Staff Discussion Updates & Member Input
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]Apologies for the double post, but we would like to quickly clarify what measures we have put into place in order to prevent any bias in the admin tryouts!

Firstly, as I briefly touched upon yesterday, the candidates for the admin tryouts will be current staff members as the current admins consider this to be the best move forward for the site. Thank you to all those who have offered to step up as admin, though, as you have only proven your dedication to the site. We are very grateful to have such a committed member base.

Now, in order to remove bias from the admin tryouts, we have three main measures that we are putting in place. First of all, members will be voting for candidates’ ideas rather than the candidates themselves. When voting for an admin, all applications will have their names removed from their application and replaced with a letter. For example, you will be voting for Candidate A, Candidate B, Candidate C, and so forth.

Next, candidates are forbidden from telling any members which application is theirs. This means that all applications are entirely anonymous. Lastly, applications will be rewritten by the staff team so that it is difficult to differentiate who is who based on their writing style.

The voting from members will not be what definitively decides who the next admins will be, but it will act as guidance for the current admins to make their final decision. The vote is absolutely vital, however, in pinpointing what members would like to see in Bearbones, so your votes are very important in this process.

Additionally, we will be setting a strict time limit on when votes will be in by to prevent the tryouts from lasting for too long. We would like a prompt decision and so we will ensure that happens. Applicants will need to send their application to current admins by Wednesday 9th September. This is subject to change if there are less than 3+ applicants. Once all applications are in, a form to vote will be open for four days before the staff can decide on the site’s new admins.

I hope this clears up some confusion and is taking a step to ensuring transparency from the staff team.

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

Small FYI for y'all - there are wildfires raging throughout the western side of the US, which is where half the team lives. We're safe as of now, but if things don't go as scheduled like promised, this would be why.

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
thanks for the update, bryne !

stay safe y'all < 3
you're welcome and ty <3

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
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