when you pulled me closer; [p]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

this thread will be long-running and very well thought out. at this point, it's become less of a hobby thread and more of a story. With this in mind, it might host some sensitive topics including but not limited to:
-gore (minor or heavy)
-abuse (physical, verbal, mental, mentions of sexual)
-substance abuse (alcohol, others tbd)
-infant/pregnancy loss/premature birth

if you have sensitivities to these or anything of similar nature, i urge you not to read on. if anyone has a problem with content that they feel is stepping over our bounds, please PM me. reedy and i will undoubtedly follow site rules and nothing that requires a trigger warning will be described in detail.

thanks and happy reading!


Never did she imagine her life would go the way that it had, for Queen Grace had not started out as the strong, compassionate character that she used to rule her kingdom in the genuine interest of her people. She, like everyone, went through it all to get to that final point of bliss. Someday, Grace would pass peacefully, with a well-lived, incredible life under her belt. Amazing children, a loving husband. But, it did not start under halos of light.


The morning was rushed. A thick cover of dark clouds hung over the magnificent kingdom of Windhelm. Although grand as it may be, they were facing an immediate threat of invasion, and the likelihood of the Windhelm Keep being taken over increased as they days went by with no word from the Royal family on how they intended to take care of it, as well as the safety of their people.

This is where Lord Edward Calistoga came in. He was the Head Military Advisor of the King, and also served as his best friend. The men had four decades of working together to keep Windhelm safe and happy, and when Edward was presented with the biggest dilemma of his career, it only made their friendship stronger. The invaders have made the two men come together in ties of patriotism and love for their people. It was admirable.

Edward's daughter, Grace, did not deem herself fit for her father's career path. She took after her mother in terms of poise, of elegance, of- grace. This particular morning, she had been woken abruptly by her father. He pushed open the heavy oak door and huffed in the doorway.

"Grace, you need to wake up. Alfred and Henri are expecting us. Something has come up and I fear our situation has become more dire," he rumbled, moving over to throw a lit match into the grand fireplace at the opposite end of her bedroom.

Grace sat up, slightly disoriented. The royals had requested them? They were due at the palace later that day anyways, so what on earth could be so important that they had to call on them before dawn? So, she got up and washed herself, basking in the bare warmth of the fire. The winters were so nasty in Windhelm, and she knew the moment she stepped outside that she would be longing for her warm bed. Continuing with her routine, the young woman wrapped a robe around herself and sat in front of her vanity, beginning to comb out long locks of dark, ever-so-slightly waves. She had of course neglected to wash her hair this morning, as she counted on not dying of hypothermia this winter.

Grace dressed herself in a heavenly burgundy gown equipped with golden embroideries. She had let her dark waves down and adorned her head with a golden circlet that seemed to compliment her dark hair just right. Once dressed, she pulled a thick riding cloak around herself, fastening the clasp at the neck. Meeting her family in the grand foyer, her heart swelled, but then sank. Her brothers stood alongside their father while their mother fretted over their cloaks. Upon seeing Grace enter the room, Lady Calistoga rushed over, cupping her daughter's face in her hands.

"Are you sure you're warm enough?" she breathed, pulling Grace's cloak tighter around her body. Grace nodded vigorously, to Victoire's satisfaction, and with a bit more fretting, the family was on their way to the palace. It wasn't far, but it wasn't the closest in proximity, either. One could easily catch a deadly winter ailment if not dressed properly for the ride there. Upon arrival, Grace was chilled to the bone, as was her younger brother, who shivered uncontrollably atop his horse. The nobles were quickly escorted inside, where they were greeted with long corridors lined with large torches. Providing light and warmth, Grace soaked it all in, slowly removing her heavy cloak.

Once in the throne room, Edward and Victoire Calistoga entered, arms linked. Behind them, their three children followed in order of seniority. The eldest, Petyr, followed his father's footsteps, his shoes echoing the same pride and authority as his father's. Then Grace, whose heels clicked on the marble floors. She wasn't as dramatic as Petyr, though. Lastly, Norman trailed behind his sister. He was only beginning his  studies of what his father did for a living. Lord and Lady Calistoga dipped into deep, respectful bows, and their children followed.

