when you pulled me closer; [p]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Petyr was taken aback. He expected rage. To see the prince usually so passionate set his heart on fire. But there was no passion here, only dry acceptance. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "She never spent a night alone, is all I'm going to say," he murmured, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat. "You need to leave Grace for good. She didn't love you, she used you for sex. She told our mother about a pregnancy scare a few weeks ago.  She told her that she wasn't even going to tell you, especially when it came out false. Be careful who you sleep with, Your Highness." With that, he stood and left the room, a wicked smile flashing across his face. Outside, he met Will and nodded hastily. "Phase one is complete. He wants nothing to do with her."

Meanwhile, Grace was definitely returning to her old self. She sobbed quietly, still chained to the wall. Her skin was beginning to get irritated by the shackles, and vampire or not, they began to bleed. She had no idea what was waiting for her tomorrow night, or that her brother had just ruined her reputation.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri didn't reply to Petyr, simply nodding in understanding as he got up from the couch and was exiting the room.

Sitting in silence for a moment, the prince considered what he'd just been told. Grace had used him. Be it for sex or a long term goal of influence, there was no doubt about it anymore.

Christ, he felt so stupid. As Henri sat brewing in his own misfortune, anger began to build up inside. How dare she seduce him like that. Had he not given her what she wanted? Apparently it wasn't enough.

In the heat of the moment, he swung himself off the couch and onto his feet. Into the hall he went with a look of fierce determination glowing in his eyes. Gone were the feelings of guilt. This execution would be for the best. She'd brought this all on herself.

Henri was able to enter the dungeon from a lesser known entrance with no guards. The two outside her cell were immediately dismissed by the prince. This outburst needed to happen alone. The less people that knew of this, the better.

When they left, he stared through the bars at Grace with a cold expression. Void of any sympathy, he narrowed his eyes in white hot anger.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

His voice was a bitter spat.

"Your brother has told me all about your other men. How dare you, Grace. I thought you loved me. I thought I loved you. Turns out you've done nothing but lie to me."

He laughed in anger, reeling himself back from the impulse to strike the metal bars in frustration.

"I will not be made a fool of by some street tramp such as yourself. You will do harm no longer. We've all discussed it. Windhelm has enough on it's plate than to deal with your kind."

Preparing to leave, he began to back away even more.

"Your execution date is set. The public will know nothing of what happened between us. As far as they're concerned, you were just another unfortunate loss. As if you deserve even that title."

Henri gave another chuckle, mind lost in the flow. He was talking out of anger and hurt. In hindsight, he didn't mean anything that spewed from his mouth just now.

"May God be with you. I've nothing left to say. Goodbye, Grace."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

When she heard footsteps, Grace looked up, desperately. Her eyes were no longer the silvery dream that they usually were. They were a a frightening blood red color. The warmth of Grace had returned in them, however. To hear Henri call her such names and accuse her of such things caused more pain than her restraints. Then he mentioned Petyr and it all made sense.

"Petyr told you this? And you believed him?" she asked, very offended that he would even take the word of someone who had been sabotaging their relationship for years. "Have you taken the time to consider what you're actually accusing me of? If I remember correctly, you were my first! We had to wash your bedsheets ourselves so no one would be suspicious!" she hissed, tugging at her restraints. "I'm hurt that you don't trust me enough to actually verify everything he's said to you. I would never lie to you, and you know that," she breathed, turning away. When he mentioned execution, her stomach tightened. "What the hell am I being executed for? I have committed no crime!" she spat, locking her eyes with Henri's.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri chuckled at her defenses spitefully. "What would Petyr have to gain in lying to me? Especially something of this degree. I don't know you as well as I thought, Grace. I don't know what you're capable of anymore."

His expression melted when she asked about the execution. This was a sensitive topic, as her crime was one not entirely her fault.

"Your crime is existence. Vampires are not permitted on our land. Especially with you being a newborn. We don't need that kind of instability while evacuating our subjects"

He made his way toward the exit, casting a slightly forlorn expression when he glanced back. With a sad sigh, he looked down.

"Even without knowledge of your infidelity, the decision was already made. I've no control over it any longer. Godspeed."

With that, the prince was gone. Even through his anger, her frightful words pierced his heart. What if she was telling the truth?

Off in the distance, Will watched his brother stumble out of the dungeon and slam the door behind him.

"I'm guessing that wasn't a very pleasant visitation."

The youngest prince chuckled as he observed Henri head back towards his room. "I've got to say, Petyr. Things have come along swimmingly. I'm impressed."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace watched in defeat as the man she once thought of as her entire future left her in the darkness. So he was really okay with executing her? And he wasn't even going to try for justice? That didn't sound like Henri at all.

Upstairs, Petyr gave another wicked grin. "I agree. Henri has clearly made his decision about Grace. I doubt if he'll still want to take the throne, with or without her. Which leaves it to you," he purred, pulling the younger Prince back. "You know, with you as King, the two of us would be unstoppable. We'd have Henri at his knees, begging for mercy. Begging for me to love him," he sighed, cracking his knuckles.

