[i].—&* Standing on the beach With a gun in my hand, Staring at the sea, Staring at the sand. Staring down the barrel, I can see his open mouth, But I hear no sound.
[align=center][color=#aaa][size=5px][abbr=.—&* BATS]&&

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
Its fine. And forgive me if this is crappy. I'm on my phone

Rowan narrowed hef eyes, uneasy about this stranger. "You are someone. Now answer the question who." She demanded. Even as she spoke she was checking him over by eye to make sure he carried no weapons. She would rather not fight. Thankfully, she spotted none.

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
[i].—&* Standing on the beach With a gun in my hand, Staring at the sea, Staring at the sand. Staring down the barrel, I can see his open mouth, But I hear no sound.
[align=center][color=#aaa][size=5px][abbr=.—&* BATS]&&

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
The Prince and the Outlaw(Private for Sultan)
It was a rather warm day for fall. The leaves in the trees were changing from green to reds, yellows, browns, and oranges. The grass was withering, turning brown as well. However, the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. It was the perfect day for hunting in the forest.

Creeping along, Rowan Hood was on high alert, her bow drawn. Her brother had challenged her to bring back a deer, and she was determined to win. He was always teasing her, and she took every chance she had to out shine her older brother.

Hearing a twig snap, she drew an arrow and advanced towards the sound. Excitement coursed through her. If she managed to bring this deer down, it would be her first successful solo hunt. She wanted to make her father proud.

Moving closer, Rowan made sure to remain hidden. To be spotted down would mean to lose the deer. But when she spotted her prey, it wasn't what she was expecting. Standing there was a young boy, looking to be about ten years of age like herself. There was a bow on his back, but he didn't seem interested in hunting. He wore garments only the rich could afford.

Narrowing her eyes, Rowan stepped out of her hiding spot. "Who are you?" she demanded, her bow drawn to fire. The boy whirled around to face her.

Take it from here sultan!

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
I hope the intro was good?

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
yeah, of course it was!

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
Thanks. Now we can being the roleplay!

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
bumping for myself! sorry i haven't replied yet ):

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
Its fine. I've been extremely busy myself. I'm going to be in a play on the 24 and 25 so we've been practicing everyday

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
there was absolutely nothing the boy hated than being in the vicinity of his father and the palace grounds. don't get him wrong - he loved being wealthy, especially when it came with croissants. but he could never wash away the odd feelings of guilt and hatred towards his notorious folk.

he didn't mind the executions - most of them seemed to deserve it - but the sheriff's very personality put him off ever so slightly. he was snobbish, arrogant, rude, insolent, childish, and stupid, and he hated him to the greatest degree.

tadeas decierdo tended to receive a lot of attention -- his parents, village belles, etcetera, etcetera, but he made sure to be humble about it. he was naturally quite reserved, and didn't speak unless spoken to (this trait naturally developed because of the fear bred since his younger years). he rarely ventured out of the castle, and the one time he did was the one he would regret.

[i]"who are you?"

his heart stopped, and at the moment, he almost thought it better to die on the spot than to turn around.


/sorry this took so long!
/it's fine! and sorry this took so long again ):

tadeas cocked an eyebrow. [b]"if you must know.." he muttered, a ghost of a smirk twisted across his features. "i live over there." he gestured behind her, not necessarily expecting her to follow. "in the worst place you could ever imagine."

it wasn't an exaggeration at all. he truly did despise living there and would continue to do so for the rest of his life.

"i'm tadeas. son of the sheriff." he declared after a while.

"now it's my turn to ask." it was only polite to, after all. "who are you?" and why did she seem so defensive? she wasn't some sort of wild animal to defend her territory, was she? the forest belonged to everyone, and everyone belonged to the forest.

but maybe he could make a new friend. he was bored and lonely - maybe they could play a game. she was holding something -- possibly with that?

"what's your name?"
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