"My Lord, of course you know the children," he rumbled, releasing his wife so he could go look at the map that had been displayed. "I have received reports that an entire port city has been run down. No hostages, and no survivors," he sighed, stroking his beard thoughtfully. The situation was getting worse by the day.


[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri hadn't been given a wink of sleep that night. The climax of the threat of invasion had come to its head, and it seemed as though the weight of the battle rested on his shoulders heavily. All the royals had been quite stressed, but it was no secret how personal the eldest prince took these kinds of things. It seemed as though the general public took note of this as well, because he'd been completely bombarded with letters wanting to know what the official plan was. His parents were busy enough with their own duties, and his siblings were no help in responding. William had been as icy to him as always, and Luella kept herself as ignorant to the state of her kingdom as possible. She didn't like conflict.

Just as he'd waxed and sealed off a letter towards one of Riverwood’s aristocrats, he was interrupted by a timid knock at his door. “My Lord, I apologize for the interruption, but you’ve been requested to the map room. Lord and Lady Calistoga will be arriving shortly.” Ah yes, he remembered now. His father had requested an urgent meeting to discuss tactics. “Yes, I will be arriving shortly. Thank you. Say, will Lady Grace be attending today?” The servant stepped farther into the room and nodded. “Yes, sir. As will her brothers, if my memory serves me well.” Henri took in a breath and offered a light smile. “That will be all then. You are dismissed.”

As the servant exited his room, the young prince began to set away his stationary. In the wake of all this chaos, at the very least he would be in the presence of Grace. Her brothers, however, he wasn’t too sure of. Whilst he had nothing against Norman, Petyr was the one that frequently approached him in odd ways. He was a strange man, him. No matter. Henri stood from his desk and ran a hand through his ashy blonde hair. The pressing matters he was forced to attend to made his physical upkeep dwindle slightly, but if he was to see Grace he wanted to be as proper as possible.

When Henri stepped into the corridor, he was immediately met with his sister who must’ve just gotten the same notice. He offered her a comforting smile, and she returned it. “We’ll be alright, Henri. So long as we all stick together, come what may.” The prince chuckled and agreed. The two siblings made their way down the hall and toward the map room anxiously. As they entered in, the two relaxed seeing the nobles hadn’t arrived quite yet.

Queen Selena smiled at her children. She beckoned them to sit down beside their brother, whom had already arrived and looked as cross as usual. “Well finally. You’ve kept us waiting.” Prince William muttered to his siblings under his breath. Henri rolled his eyes in irritation. Despite being as close as brothers could be in their younger years, jealousy over who got the throne had begun to drive a cold wedge between the princes. They used to play together; now they could go days without speaking, and when they did it was typically to argue.

King Alfred could barely acknowledge the presence of his children. Never mind his sons bitter comment. The man was bent of the table, his grey eyes scanning a map and analyzing every detail. They had heard of a port city being taken over, but were unaware of the severity. Selena placed a comforting hand on her husband’s shoulder, but still her eyes were squinted with worry as she read over his shoulder. The future of their kingdom wasn’t at its best. “Blasted invaders,” Mumbled the King. “Should’ve blown them out the water when we had the chance.” His wife sighed in silent agreement before turning to face the servant that entered the room to announce the presence of the arriving nobles.

As Lord and Lady Calistoga filed in with their children in suite, the royals stood in greeting. “Yes, we’ve been made aware. I wasn’t informed of the survivor count though. This is surely a devastating blow. I don’t know what we can do for our next move. The Invaders have completely dried us. That port city was a main harbor for export and import.” King Alfred shook his head solemnly at the news of what had become of his subjects.

Henri listened intently to the conversation before his eyes traveled over towards Grace. He gave a sly kind of half smile in greeting, trying to remain unnoticed as his father spoke. His eyes were grim with the coming news. What in God’s name could they do now?

