Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input
[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: calibri; font-size: 9.2pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Okay for mutual transparency here, I left this site a long time ago and don't ever intend on coming back. But I wanted to step in here and say that what the others have said as of late is really a strong part of what drove me away and I think it's something that staff needs to take a good long look at if they want to avoid this happening to the remaining userbase.

Staff inactivity has been a huge issue for a very long time. The site activity has been used as an excuse for a very long time as well, and ngl that just does not cut it anymore. If anything is ever going to change, every single staff member needs to be involved in this site. No excuses. I remember being staff, and I remember how long discussions would stagnate because people just couldn't wrap it up. And I remember ultimatums and rushing being met with bitterness and excuses.

I'm being blunt here not bc I'm angry at staff but because I want this site to thrive in a way it's never, ever, really done. And doing that means facing the issues head-on and not beating around the bush anymore. These surveys and discussions don't mean anything because they're never followed up on. Nothing on BB lasts more than a week, it seems, because anytime a single person puts in effort it's never been backed up.

BB needs a community first and foremost. Honest conversations, true effort, and people who are eager and willing to put the work into any changes. And that just doesn't happen in any coordinated way. I just want to put my problems with the site out there so maybe the people that are still sticking around will be able to stop these experiences from happening to anyone else, because it sucks. I know that a lot of the people in this thread have poured their hearts into this game and there's just no coordinated effort from anyone, and if nothing's changed since I was last here, there's also just...not a sense of community.

That's the first thing that has to change, before anything to TNW.

Just my two cents, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by dame - 07-27-2020, 06:33 AM
Re: Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by aureate - 08-24-2020, 11:23 PM

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