this is the storage for adorable ginger thornberry. everything about her, tags and all, will be kept here.

[align=center][div style="width:345px; font-family: arial; font-size:15pt; color: black;"][size=9pt]TEARS FALL TO THE GROUND WE'LL JUST LET THEM DROWN [url=]——[color=black]
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.3; padding: 1px; width: 415px; margin-top: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; color:black"][spoiler=THEY CALL ME CRYBABY 10/22]General — biograhpy
▪ Ginger Aria Thornberry | Gingy, Princess | N/A
▪ Cisgender female | Demigirl | She/her pronouns
▪ eighteen years old | 10/21 | Ages realistically
▪ Member of Flintlock Lodge
The Pollyanna | Unrequited Tragic Maiden | Call To Adventure
▪ Formerly a princess of her previous group, or considered so.

Physical — reference
♦ HUMAN | Health: 98%
— This is a paragraph detailing your character's physical appearance and attributes in great, well, detail. Talk about hair/pelt, eyes, build, coloration and even clothes and accessories, if there's anything to talk about there.
minor injuries: N/A
major injuries: sprained ankle

Important Info — roleplayer
▪ Was born to parents that she has never remembered nor met but was taken in by a lesbian couple by name of Samara and Leslie Thornberry, previously Rodgers but renamed eventually.
▪ Partially deaf in one ear, so she has to give all her attention to you when she's listening or else she might completely miss what you are saying, but it isn't too effective.
▪ Although optimistic, she is very emotional. Although seemingly strong in handling the most biggest situations, her emotions break over things that are seemingly small. She doesn't try and hold this to the point that many find this a liability, as they don't know how to react to her crying
▪ Opinions, motivations and thoughts are always 100% in character and do not reflect the roleplayer's opinions

Personality — Chaotic Good
— optimistic, loving, a pretty splendid friend, humorous
— adventurous, curious, open, open-minded, adaptive, childish
— pushy, annoying, a bit selfish, emotional, reckless, falls in love easily, forgetful

Relationships — heartchart
▪ Samara x Leslie | She was pretty close to her parents
▪ Heterosexual | Panromatic | Monogamous
▪ Single | Crushing on (0) | Maybe Crushing on (0)
▪ ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅐ ⅛ ⅑ ⅒ No one
▪ With others, she's always much more than willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt; almost too willing. Her kindness is one that is almost overbearing and kindness and more than anything, she seems drawn to those most who want nothing to do with her, particularly crushes.

Interaction — plotting thread
— Physical difficulty: 6/10 | Mental Difficulty: 8/10
— Her level of training is basic, as she tends to forget plenty she's learned. She's much more agile than she is strong, and good to counsel and talk someone out of situations. She doesn't think twice before putting herself in dangerous situations, so she doesn't have plenty of stamina as she should.
— Her fighting style is relied on ideas that she does come up with. sometimes she doesn't even realize how good her ideas are, she just takes advantage of them. Currently, the most she has is knives and a bow and arrow
— No killing, no injuries without permission.
— To attack, @__ & attack in color

[align=center][div style="width:345px; font-family: arial; font-size:15pt; color: black;"][size=9pt]TEARS FALL TO THE GROUND WE'LL JUST LET THEM DROWN [url=]——[color=black]
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