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Grace Elisabeth Calistoga [/abbr]

Upon entering the room, Grace dipped into a deep bow, lowering her head in respect. The royal family had always been so good to her and her family.. how any kind of politician could hold as much compassion as the Ashdownes did was beyond her, but she was thankful for it nonetheless, especially in these trying times of patriotism.

Grace stood upright from her bow and straightened her gown out, listening to her father report on his findings. The situation was truly awful. People were continuing to lose their lives every day, because no one could come to an agreement as to what to do. She began to come up with her own solutions, for what seemed like the hundredth time, before she caught Henri’s eye and completely lost her train of thought. He was utterly captivating, and being under his gaze made her heart flutter. Of course, she would never tell her mother of these feelings- Victoire would never be able to keep them to herself, and then no one would let anyone hear the end of it. It was in agreement that their courtship was best kept a secret right now.

Edward moves to stand next to the King, who was joined by his sons and the younger prince. ”I think we should just brave the hills. The strongest make it out alive. We need the weak weeded out as bait,” Petyr scoffed, before being abruptly interrupted by his brother.

”No, I think we should save the weak first! There’s much to learn from them!” Norman suggested, looking at his father and King Alfred.
William almost giggled a bit, but did not contribute an idea to the discussion. As the Calistoga brothers continued to argue, and Victoire had gone up to visit with Selena, Grace took this opportunity to move over to her prince.

”Good morning, My Lord,” she purred, offering him a smile. Even in these dark times, she tried her best to cheer up her beloved in simple ways, as she had done before. She was tempted to reach out to hold his hand, but she refrained. She didn’t want to risk someone seeing it.

Petyr scurried over. ”My Lord, please pardon my sister, she doesn’t have proper manners. No woman below a man has the nerve to stand next to him,” he chuckled nervously. ”W-what do you think we should do? I mean, did you hear any ideas you liked in particular?”

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri listened passively to the conversing of his father and Edward, but made it a point to edge away as the two groups began to form into one. In all honesty, he was just hoping to be able to stand with Grace and possibly talk with her without interruption.

It was hard keeping their courtship a secret, especially from the ever eager and innocently prying eyes of his mother. It bothered him especially when his family would be visiting with the royalty of neighboring kingdoms, as he was always pushed to talk with the princesses. Most of them were nothing short of lovely, but they didn’t even begin draw his gaze. Not with someone like Grace already in his heart. There wasn’t much to contest.

As Selena finally pulled away to visit with her friend, the young prince finally became unnoticed as he greeted his lover with a warm smile. “Good morning to you, my Lady Grace. How have you been faring?” His smooth talk was interrupted when Petyr chimed in with them abruptly. He gave a nervous chuckle at the others comment.

"Ah well, she’s quite alright. I believe your sister has proven herself as worthy as any man. At the very least, it seems that way to me.”

He tried to dismiss the remark as light hearted as possible, but kept an air of strictness to his words. Despite being mostly avoidant of conflict, it was obvious Henri did not like what was said.

All this title nonsense made Henri vastly uncomfortable. He couldn’t fathom considering himself above anyone else in the world, but his rank told him he needed to. William, on the other hand, was able to take that on quite well. He had no trouble in using what power he had to either intimidate or persuade others into doing his bidding. It was a practice that the eldest prince was not envious of missing.

“In any case, a true man worth his salt would value others as his equal. Unless, of course, he has insecurities in other areas. Ones I do not share myself.”

The prince spoke with a hidden cheekiness, shrouding his words in a cloak of ease. He did still think about the other part of the mans words, and cleared his throat uneasily.

“Windhelm can stand fast in many battles, but personally I do not want to risk the lives of any more innocent people for pride alone. It is my belief to evacuate the citizens before any aggressive actions can be taken for either side. They’re to be protected above all else."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace Elisabeth Calistoga [/abbr]

Grace watched as Henri fired right back at her elder brother. She was actually quite flattered at how quickly he jumped to her defense. She was perfectly capable of doing it herself, but something about him doing it just seemed... special. Petyr adopted an embarrassed look on his face as the prince both defended Grace and disagreed with all ideas out on the table, and actually, Grace agreed with Henri. They needed to be planning an evacuation of some sort.

