Badlands Survey
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Recent request for a Badlands survey has prompted this. It will end on Saturday / the 11th so I will be able to use the results in the next BL meeting.

There will be a separate OOC discussion thread made after the survey results come in, breaking down the results and putting out plans to solve issues.

And just as a warning, I have added a question about cliques. This survey is anonymous, meaning if I don't get names of offenders in the survey OR names of ppl witnessing/experiencing cliquey behavior who will give me information I cannot take action beyond a blanket warning. If you have had a problem with cliquey behavior in the Badlands, please bring it to my attention through discord dms or my pms onsite so I can address it directly, or give enough info through this survey that I will be able to warn offenders or report them to staff if bullying behavior is being displayed.
I have not gotten complaints of cliques since becoming leader, but I take this stuff very seriously and I want to be vigilant about addressing it.

[align=center][div style="overflow: hidden; font-size: 12pt; color: #646464; font-family: georgia"]I need to save you, but who's going to save me?
[abbr=n/a]characters[/abbr] ++ [abbr=darky is the best little sib - pyre; tiddy - crows; how bad can i be - zodiac; #swiggity swooty I tolerate Hooty]staff ;p[/abbr]
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