It was odd seeing Byleth acting in such a manner. Something was off with her, but he couldn't quite place it. Dimitri watched her carefully as he continued along on his makeshift path. His eyes did not waver from her form, especially as she stumbled and tripped. Something was very wrong. The blonde shook his head at her comments, ignoring them as he jogged along. He wasn't going to leave her behind, especially now with her acting so differently than he was accustomed to. His neck eventually craned so that he was facing forward again, brushing off her statements. He grumbled under his breath, only glancing back to see how close the band of rogues were.

When Dimitri tore his attention from the rogues to Byleth, concern etched itself into his features. She was in pain, as much as she was trying to hide it. What was wrong? "We need to get you somewhere safe," he snapped back at her in a rather impolite manner, his voice low, barely audible. He didn't mean to be so harsh, but given their circumstances.. He had to be. She was delusional. He wouldn't allow her to fight in such a condition, even if she so wanted to.

"If you think you can fight in this state..." His voice trailed off as he pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowing. There was worry in his gaze, for both Byleth and their lives. He squeezed the hand that was holding hers, making sure she didn't letting go, and also for reassurance. As he rounded a corner, Dimitri realized there was a cave. It was deep enough that the shadows would conceal them, and hopefully the band would pass without noticing their presence. "We'll hide in here," Dimitri told his professor, tugging her along, though in a careful manner. As he traversed further into the cave, the darkness began to consume him, overwhelm him. The blonde breathed a shaky sigh before seating himself and letting go of Byleth's hand. "Professor, something's wrong. With you. You're in obvious pain. It's concerning," Dimitri murmured, keeping his voice low in case the band of rogues came across the mouth of the cave.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Byleth grits her teeth, almost clenching then painfully as Dimitri kept shaking her off. Damn stubborn boy. She turns to the gathering crowd of rogues, her grip visibly and audibly tightening on her sword. It became slanted, ready to strike. She doesn't even show shock. Certainly, with the way Dimitri was acting, the blue-haired mercenary would have a chat with him. And she was worried for him - he was extremely blunt and straightforward, not with the usual fluff that came with his words. She tried to yank her hand away, to better wield the sword and get ready to fight. However, given his... Crest, that would not be possible without breaking her whole arm.

That's when she was yanked, forced to follow the Crown Prince once more. Anger swelled in her, and she tried to skid to a stop multiple times. Dust was kicked up, brown swirling in the air. She pointed her sword at the bandits, given how she couldn't really stop him. Her eyes go wide as she is rushed into a cave. Darkness. That is all she sees - except Dimitri, who seemed too happy to enter the encroaching shadows. She watches him sit down. With a sigh of her own, and shaking her head, she begins to lower herself. The cool temperature of the wall seeped into her clothes, and she brushes a tired - no, exhausted hand, through blue hair. Her gaze returns to normal - the pain is there, but not the shock of it. "There is nothing wrong with me, Your Highness. When it's clear, we must go to the Monastery again."

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

pyre patted this person
hoot hoots
Silence fell over them, like a shroud, or a veil. He addressed her comment with a curt nod of his head. His knees were drawn up to his chest, and one of his arms was draped over them, his free hand holding his lance. He was still poised, ready, to kill if necessary. A darkness was in his eyes as he peered out of the mouth of the cave. His brows remained furrowed as he glanced at Byleth, noting her odd behavior. He said nothing of it, choosing silence to talking.

The commotion outside began to die down - the laughing, the chatter. Dimitri breathed a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding. The grip on his lance tightened just a bit, knuckles turning white. He relaxed for a moment as he stood swiftly, taking a few brisk steps towards the entrance. He peered outside, his pale blue eyes narrowed and attentive. If they were anywhere nearby then they couldn't leave. However, the longer he looked, the less he saw. There were rocks, debris and gravel, but no signs of rogues. He padded quietly to Byleth, extending a hand to her. "I believe it is safe to leave, professor," Dimitri murmured to her, hair falling in his eyes as he tilted his chin down to better look at her. "Unless there is some reason you had to be here," he said in a somewhat accusatory tone, suspicion lining his voice as he peered down at her. He kept his arm and hand extended out to her, waiting for her to accept his gesture, but his body was averted away from her. The blonde wanted to trust her, but she had blatantly lied to his face. Was she as trustworthy as she made herself out to be? Dimitri frowned slightly, eyes swimming with confusion and betrayal.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Blue eyes scanned the Red Canyon - deep blue, holding nothing or seeming to, at least. Still, it bugged her. Why were these pictures, surely Sothis' memories, appearing in front of her? It wasn't right. Something was off here. She stays there for a few seconds, almost as if she was dazed. The silence is homely to her, showing no emotion though there would be tension underneath.

Nothing was said, her grip on her sword slacking. She wasn't like Dimitri, and the Ashen Demon didn't seem so ready to kill anymore. She stares at his hand, the gesture, before getting up. Her hands quickly move down the side of her pants, pulling apart roks that were caught in the lace and she taps the bottom of the boots. She grabs his hand and noticed his look. The way his body was twisted away from her, the way he seemed to not look at her. Despite not showing emotion, she could read it rather well and yanked her hand away. "I will tell you later." She remarks bluntly.

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

pyre patted this person
hoot hoots
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