Sing Us a Song . Piano Playing • Open
[align=center][size=8pt]In the last week, Advay had been gone more and more, even after the sun had fallen, he'd traded some small balls of furry looking yarn for a handful of candles and a thing of matches one day and vanished until the next morning, looking tired but not exhausted, if that explained much. He had a recent light in his eyes that suggested perhaps he had a secret project going on, much like the gardens that were made, he too was doing something that made his heart tug.

it seemed he'd finished it too. As the sun began setting, the sound of a Piano being played could be heard, echoing through the St. Peters territory in a flourish of what almost sounded like a foresty, light tune. Deeper into the territory, around the outskirts of where the fence circled around, was a music shop, where Advay sat playing a Piano he'd managed to fix up, since one leg appeared to have been broken off for a weapon and it had been terribly out of tune. Now it played like Advay believed it used to. Wonderfully, and Advay was actually smiling.

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[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 460px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black;"]
[align=left][justify][sub]The aching in his muscles from the constant weight-lifting and jogging he'd been doing was something that calmed him. It was the pain running through his limbs, the twinge in his chest from his lungs burning. It was what kept his mind from dwelling on insignificant things - like feelings. He didn't need those, they were a hindrance. But, as he heard the echo of music, his jog slowed and he changed direction to head toward the music shop. "Ad...vay.. is that you?" he panted out, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

[align=center][div style="font-size:14.1pt;line-height:0.9;color:#000;font-family:arial black"]—  I DON'T EVER MIND SHARING OXYGEN  —
I JUST WANNA GET LOST IN YOUR LUNGS [div style="font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:1px"]WOLFBITE VOLKOV. ½ WOLFBUCK; DATING. BROKEN, BEATEN, BARELY ALIVE
﷽-——-–-  PINTEREST  &   STORAGE   &  BIOGRAPHY  --–-——﷽
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
you're the reason why i'm travelling on
don't think twice, it's all right

He was listening, quietly. Unobtrusively. Roque had been wandering St. Peters and its outlying homes and businesses, still trying to find a place to settle, when he'd heard the music. Some other time, perhaps, he would simply avoid it. Right now, anything that brought back memories of another time was welcome. Especially a time before...them. Nuit. Jack. Salem. Even Atticus. The piano dug back much farther in his memory, and somehow it was relaxing. He was hesitant to approach,to interrupt; and that large Russian man enough to hold him back; but still outside, just listening--it was nice.

Advay winced as he heard his name, though he continued to play, his feet working the peddles. hell, peddles, maybe he could find an organ in a church somewhere and practice. He paused in the song and turned to look at Wolfbite and Roque, giving a soft wave. "Uh, hey, I fixed a Piano," he said awkwardly, one hand still touching the ivory keys. At the sight of Wolfbite, Atlantis shot up and pranced over for some ear scratches, while the other two just watched Roque and Wolfbite in silence, content to listen to Advay play. The last dog that Advay had, his name was Greece, and boy did he like to howl when Advay played.

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