Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input
[div style="width: 450px; margin: auto; text-align: justify"]First of all, thank you for the offers to step in! It's good to know that if there was an emergency, there'd be people there. However, Crows and I have devised a plan for vetting a new set of admins. I've already been working on a google form to serve as the application, which will be open for each member of staff to take. It's very long and detailed, with questions I hope will prepare the future admin for what lays ahead. Depending on how many members of the team decide to apply, there will be a thread on bearbones with their ideas for the site and another form that members can vote in. I'd compare it more to an electoral college that will help inform me and Crows than a popular vote, though. There's a lot that goes into deciding who will be the next admin, and we definitely want community support to be one of them.

When will all this happen? Well, we'd like to give everyone a chance to settle into their new roles before dramatically shaking things up again, but I expect it to be within the next few weeks. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chance by telling everyone my intentions to step down, it feels like before I was hiding something and now I'm not. It's given me something of a second wind for bb, enough that I can ensure a smooth transition and tie up lose ends. I still have every intention of stepping down, however, this is not to say I've changed my mind about that. I haven't, and I look forward to seeing what the new admins do with the site as I have the utmost faith in all of our potential candidates.

Also, [member=10980]venus.[/member] , I know I said we'd be getting back to you asap, but Cygnus has been having a lot of wifi issues and is in the middle of moving. She should be able to respond in the next week and a half, or if you'd prefer someone else, we might be able to reply quicker. It's up to you, but either way, you'll get a response.

Finally, the other staff members are gonna chime in and respond to different parts of the discussion. I'm sorry this took so long, it's been a busy week for everyone but we have not been ignoring you.

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
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Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by dame - 07-27-2020, 06:33 AM
Re: Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by dame - 09-04-2020, 10:12 PM

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