The Prince and the Outlaw(Private for Sultan)
sorry for the late response! i'll have one up in the morning

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
Robin frowned. "What do you mean? We live, as we always have." He turned to Rowan, sensing her anxiety. He put a hand on her shoulder and smiled (as much as he could given the circumstances, anyway). "I know things have been hard. There's no one who understands more than I do." He dropped his hand. "Something's bothering you. It's not just Tadeas, is it?"

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
Rowan hesitated. She was not sure if she could express herself the way she needed to, or that her father would understand. He was stubborn and had a narrow view of the world. And he was a tough man to please. She looked down at the ground. It was easy to stare at the dirt than to meet her father's gaze. "I know I have disappointed you, and more than once," she said softly. "And I know I have broken your trust." That part was perhaps the hardest to admit. The two of them always butted heads and argued, but they had always trusted one another. When Robin had kept Rowan at his side when she was little, she had trusted him at his word that she was too young to go off on her own. As she grew older and was allowed to explore on her own, Robin had trusted her to never stray too far. The forest demanded they trusted one another, or else it would kill them. And Rowan knew, even if Robin did not say it, that she had broken that trust. She had promised she would never go back into the village, and yet she had on the whim of a boy begging her to do so. "And yet," She swallowed hard. Her next words were painful, even for her. "I do not regret going into the village."

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
He did not speak immediately. After a brief pause, he continued on his way and didn't look back to see if Rowan was following. For all he knew, she could be standing right where he left her. And if he didn't know better, she could be on her way back to the village.

Her words hurt him, but they were far from surprising. It was the first time Rowan had said it out loud, but he had known of her love and wonder for the village for years. He wasn't daft; he could always pick up the twinkle in her eyes whenever he recount tales of his old foes and escapades. But she was never marveling at his quick thinking or skillful combat. It was at the way he described the bustling streets, the beautiful castle, and the vibrant faces of Nottingham.

He didn't know what to say to her. Robin knew this moment would come, but what would he do now?

/what do you think we should do next?

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
/Hmm...Maybe the sheriff comes looking for them? And a fight breaks out?

Her father not saying anything at all hurt Rowan more than anything he could have said. She watched him retreat for a moment before trailing behind him. She wrapped her arms around herself and kept her head down. She felt like crying, but she would not. She was too tough for that, even when she felt like she wasn't. When they finally reached the camp, it was nearly dark. Rowan glanced at the others, and her chest tightened. No one would look her way. Pushing aside her pain, she went to 'her' tree and began climbing. She reached the fork in the truck and sat down in it. She wished she could just disappear.

Wolf had seen Robin and Rowan return. One look at them, and he knew it was bad. He hesitated before approaching his father as his little sister disappeared into her favorite tree in the camp. " is she?" he asked softly. The young man was nervous, and he was venturing carefully. He knew how Robin's temper could be.

'Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
but Today is a gift
That is why it is called the present.'
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
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