one years. Have you no faith in me? Selena?" she breathed, hoisting herself up. "I'm not sure what hurts more, my body, or the fact that the person I love, and everyone else, has turned on me when I needed them the most. I had no control over Henri, and to think that is absolutely ridiculous. He did what he did because he had a shred of sense left in him after my brother, who- for years has been dedicated to my downfall, talked him into an absolute pile of rubbish," she snarled. Merlin cleared his throat loudly. "You will do well to watch your tongue in the presence of your superiors!"

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery
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