It was a particularly quiet day at the monastery. The soft chatter of students and the quiet breeze that wafted through the gazebo he sat below could be heard, but aside from that, there was little to listen to. Today was one of the few they got to relax. He knew Dedue would be in the garden, and Felix would be practicing, but for once, he took this time for himself. Dimitri was reading a book, engrossed and finger tapping the pages lightly. His pale blue eyes scanned the page rather quickly, as if he was merely skimming it. He was an avid reader, as much as he didn't seem so. There was just so little time in which he could partake in the activity. The blonde was glad that for the moment he had the chance to read, etching away slowly at his collection. He hummed softly to himself as the plot thickened, his eyes narrowing slightly.

It was when a soft clearing of someone's throat sounded in the area that he straightened his back and peered over his shoulder to see the culprit. When he noticed it was merely Byleth, he visibly relaxed, but kept himself erect. He would be respectful and courteous. She was, after all, his professor. "Professor? Do you need something?" Dimitri inquired, soon pivoting around so that he faced her. He then stood, his eyes flickering down slightly so that he could peer at her face. His book had shut, though he kept a finger between the pages to keep his spot. He then cocked his head to the side, a curiosity in his now widened gaze. It wasn't necessarily rare for Byleth to reach out to him, considering he was the leader of his house. However, this was one of the days for them to relax. Did she need something? His mind raced with a stream of consciousness, ever flowing. Thoughts plagued his mind, though the negative ones did not linger long. He preferred to look at this situation as a glass half full type. Perhaps she wanted to spar, or needed his help with something.


i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Some peace and quiet was all that Byleth had hoped for. The cold air softly blowing, the looming gray skies suggesting snow would be falling soon... it felt so, so much better to the Ashen Demon. She was used to the rough and tumble, hopping-around lifestyle of a mercenary, but it never felt like it suited her. Despite it being her only way that's she's known life, it didn't feel right.

She, herself, had taken some time to just enjoy the monastery. For a while, she had sat in the church, noticing the faint lights passing through the colored glass, causing shimmering lights. She listened to the singing. She fished, hearing the splashes, feeling cool water hit her face.

That all changed when Sothis had called her- talking about Zanado, the Red Canyon. Something about memories being obsucred. Byleth's own were, as well. The two had decided to venture off, but they could not do so without speaking to someone about it. Which lead them to the Boar Prince. She cleared her throat and gave no emotion upon Dimitri seeming to jump. He still seemed a bit nervous as he stood up, realizing who it was. Crossing her arms, though not in a disrespectful, sassy way, she looks over him. Did he think something had gone wrong? She hoped not. Nothing was, at the moment. She begins to speak, her voice calm yet respectful. "Hello, Your Highness. I have been... told that there is some business I must attend to. Can you keep a watch over the House for me? Hanneman would want to see all of your Crests, and I'm afraid Manuela would be trying to take some knight out for a date rather than making sure you all are okay."

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

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Dimitri's chin tilted down slightly as he stared at her, pale blue eyes focused on her unwavering features. How she managed to be so stoic in times like these baffled him. She was the most stone-faced person he had ever seen, and he knew some rather apathetic people. It wasn't so much that she didn't have emotions and feelings. It was more so that Byleth knew how to keep them hidden, rarely shedding her mask. He admired her greatly.

When she spoke, though, his features changed drastically. His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes narrowed, lips pursing. He didn't quite understand why she had to go, or why she needed him to watch over the House. Dimitri supposed he understood why in terms of him rather than the other professors, but something seemed... off. He would play it off for now. Lying through his teeth bothered him greatly, but not as much as her vague request. "I suppose I can do that," Dimitri responded slowly, his features reverting back to their normal state. He offered a small smile to the professor before moving to sit back on the bench he had been seated at.

