Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input
[div style="width: 450px; margin: auto; text-align: justify"]Okay guys, there's quite a few things to go over here, so let's get right into it.

First off, small announcement about the staff team. Crows and Wysteria are stepping away for a little bit to focus on their real lives, but they'll be back soon enough! For the time being, however, the behind the scenes staff discussions will not be able to progress as much as usual, even at the slowed-down rate. We won't stop completely, don't worry, but it'll be a week or two before we can unveil anything that wasn't just about ready to go before tonight.

That's the behind the scenes discussions though! We're going to be sure to keep the discussion going here as much as we can, so that when it comes time to draft what the rules, regulations and requirements for steam power, we already know what you guys do and do not want to see.

Which brings me to steam power! We love seeing your enthusiasm about steam power! Getting this implemented has proven to be a challenge, since there's a lot to consider. Infrastructure that hasn't been maintained, the actual machinery itself, coal, etc. So what we've been trying to do is find a balance between all of those things that doesn't completely prohibit it. Such considerations have included members being able to buy temporary structures for bones and having permanent ones be a reward for donating, though these are just ideas, nothing set in stone.

We hear you loud and clear about prioritizing the revitalization of TNW's core groups over just adding a new one. The new group and plot isn't totally off the table and if you guys have interest in seeing more of it (even just more information on it) that's great, but it'll be on the backburner for the time being in favor of more pressing issues and exciting developments.

I'd also like to amend a grave oversight on my part. When I started planning this thread over a week ago, I had every intention of giving Truce the full and proper credit she deserves for the steam power idea. Without her we would not be having this discussion, and I'm disappointed in myself that when I actually drafted the thread for the first time, it slipped my mind. I'm even more disappointed that I didn't remember between drafting and posting. My apologies to Truce and anyone else that found her lack of credit dishonorable, a slight, or an intentional attempt at stealing her idea. This will not happen again.

Lastly, we've got an anonymous survey that we'd invite anyone and everyone to take. It's a bit long, but we've got a lot we want your feedback on.

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
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Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by dame - 07-27-2020, 06:33 AM
Re: Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input - by dame - 07-29-2020, 04:30 AM

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