Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Right, so I have a feeling this will be a ramble so please bear with me!

I think that, personally, the only way we are going to bring back activity to the game is if we begin to make changes to how those in TNW live, yet without thrusting the changes upon those who don’t want those changes to affect the way they can interact with the world. Whilst the basis of the game began with The New World - life after electricity went out - it doesn’t mean that people can’t begin to attempt to retrace their steps and reestablish some semblance of a civilised world. Of course, I don’t think that modern electricity itself should be introduced into the game as that would defeat the purpose of this story line, but a lot of advancements took place before the discovery of electricity and yet all of them seemed to crumble when the electricity went out; why can’t the people of TNW begin to work towards bringing these elements back into motion to provide a more civilised way of life?

Before I continue, let me just note that when I say a ❛ more civilised way of life ❜, I don’t mean modern technology as we know it, or even technology in the last 100 years. I mean ancient technology from hundreds of years ago which eventually was developed into what we know today, with help from electricity to modernise old practices. I know that, if I was in TNW, I would want to work towards a more controlled society, but I know not everyone would want that, favouring current life to what generations before had once known. It could create an in-game conflict of interest, bringing a new element into TNW; some people want to modernise their post-apocalyptic world to bring back an ease of living, whilst others don’t want their lives to change as the post-apocalypse has become the new normal for them.

So, I have several ideas which could potentially bring about a new change in the game if people are interested, and the beauty of these ideas is that, if they were implemented, there is no pressure to incorporate it into a group or character’s life. I mean, using a real life example, the world as we know it is highly modernised, yet there are still those who choose to live off-the-grid in rural settlements as they prefer a slower paced lifestyle. We can begin to develop TNW without anyone being forced into going along with it. Perhaps it’s the case where the three established groups (Flintlock, Badlands and Northstar) are the only groups to begin to develop and attempt to revolutionise their territories as, since they have been around for the longest, I imagine they ought to have the greatest population of inhabitants, greatest technologies of their time and greatest wealth etc. which can justify their growth.

Now this brings me to the ideas themselves. Firstly, originally the steam power idea was purely an idea which I was interested in for leisure activities (such as steam powered fairground rides like carousels etc.) but, if it were to be developed into a more generalised idea, I think it could be really interesting to see it used for more essential purposes such as steam powered locomotives or steamboats for somewhat longer distance travel, or steam pumps to collect water from deep underground, providing water which is generally safer to drink.

I understand that the logistics for this would have to be worked out which is understandable as we must maintain realism. Infrastructure would likely need to be fixed or remade entirely, but luckily I think that liquid time and space could make it easier for those in TNW to eventually build a new simplified infrastructure. It has been done before, so I’m sure somewhere out there there are people who can recreate it again.

As for coal, I know that Bluestem has a mine where coal can be sourced if that helps! It could even create a sitewide plot as groups would need coal for revolutionising their way of living, but they’d have to source it from a lawless group that can’t exactly be trusted, creating tensions and conflict.

So yeah! I feel like the three established groups could very well expand their territory to create a greater sense of civilisation. These can be the groups which begin to encourage a self-sufficiency of members where they can begin to choose to provide for themselves, living anywhere in the territory, and yet remain loyal to their region. By region, I mean the three groups claiming a larger expanse of surrounding land to expand their territory. They become regions rather than groups, and the high positions act as governing parties or rulers. Whilst there can still be a great sense of community within regions, it also develops what they know and brings about a gradual change in the game.

Personally, I always imagined the current long-standing groups to be different parts of Northern America; FL towards the north, ND towards the east, LS towards the south, BL towards the west, and BP somewhere in the middle. If they were to begin to establish regions based on their general compass orientation, that would be pretty cool.

It would be interesting to see the three established groups working together to establish a new legal system so that actions can be done based on its legality rather than whether someone thinks it is moral or not. It just raises the stakes for plots and whatnot and unifies IC rules based on what the three established groups have set as laws. Again, this could become another sitewide plot idea - people revolting against this idea (especially those who don’t come from the three groups) as they deem it irrelevant to them. 

Also, Scully, Finny and I have continued to discuss ideas with each other for BL if we were to take on the group, but I think one idea which would be interesting regardless would be the implementation of a monetary currency throughout the game. Of course, bartering and trading should still be encouraged, but the idea of trading goods and services with money would bring a whole new element to TNW. We were discussing an idea where, if our three characters were to take BL on, they can smelt ore and/or recycled metals in order to manufacture some sort of coin which can be distributed between groups to use. But, as a sitewide plot idea, the money is highly governed by the BL as they act as a sort of ❛ bank of TNW ❜ which eventually gives BL a power over other groups as TNW’s ❛ bad group ❜, which creates issues between groups.

I think changes such as these are important as they produce new opportunities for sitewide plots, which can hopefully bring back activity! As others have said (and I know that I may be biased but-) it would be lovely to see us all work together to revitalise existing groups. I am so down to make big changes to the groups that I’m currently leading if it will help bring activity back to the site, but it requires effort from everyone involved. Recently I advertised surveys asking for ideas of what changes people would like to see in the groups in order to bring in activity, but unfortunately I got very little feedback. In order for us to all be happy, we all need to make the effort to make the game enjoyable for us all!

Lastly, in general I agree with the majority in saying it would be nice to focus on what we already have, even if it means implementing big changes to make it exciting for people again. A new group would be nice, but will it create the change needed to bring interest back to the game as a whole? I’m not too sure it is sufficient enough. Many groups tend to come and go without evolving the game too much; I think bigger changes are needed to draw interest back to the game - my suggestions are only a few ideas, but I’m certain there is so much more out there which will liven the game up again.

Just out of interest, what do you mean by a ❛ new creature ❜? And, also, what were your ideas for the new group and biome? I’d be interested in hearing more about it, because maybe it will gather enough interest to kick-start the game again!

I think that's everything covered. Sorry for the ramble! It wouldn't be a post from me if it wasn't one big ramble though, right GHFJHGJKL I'd be interested to hear what people think of these ideas; I think TNW really does need to evolve from its original plot in order to move forward.

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

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