Petyr looked at Grace and narrowed his cold, gray eyes, a look in which she returned. They looked pretty similar as far as hair color and eye color went. They took after their mother in looks, but their father in fierceness. Petyr did not have plans to use this trait for the good of his people. In fact, he wanted the throne. And the only way he was going to get that was to marry the love of his life, Prince Henri Ashdowne. Much to his dismay, however, Prince Henri had already given his heart to someone else, and to look at that someone else everyday made him sear with anger.

Grace smiled at Henri, clearing her throat to voice her idea regarding evacuations. ”Has anyone considered getting in contact with an outside kingdom for refuge, or even military assistance? If we can get a message to, say, Astyre, requesting help, I’m sure we will have the evacuation problem solved. Astyre is our sister country, and I have every faith that they will welcome our people with open arms,” she suggested, giving Petyr another harsh glare as he pretended to gag at her words.

”It will be a dangerous journey, no doubt, but there have been no reports on anything going on in the air. Perhaps we can find someone to take a hippogriff to a Astyre- it’s about a day’s flight. It’s the quickest and safest way to get there, but who do we send?” she murmured thoughtfully, a tad embarrassed that she had not thought that far ahead.

Petyr cleared his throat. ”I think we should send you, my sister. It was your idea and you clearly know the way so well.”

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

In spite of himself, Henri sent Petyr a sly smirk upon seeing the embarrassment that clouded his face after his retort. He did not happen to notice the chilly glare both Grace and her oldest brother sent to each other behind his back, however. He focused on his father, whom seemed to perk up at what his son had mentioned. Just as the king was to turn around and question what it was the prince was thinking, Grace spoke and further evaluated the plan.

William squinted his eyes at the idea. His own had been full of battle and bloodshed, and to hear such an option left him dazed. He gave a sarcastic snort.

“Oh yeah, and run away with our tails between our legs? What kind of message would that send? We’d be a laughing stock. Everyone would figure we were cowards-“ His words were cut off by the king raising a hand in dismissal.
An air of silence fell onto the room as King Alfred considered Grace’s words carefully, only to be broken when he clasped his hands together thoughtfully.

“You take after your father, Grace. An excellent idea indeed.”

William was about to object when Luella sent a swift pinch to his left arm. Although irritation did cross his face, he largely remained in a fuming silence. Even someone as bullheaded as the youngest prince knew that there would be no altering the king’s mind when it was made like this.

“There are some riders in Windhelm. I’ve seen them practice before. Perhaps one of them can be trusted to deliver the request?” The princess offered her own suggestion hopefully. She’d been wordless throughout the meeting, and her eyes sparkled about being able to get a word in.

Just as King Alfred was about to respond to his daughter, a frantic voice could be heard just outside to shut door of the map room. Another silence fell across the room as the noise made it’s way closer. Suddenly the door open, revealing a very pale faced messenger, holding a sheet of paper tightly in his hands.

“My Lords! I beg your pardon, but there has been a terrible tragedy.” The man seemed to have traveled from a long distance very quickly, as his face was drenched in sweat and he was trembling like a leaf in the wind. “The lower village has been attacked. A bomb of sorts. Forces have been sent out to search for survivors, but it isn’t looking well.”

Selena gasped and grasped her husband’s arm. “Alfred, that isn’t far from us. It must be the Invaders sending some sort of message.”
The king took the paper from the messenger, his eyes scanning over the report in a solemn silence. The queen had none of the wait, and jumped into action.

“We’ll send any survivors into a camp in the higher village. I don’t care if they need to stay in the castle. We must tend to the wounded and make arrangements for any children orphaned. My god, how could they do such a thing?”

Selena looked at the writing over her husband’s shoulder and turned to Edward. “It appears the area near Calistoga manor has taken the brunt of the attack. I do not believe it is still standing.”

Alfred set the report down and sighed roughly. “We’ll have you stay here until the state of your home has been confirmed. I couldn’t live with myself if you were to leave and there be another attack.” He turned to the messenger. “Thank you for bringing this to me. I will have arrangements made immediately. Please learn the number of survivors and injured, and report back to me promptly.”