"Go on. Do whatever it is you need to do," Dimi said to her in a slightly taunting tone, waving his free hand. He then opened his book, eyes glancing down at the pages. When he lifted his gaze, he still saw her standing there. He cocked his head slightly, wondering what she was doing. He said nothing though, merely peered at her with a small smile on his lips. His plan was to follow after her, though he didn't plan on bringing anyone else. They didn't need to worry about her. Dimitri figured they would be back in a relatively short amount of time either way. He didn't think she would go far.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Deep blue eyes focused on the young man who was, admittedly, taller than the Ashen Demon. She nods, still that stoic emotion upon her face. Good - Sothis would keep bugging her and wouldn't let her forget it if she didn't go to the Red Canyon. "Thank you, Your Highness." She would reach up to ruffle his hair for a brief second, smiling a tad before her gaze returned to that distant,  unfeeling one.

She turned, pivoting, brushing a hand through deep blue hair when Sothis spoke to her. Something about needing to be careful. She understood that... but still, something seemed wrong. She glances back and notices the blond-haired boy staring at her. She offers a nod and decides to set off, walking to the entrance hall. A few students have her odd looks- but she didn't care. Not like that was her forte, anyway.

//mobile- excuse the suckiness.

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

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Though it was unusual for the professor to show some semblance of emotion, when he saw it, he wasn’t nearly as surprised as he thought he would have been. However, the ruffling of his hair did leave him taken aback. His eyes widened as he head bent a little for her to reach. He smiled softly as he watched her leave, hair disheveled and book in hand. As soon as she was gone from sight, Dimitri swiftly stood and began his quick trek to his room. He hastily threw his book onto his dresser, and grabbed his lance from its position on the wall. Something was off about this, and he would find out sooner rather than later. Dimitri wished he knew what it was. Byleth was not the type to lie. She was a rather honest, blunt individual, almost more so than necessary. It puzzled him why she would need to simply leave. Dimitri, though usually a good listener, was not going to be listening this time. He cared for Byleth, more so than he was aware.

With a swift, elongated stride, the blonde soon found himself following his professor, though he kept himself at a distance. He didn’t want to be caught, nor did he want to lose sight of her. Dimitri’s brows were furrowed as he watched her, his lance at his side and hair in his eyes. Where was she headed? On the given path, it seemed as though she was headed to Red Canyon. Why? A look of confusion passed over his features as he crouched near a boulder, eyes focused on the blue haired femme.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Byleth enjoyed Sothis' presence. It was enjoyable. Like she wasn't alone all the time - never bothered by the storm and the tempest that were her thoughts. But sometimes Sothis was that storm; that wind howling and the anger roaring. This was one of those times. Her feelings drove her to the Red Canyon - some place she needed to remember. That roaring was going to drive Byleth insane, but she offered no look saying that. Instead, her calm gaze with deep blue eyes scanned the rocks and the wilderness of this land they had called home.

I hate lying like this. Especially to a prince. Byleth muses to herself, but the Progenitor God replies that it had to be done. A sigh escapes the mouth of the girl, cold air becoming Crystal's of water vapor. She hears something, briefly grabbing her weapon and looking around. Upon seeing nothing, she continues on.

They reached the Red Canyon. It was barren. Buildings made of something she cannot discern are crumbling. Stones laid at her feet. For someplace called the Red Canyon, it did not look red. She heard something. A bandit? A thief?

"Who is there?" Her cold voice rings out amongst canyon walls, echoing.

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

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Dimitri had been shifting in his hiding spot when the ever so clear voice of Byleth sounded in the Canyon.


His thoughts were muffled as he remained crouching in his spot. He pressed his back against the boulder, attempting to be as quiet and still as possible. The blonde pursed his lips as he peered out at the horizon, his pale blue eyes focusing on a shadow in the distance. Someone was coming. If it had only been him in the area, then it would have been fine. However, as more figures rose from the horizon, worry creased in his brows and in his eyes. He had to warn Byleth, even if it meant revealing himself. Dimitri cursed under his breath again as he popped up from behind the boulder, his lithe form catapulting over the rock with ease. "Professor, we need to leave, or fight. I suggest the former," he told her in a firm, stern voice. Dimitri was never the type to flee, but considering their chances against the band of rogues making their way towards them, he was certain fleeing would be the better option.