Petyr got up and began to pace. "I want Grace tortured to death. Just mere fire won't do it for me. I want to watch that slut beg for forgiveness," he spat.

Meanwhile, Selena had heard Henri yelling and a door slamming. Dismissing the maid she was speaking to, she rushed to meet her son to find out what was going on. "Henri! What's going on?" she breathed, pulling him into a hug. It was clear he was distressed.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

A small smile crept onto his face as Will leaned against the wall, watching Petyr pace in front of him. "We shall be. Since the day I was born, I've lived in my brothers shadow. With Henri gone, I will finally prove my worth to these peasants." He turned his head back towards the direction of the dungeon, eyes glowing with victory.

Finally, the pieces were falling into place. His place.

"You shall have your wish. I'll see to it."

Henri tensed when he heard his mother call for him. Her embrace was soothing, but it still didn't extinguish the fire in his heart. "Nothing is the matter. I'm just struggling to cope with what's transpired." The prince pulled away from Selena and chose to omit Grace's infidelity. The lesser people knew of his damaged pride, the better. "I'll be fine, mother. Our people are who we should be worrying about."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Grace Elisabeth Calistoga [/abbr]

Petyr was very satisfied with the direction things were headed. Even more so when he overheard a conversation between Alfred and his parents.

”-a storm moving in. I’m moving the execution up to now. I want this over with so we can start preparing our people to evacuate before the storm,” Alfred tumbled quietly. He wore a sad look, but he knew what he had to do as long. He had to protect his people and his family first.

Curious, Petyr ran off to find Henri. ”My Prince! Did you hear they’re moving Grace’s execution up? Your father is on his way to retrieve her!” he sounded quite exhilarated, adrenaline beginning to pump through his body. With Grace officially out of the way, it was going to be a lot easier to knock Henri out of the running for the throne.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Henri had been walking away from his mother when Petyr suddenly ran up to him, seemingly elated to share the haunting news. A twinge jolted his heart, making the prince very confused.

Grace had cheated on him multiple times. Why should he care about her fate?

"I see. Thank you for telling me."

The news had finally become all too real. As he fully considered the thought of having his former lover burned at the stake, a defiance suddenly grew in his heart.

"If you'll excuse me I believe I've actually forgotten something. I'll join everyone in a moment."

With that, Henri quickly walked away from eyesight. He knew his father and the guards would head towards the main entrance of the dungeon, so the prince went straight towards the one he'd used earlier.

Opening the heavy door, he slipped inside as silently as a mouse and headed towards the guards post. Although empty, their possessions still remained about. His eyes scanned around for the object he was looking for, and immediately dropped down to grab it.

A long chain of keys.

Thinking about Grace being killed, even regardless of the things she'd done to him, was too much to bare. He loved her in spite of himself. He still loved her enough to commit a heavy act of treason against his own family.

Henri bolted to the direction of Grace's cell, immediately unlocking it and heading inside.

"Don't question me. Just stay silent and follow my lead."

There was much time to communicate with her as he unfastened her restraints and helped her forward.

"We've got to leave. They're looking for you and soon me as well."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]grace elisabeth calistoga[/abbr]

Grace inhaled sharply as her restraints came undone. She definitely had questions, but she obeyed Henri quietly. It wasn't until footsteps were heard that a fresh wave of panic came over her. She knew what this was about. Henri had mentioned execution, and this must be what it's about- otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

They escaped out of sight just in time. Alfred and his guards burst into the dungeons and rounded the corner to catch a glimpse of the corner of Grace's gown disappear behind the wall exiting the dungeon. The two ran and ran, and they didn't look back. They didn't speak until they were safely on horseback, riding off as quickly as they could.

Alfred narrowed his eyes knowingly. "Search for that boy and that fugitive and don't come back until you find them," he hissed, whipping around and stalking off.

Grace's breath was shaky. "Henri, you need to know that I am innocent of everything Petyr accused me of. You asked what his gain would be in lying like that? His gain is to watch me go down. He would rather die and go down kicking than see me rise to power next to you. He loves you," she breathed, looking at her infected wrists. No wonder most people died in the dungeons before they could be released.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]Henri Earl Ashdowne[/abbr]

Escaping proved to be more of a challenge than first expected. Henri had ushered Grace out the exit just as the guards had entered. The two ran off, eventually jumping into horseback to put as much distance between themselves and the castle as possible.

For awhile, a tense silence broken only by the thump of hoof steps filled the air. There was much to be said, and he knew it.

As Grace explained herself, it pained him to realize that she made a good case.

"I don't know what to think right now. Everybody has been in my head lately. I just.. I can't handle it anymore."

He gripped the reigns of his steed tightly, but his eyes glanced over at her wrists. The prince sighed in irritation.

"There may be something for first aid in my saddlebag. It's not much, but it'll do. Let's stop up here and catch our breaths."

[div style="font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE; font-size:12pt;line-height:11px;"][b][i]YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T THINK ABOUT GOD
[div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:arial black;color:COLORHERE;opacity:0.4; line-height:9px;"]
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