The messenger left in a hurry to complete his orders, and Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose. It felt as though his kingdom as collapsing around him, and he was powerless to stop it. He was supposed to be the one to make everyone feel safe. Now he was failing.

The tenseness of the situation rested on everyone’s shoulders. An unknown amount of innocent lives had just been lost as they all sat talking just moments before.

“Selena, please go forth with your idea. I will have some of our men sent down to those areas immediately to guard. Have our physicians set up a medical ward.”

The Queen nodded and turned to Victorie. “Please do stay here until your safety can be confirmed. I couldn’t bare it if something else were to happen.”

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace beamed at the King's praise and nodded in agreement to Luella's words, before they were promptly interrupted by the pale-faced messenger. When Selena insisted the Calistogas stay at the palace, Grace's heart almost leaped out of her chest, and she very quickly cast her steely gray gaze upon Henri to see his reaction for such an idea. Victoire accepted as soon as Selena offered, not even bothering to find out her husband's opinion. Edward was far too busy supporting his friend, their sons gathered around. With everyone occupied again, Grace turned to Henri and inhaled sharply.

She reached down and took his hand, running her thumb over the subtle vein that protruded from his skin. His hands were cold. This was a devastating blow for any of them, because he would someday have to deal with these things himself. She gave his hand a soft, supportive squeeze, much to Victoire and Selena's satisfaction as they looked at her, then each other, before rushing off to assist the physicians in setting up. Grace wanted to help, but what of her idea? Who were they going to send to Astyre? The plan would surely be discussed more tomorrow- everyone was focused on survivors of the attack.

The day was long for the sensitive-stomached Grace. Many times, she had to excuse herself to take a break when someone came in, gushing crimson blood all over the marble floors, or someone else dragged themselves to help, missing their legs. Grace found it exceptionally difficult to help with the children who had been injured and/or orphaned. She certainly cried a lot that day. Luckily for her, she didn't spend much of the day with her brothers, as both of them would have teased her and made fun of her at every opportunity.

Dinner was uneventful. And quiet. The younger prince and the two Calistoga brothers exchanged strategy ideas all evening, but everyone else seemed to have more important things on their minds. How were they going to evacuate an entire kingdom when the enemy has successfully, and a tad alarmingly, pinpointed and attacked city center? Was their target the royal family? The thought shook Grace to her very core, but she remained poised. Everyone split up as soon as the last person set own their spoon from finishing off their soup. It was snowing quite heavily outside, and despite the general chill in the air, the soup was very much needed.

Lord and Lady Calistoga retired to their bed chambers in the Royal Corridor, as did Alfred and Selena, followed by Luella and William, whose bedrooms also lie down that hallway. Grace stood alongside Henri and bid him goodnight, with every intention of sneaking out of her room and into his- and he knew it. At their departure, Grace engulfed her lover in a strong, genuine hug. She breathed in his scent and exhaled deeply. He was enchanting. She pulled away and offered a small smile, heading in the direction of the room she wouldn't be sleeping in tonight.

Petyr, reluctantly on his way to his room, which was to be shared with Norman, paused and watched Grace and Henri. He clenched his fists and stormed off, following Norman to their room.

After Grace was positive that there was no one stalking the halls, she quietly slipped out of her room and into Henri's- he knew she was coming. She was out of her evening gown and into a silk and lace nightgown that showed off particular curves rather nicely. It was complimenting, to say the least. Her dark waves had been let down, and she wore soft slippers that protected her dainty feet from the chilly stone floors of the bedchambers. Closing Henri's door behind her, she turned to greet him, smiling slightly. "Hello again."

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

The following hours were extremely difficult to go through. Henri was left to supervise the flow of survivors, and like Grace, the sight of the injuries made his stomach turn. It especially bothered him when those brought in hurt were children. He saw many youths come through the doors either battered and dazed or alone and scared. So many were made orphans by this attack. There had never been anything like it in Windhelms’ history. These level of event simply never happened in the once sleepy kingdom.

