A Crime Solving RP? ( Private)
(Link to the signup: https://www.bearbonesrp.com/index.php?to...#msg481131)

Simon sighed as he entered his home building. "Another day, another case." He said to himself as he hung his coat on the coatrack. Seeing that yesterday's newspaper was still on his desk, he decided to reread the news. The same headline from yesterday caught his attention. Another Body Shows Up. "Again with these bodies? It's been ten weeks and this is the tenth body to turn up. It's no wonder the officers haven't found the culprit yet." Simon gave a slight chuckle. "They're useless." He paced around the room bit as he read the same thing over, getting slightly bored at what has become of the news.

Flipping past the headline, he got to the comics part of the paper and sat down in his chair. "Well, nothing too entertaining here." He muttered and set the paper down. Getting up from his chair, he decided to make himself a cup of tea to relax. Hopefully I'll have a client sooner or later. Simon thought as his tea brewed. Once his tea was brewed, he got some sugar and lemon and mixed it in. What should I do while I wait? the thought occured to him as he drank. I could read a book, paint a painting, have some lun- his thoughts were distracted by a bark. "Oh! Koda, I had almost forgot you had woken up from your nap." Simon said with a smile and pet his companion. "Need something to eat?" he asked and went into the kitchen to get Koda's food ready.

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."
- Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)
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