[i].—&* Standing on the beach With a gun in my hand, Staring at the sea, Staring at the sand. Staring down the barrel, I can see his open mouth, But I hear no sound.
[align=center][color=#aaa][size=5px][abbr=.—&* BATS]&&

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
I'll have Rowan walk into camp, and ,if you don't mind playing Robin, him question her and then reveal that he knew the entire time because let's face it, Robin is going to know when there's been someone in his woods.

Rowan had decided against her better judgement, and remained away from camp a bit longer. She was already going to be late, so she figured a few more minutes wouldn't hurt anything. She had followed Tadeas, keeping out of sight among the trees. She wanted to make sure he had reached the village without trouble. Once he was safely out of sight among the houses, she turned back. "Home here I go." she muttered to herself. As quickly and quietly as she could, she made her way back to the place she called home. It wasn't much of a place. Just a somewhat opened area beside a stone wall and a small pond. But offered protection, and that was a lot coming from the forest.

Entering the area, Rowan was relieved to see that the men hadn't waited up on her, they had no reason to, and everyone except the watchmen seemed to be asleep. Hoping to go unnoticed, she made her way to the wall. There was a little cave-like opening in it where she slept. Before she reached it however, someone called her name. Rowan turned, gulping. Her father had waited for her to return.

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
[i].—&* Standing on the beach With a gun in my hand, Staring at the sea, Staring at the sand. Staring down the barrel, I can see his open mouth, But I hear no sound.
[align=center][color=#aaa][size=5px][abbr=.—&* BATS]&&

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
Rowan's eyes had filled with fear when he had gazed at her without speaking for so long. Hearing him, the fear turned to terror. Of course he would have waited for her to return and not come looking himself. She almost wished he had. At least he wouldn't murder her in front of a stranger. Now, she wasn't so sure he wouldn't. She meet his gaze for as long as she could, but finally looked away. She couldn't take its intensity.

She was quiet for a split second before the lie tumbled out of her lips. "I was exploring the forest and lost track of time." It was a lame lie, but at least it had a partial truth to it. She had been exploring the forest, and she had lost track of time. But she left out the part that she had been exploring it with a stranger. A stranger from the village. The village that Robin Hood despised. Somehow, she sensed he knew she was lying. Of course he knew she was. But she had to at least try and keep out of trouble.

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
[i].—&* Standing on the beach With a gun in my hand, Staring at the sea, Staring at the sand. Staring down the barrel, I can see his open mouth, But I hear no sound.
[align=center][color=#aaa][size=5px][abbr=.—&* BATS]&&

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
This might be bad because I am mobile but I will do my best

Rowan had kept quiet throughout his scorn. She knew that he hadn't taken her everywhere; he himself hadn't been everywhere. But, she kept her mouth shut. This wasn't the time to start picking fights with him. She was lucky to still be standing at the moment.

Hearing him tell her to eat, she jerked her head up to stare at him. He knew. There was no way he didn't. So what game was he playing? He surely wasn't done with her yet. Nevertheless, she obeyed him and made her way over to the pile. Now that she thought about it, she was starving.

"How was Wolf's hunt today?" Rowan asked, keeping her focus on the pile rather than him. Wolf was Rowan's older by three years, and today he had gone hunting with Johnny Boy for the first time. Rowan hoped the question would take Robin's attention off of her

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
The Prince and the Outlaw(Private for Sultan)
(You're fine.)

Rowen noticed he was growing nervous. Hearing him say they had passed the same tree twice, she smirked. "Dude, trust me, it's not. Most trees look alike unless you live within them everyday like I have. Why do you think people get lost so much?" she inquired of him as she kept walking. She suddenly stopped as the trees thinned. She nods to a narrow, dirt trail a little ways ahead of them. "That's the road back into town. Just head that way along it, and you should get to town within an half hour." she tells him, pointing in a direction. She then looked at him, smiling. "I enjoyed talking to you. Come visit the woods again. I'll show you the caves next time." She then turns, and starts to head back into the forest. She was forbidden to ever leave the tree line, and that was one rule she wasn't going to break. Robin would kill her for that one.

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
you wanna do a timeskip or something?? not sure what to post lol

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
I was kind of wanting Robin to catch her and him scold or her something. But we can timekskip if you want to

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
okay that sounds good! I'll have him go back to the village or something lol -- i'll reply after homework

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
[b]"..yeah, okay." he murmured long after she had left. [i]rowan, huh? a little scary, but kind of interesting. he would come back if he didn't die.

perhaps that should be a motto he would live by -- he would come back if he didn't die. wow; he was inspired.

tadeas took his time in walking back to the castle. it was surprising that no one was out and about looking for him, but he wasn't complaining. that meant that his father wasn't waiting for him, right?

but as he soon found out when he arrived in his chambers, that wasn't the case.

"tadeas!" his father's roar emanated throughout the castle.
he jumped a little, but tried to remain calm. "father."
"where have you been?!"
"..on a walk." he wasn't lying.
"of course - for the entire day?"
maybe if tadeas crawled into his bed and fell asleep he would leave.
"i asked you something!"
"i'm sorry father, it won't happen next time."
"of course it won't. there won't be a next time." with that, the sheriff of nottingham finally left.

tadeas puffed up his pillow and pulled himself into his covers. his father always said that.
robin hood stopped rowan when she was one step away from a good night's sleep. his trademark aloof, nonchalant behavior was nowhere to be seen.

[b]"come here," he instructed, but approached her instead. he inhaled as if to speak, but ended up staring down at her for a very long time. "where were you?" his tone did not hint at his fury; instead, it was calm and collected, and it almost sounded that he was only asking her out of curiosity.

and he was, really. he could never be furious with his daughter - just a little cross.

"i thought of coming out to look for you, but i felt it would've be more interesting if you came back and told me everything yourself." robin hood crossed his arms and lowered himself onto a boulder. "go on, speak up."

he began to wonder if rowan would tell the truth. though she wasn't one to lie, he had a feeling that she would. and of course, he and his dead mother would see right through it. whenever rowan did tell a lie, her face would turn a bright red and she would stammer like mad. he nearly chuckled at the thought. he actually began to hope that she'd lie. it'd give him a good laugh.
[b]"mhmm.." he cocked a brow and waited for rowan to elaborate, but realized that she had accepted defeat a long time ago. "what's more to explore? i've taken you to every nook and cranny of this place. won't you be getting bored?" quite the contrary - robin hood would liked to have been able to declare that he knew sherwood forest like the back of his hand, but he didn't. the place was huge - he wouldn't be able to explore the entire thing in one lifetime. and as for being bored? never. roaming around aimlessly was his favorite pastime.

"did you fall asleep? meet someone?" god, this was [i]fun. he loved scaring the wits out of her - she looked so precious. "you left in the morning - one just doesn't..lose track of time." of course they could. anyone could.

"but never mind that. you must be hungry - go and eat something." he gestured towards the pile of food near the burnt-out fireplace. "and be quiet. everyone's asleep." under his orders, they were. all of them were walking around, pulling their hair out in worry for this girl. it was beginning to annoy him, so he sent them off to bed.
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