The turmoil fizzled out slowly but surely as time went on. Better suited medical facilities were established and the injured were moved there. A few shelters were also raised to help with the now homeless and orphaned. Even after the last person was moved out, Henri’s head still buzzed with the chaos. The only thing that kept him going was the brief glances he was able to share with his beloved when there was time.

At dinner, the eldest prince ate along with his family in their shared tense silence. Very few bits of conversation could be made. Everyone was still frazzled from the chaos that had occurred so suddenly. Nobody expected this to happen. In consequence, they weren’t very hungry.
When everyone was excused to go into their chambers, Henri purposely kept by Grace’s side as he bid his parents and siblings goodnight. Although he couldn’t help but notice the lingering gaze of his mother, there was otherwise no notice of their actions as they slipped into the corridor together.

The genuine embrace from Grace made all the built up tension from the stressful day melt completely. He both adored and spited moments such as these. On one hand he loved having his lover in his arms, but it was torture that these feelings must be saved only for the few moments they were alone. Each bit made him crave more.

When she pulled away and began to head towards her room, he caught her smile and immediately his suspicions were confirmed. He knew as well as she that her assigned bed would be empty tonight. The prince reluctantly opened his bedroom door and vanished inside. He was fueled only by the knowing of what was to come.

When he was inside his room, Henri decided to make it appear a bit cozier. The crimson velvet decor and dark wood easily made the entire place seem grim at times. To combat the cold, he started a light in the fire place, and fiddled with the flames until there was a decent blaze going. Every bit of paperwork that had been littering the floor and tabletops was cleared and stowed away with his stationary.

The distant sound of the large grandfather clock in the halls told him the time had just struck 12 o’clock. If his thoughts were correct, she’d be here any moment now. Nobody wondered the halls on this floor at midnight. The only movement in the castle this time of night was the rare housemaid that was preparing what was needed for the next day. After that, everyone was asleep.

Henri had been sat on his velvet sofa, his eyes scanning over a book when the movements behind him made a small smile creep upon his face. He set it down and stood, turning to face Grace as she entered.

Christ, she was beautiful. It wasn’t only in her perfect figure and angelic curls; No. Grace was the type of woman to carry her radiant beauty in her smile and glowing personality just as it did in her looks. Just the sight of her loving eyes could warm him even on his worst days. Her abilities in this perplexed him immensely. How could one sole person hold such an intoxicating power over him?
Henri smiled at her greeting as he approached.

“Why, hello to you too. What brings you in to my humble abode?”

His question was joking and he reached around her waist, pulling her gently closer as he pressed his lips to hers. His grin softening as he reluctantly pulled away. His gaze admired her for a split moment before leading her elsewhere.

The two eventually made their ways back to the velvet sofa across from the fire that had been lit earlier. He was laid back with his lover cuddled next to him. The prince couldn’t comprehend how a woman such as Grace could find herself infatuated with him. He felt unworthy of such a loving person. In his eyes, she was a perfect as the word could be. She was her namesake in every inch. He loved her with all his heart and it pained him deeply to not be able to express that for the world to see. He felt her snuggled up against his chest, and he couldn’t help but let a smirk cross his features. If that moment in time could go on forever, he wouldn’t mind one bit. He could die a happy man.

Grace had an aura about her that made even Henri envious. He watched from afar her interactions with his people, and it only further built his love for her. There was no doubt that his role as heir to the throne was something Henri took very seriously, and being able to find such a loving and caring woman to have at his side was a blessing in its purest form. Even today through the grim and gore, she held fast and did her role in maintaining peace and hope to those that needed it. He couldn’t possibly thank her enough for that. The things she saw were horrid, yet she pulled herself together.

The ever racing mind of the prince traveled back to before his lover was even a glimmer in his eye, and oh how dreary life seemed. He mused over his tasks and drifted through life as an observer of himself; never truly living. How had he not gone mad with such a mundane existence? Yet now he felt as alive as could be. It was as though just the mere presence of Grace in his life had breathed him into a new man. He was surely a drastically changed one if not that.