"There are what looks to be rogues making their way over here. We are easily outnumbered. It's your call," Dimtri murmured to her as he used his lance to motion to the group. He was poised, almost eager to fight, but if she so desired to leave, then he would as well. She was, after all, his professor, and he would listen to her over his own wants. His lips remained pursed as he peered at her, brows still furrowed as well.

i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
A shadow. Why would people make their home here? It was crumbling. Unsafe. When she saw more, she backed away. Damn it. The Sword of the Creator could elongate and take out multiple enemies. But this many? She grabbed the hilt of the bony sword, unsheathing it. It glowed red - fury flaming.

That's when a lithe, skinny form all too familiar hops over a rock. "What are you doing here? You are meant to watch the House!" She chides him, voice raised yet emotionless. She was angry and felt a bit betrayed, but that would have to wait.

She was going to say to fight but then she hears a voice all too familiar. This... scene. It is familiar to me, Byleth. Why do I remember this if it was my own home? Pictures flashed - something appearing like it was stone flying through the sky, sobbing - in her mind.

Her head was pounding, how could she think like this? She doesn't betray this, except for an eye shutting. "Yout Highness, we need to leave. You go first. Now." Her voice was calm, only slight hints of emotion.


[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

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Dimitri attempted to ignore her raised, and stern voice, his focus only attentive to the problem at hand. He frowned at her for a moment before flickering his blue gaze to the crowd of rogues heading their way. "We can discuss that later, professor," the blonde spoke through grit teeth, his patience being tested. It seemed she understood that even before he had mentioned it, as she was already directing him to flee rather than stand and fight. The command irked him, but not enough that it showed on his facial features. He noted her odd behavior, but chose to brush it off for now. He gave a curt nod before breaking into a jog. His lance was held carefully at his side so that it wouldn't clank against the ground and alert the rogues of their presence.

"Professor, please come quickly," Dimitri murmured urgently under his breath, loud enough for Byleth to hear. She was simply standing there, as if she wanted to be caught in the crossfire. The blonde skidded to a halt before swiftly pivoting on his heels. He then grabbed her by the hand with his own free hand and tugged her along. Worry was swimming in his gaze, but Dimi knew better than to question it now of all times. Instead, he focused on getting them both out of there. He would carry her if he had to.

By now, the rogues were hot on their heels. They were closing in, but just barely. They weren't yet aware of their presence. Dimitri could breathe a sigh of relief over that. However, now that he was paying attention to where he was going, he realized he was heading further into the Canyon rather than away from it.


i'm drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel
Byleth grits her teeth, the only tad of emotion she had shown as she focused on the bandits around them. She was ready to bolt when...

Damn it - Sothis, making your memories less physically painful to remember would be great, she snapped mentally at the green Goddess, who rather vaguely remarked that there was nothing that she could do. She does her best to shake off the waves - to come up with a plan, clouded and as fogged as it may be. She hadn't realized where she was. Dimitri's words barely registered in her brain - come quickly. Right. She started to move, deep blue eyes appearing bleary when she felt a forceful grip on her hand and she was yanked forward.

She stumbled at first, nearly tripping - and it took her few moments to gain her own pacing back. Why was she like this? Why wasn't she the strong, stoic-faced person she'd always been around her students? She looked around. Damn. They just headed further in. "Your Highness, you need to run," she whispered to him, gaze flickering to the group of bandits. They were mostly chatting amongst themselves.

She takes another look around. The stone... things she was seeing that were flying through the air in her mind. She looked at them. They were not stone at all. She shakes her head -

throbbing. burning. Seiros above, why did it hurt so much? It felt like someone was pounding her head with a hammer, or perhaps stabbing it with a knife. She nearly makes a sound, though pain is written on her face - the way her eyes close briefly, the way she has to force herself from breathing heavily. "You need to run now," she replies once she gains enough composure to control the volume of her words. "I can try to stop them."

[Image: xion_signature_by_clff-d35cm6x.jpg]

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