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace has never been so intoxicated over one man before. At the tender age of twenty, she had been exposed to a plethora of men, in hopes that a combination of her love and her parents' approval, she would be suited to be someone's wife. A worthy man, someone to give her purpose. The very thought angered Grace, and it seared through her bones. How could her parents auction her off like livestock? And then, she was introduced to Prince Henri. Their parents constantly bet on the fact that the two would someday marry and combine two excellent bloodlines.

Through her irritation, seeing Henri approach her made her knees feel weak. He bragged about her power over him, but what about the other way around? He occupied her thoughts constantly. Fantasies of King and Queen Henri Ashdowne filled her dreams, and she would sacrifice her soul to be the one to provide him with a happy, fulfilling life. It was especially difficult for royals to be genuinely happy. They sacrificed a lot more than they are ever given credit, often times in the best interest of their people. Grace was determined to change that, at least for Henri. For such a pure soul, he was getting the ass deal on a lot of things- including watching his homeland fall apart around him. Being heir apparent, so young and unmarried, Henri was protected at all possible costs. He was the sole future- the Once and Future King of Windhelm.

She drew in a shaky breath as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the room. His touch set her soul on fire. The kiss was nothing short of the deprived passion he had kept hidden since they had last been alone. She followed as he led them over to the grand fireplace burning in the corner of his room. He had prepared for her quite nicely. Sitting down next to him, she inhaled deeply. Deprivation proved too strong for the pair to ignore, despite the tragedy from earlier.

In the morning, a massive clap of thunder jolted Grace awake. It must have been just after dawn, for lightning was still lighting up the entire sky. She groaned and rolled over, pulling the satin sheets over her pale, bare body. Looking at her surroundings reminded her of last night's shenanigans and a sly smile crossed her face a bit devilishly. She glanced over at Henri and leaned over, stroking his face gently. "Wake up, my Lord," she purred.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri, too, was awoken by the thunder clasp, but only slightly. His eyes only opened when he felt a soft hand touch his cheek and a devilish voice calling him.

My Lord

Such a powerful term in more ways than one. There were very few instances where he enjoyed being called by his title, yet it appeared Grace had found her way. Sly little devil she was. No matter, though. As mentioned, he rather liked it.

Taking a brief moment to collect himself and his conscious, the prince turned his head towards Grace, his own cheeky smile lit across his face. “Good morning, my love.” His voice was deep with grogginess. His eyes scanned the partially opened window to see the rain falling in sheets outside, groaning slightly at such an inconvenience for the day. What was the point in a storm if you couldn’t take a day off to just lounge in bed? Not being able to do that with his beloved was definitely saddening.

Another rumble sounded from outside and almost dulled the knock on his bedroom door. Every muscle tensed in his body, but he recognized the voice following.

“My Lord, it is almost time for you to be up. You have another meeting with the Calistoga’s.”
It was one of the servants making a wakeup call. Oh, if only the poor thing knew what was hiding beyond that oak door.

“Ah yes, I’ll be down shortly.”

It was after that the two were forced out of bed and to hurriedly dress themselves. The prince could only thank his lucky stars that this servant wasn’t as persistent as the others were, and had the decency to not enter his room. That would’ve been hard to silence.

Henri checked the halls to be sure it was empty, then allowed Grace to follow him as they headed toward the meeting. On the way there, William exited his own room and was forced to awkwardly walk beside them. He looked a bit disheveled, but didn’t speak of why. It was a strange sight, as prince couldn’t imagine his brother would still be torn up over the tragedy. Maybe he had underestimated the others commitment.

When they approached the room, he gave his secretive lover a quick smile of encouragement before opening the door and stepping through. Another day of pretending like they really didn’t know each other in the ways that they did, he supposed.

Inside the room, most everyone was already there save for the princess. This wasn’t surprising, as the youngest royal despised situations such as these. Luella was hardly ever seen when conflict raised and planning was done to combat it.

The occupants were all crowded around the map and talking in monotone voices, trying to declare the specific route they wanted to take. Selena glanced up as the three entered and gave a smile. “Hello, my dears. How did you sleep? I know the storm must’ve been an awful thing to awake to. Gave me quite a fright, I’d say.”

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
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