[glow=Black,2,300]JUST LAST THE YEAR [url=http://]★ [/glow]
[div style="Width: 485px; min-height: 25px; padding: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; margin-top: -6px;"]Finally, the next week!! Videogames liked ending weeks with meetings -- it closed stuff up nicely. Wrapped stuff up into a bundle of 'last week' and 'this week'. Luckily, there was actually stuff to report this week.
"Meeting time, everyone!" Videogames shouts, grinning. Where was this meeting spot? Good question. It varied. He had to make a specific spot later. He didn't like confusing his clanmates, but NPCs didn't mind directing people here.
"Okay!! I finally put together the event I promised last week!! [url=]A turkey hunt
! There's no reward besides .. feathers ... and the food, but have fun, everyone!" He grins sheepishly, but he looks genuinely excited. He wasn't any good at putting together meetings but he was trying.
This being said! --
"Wait, Oh shit," Videogames startles. He blinks, and then grins very awkwardly. He ... forgot about that. "F -- for the first time in ages, we have joiners! Uh, say hi to Flowey, th -- the flower-covered goat, Caboose, the golden retriever with the helmet, Papyrus, the skeleton dog, Gaster, the ... other skeleton dog." Uh, who else?  Videogames pauses and furrows his nonexistent brow for a moment. He's doing his best, but this is new. (He probably doesn't have to describe them, but he wants them to be recognizable.) "Oh!! And lacey, the ... pink one," He doesn't know what he is. Videogames looks like he feels genuinely bad for nearly forgetting him, and only describing him as pink. Which .. was really what mattered, he supposed.
"Uh! Promotions, uh ... Gaster, if you'd like, you can be Royal Guard of Ironshade. You're new, but ..." He grins very, very sheepishly. He doesn't have an excuse. He continues on hurriedly. "Sigmund!! You .. haven't passed by the Guard rank for training, but I'm sure you could learn. W -- would you like to be Shaman? Or .. something else?" Sigmund has been active, and Videogames likes him.
Videogames is pretty new to this leader thing. Making substantial decisions sucks, but .. he's trying. He really is.
"That's all, though, unless anybody has anything to say! I hope you all have a good week!" Videogames says once all has been said and done, beaming wide.
//a welcome to caboose, lacey, papyrus, gaster, and flowey!!
a turkey hunt is ongoing here!!
gaster is promoted to Ironshade's guard!! (you can potentially earn your full requested rank next week!!)
sigmund is promoted to shaman!!
(this meeting has been kind of hastily thrown together, sorry everyone sfdsf)
It was nice. Videogames was doing a good job- as childish or sheepish as he was, he was a good leader. He kept things routine, which Sigmund absolutely loved. Everything was on a schedule. It was nice and neat. Well... aside from locations. It was hard seeking out the serval's voice for every meeting, but it was okay. He had only recently been made leader, after all. Or... had he? Sigmund wasn't quite sure. Time seemed to flow in a strange way when it came to memories. Well, it didn't matter anyway. The maned wolf trod carefully over, as if stepping in the wrong spot would kill him, until he felt close enough to sit, then his eyes tilted up to watch the serval intently.

The 'oh shit' caught him just a hair off guard. Usually he was a bit more professional on the soapbox than that. But he supposed there was a reason- joiners were rare in the Vale, and they'd had quite the number recently. It was a good refresher on how things used to be. It was almost enough to get him to smile. Not quite, though the descriptions he found... humorous to say the least.

Then, promotions rolled around. Gaster was a good choice- the scientist had been seen around quite a lot, and he was happy about that. Then, his own name was called for... shaman. Sigmund's ears twitched. He wasn't exactly spiritual, but... well, he was certainly interested. Healing and medicine had always been a point of interest, almost to the point of a hobby, and certainly talking to people was nice. To figure out what made them tick.
"Shaman sounds perfect. Thank you," he called from where he sat, a smile on his lips. His tail wagged slowly behind him. He didn't seem to notice.

He remained silent until the end of the meeting. It all seemed well and good.

[font=verdana][sub]sigmund [color=white]/ 23 months / moonlight vale / storage
[align=center][div style="width:60%; text-align: justify;  text-align: justify; border-left: 1px #82909D solid; padding: 1px"]— Lemy liked the meetings because they helped him keep track of who was around and what was happening in the Vale. He should already know that because he was, y’know, the advisor but he was surprisingly bad at keeping track of things during the week. Or, well, maybe it was unsurprising to those who knew him well. As for seeking out the meeting place every week, well. Lemy had learned to keep close to Videogames during the designated meeting day. Otherwise, he’d probably spend a longer time than he would admit looking for him.

Even with those precautions, it seemed that he was still pretty late to the meeting. That was..not good. Lemy clicked his tongue in frustration, although he made sure to keep his expression clear of anything negative. He needed to be more reliable, and less...Lemy-like, he supposed. He slunk into the meeting after a quick cursory glance. Maybe it wasn’t too bad—the only ones present were Sigmund and some npcs. The tom sat down after sending Sigmund a friendly grin then focused his attention to Videogames.

All of the announcements seemed good to him—a turkey hunt sounded interesting. He still needed to get around to organizing events, but ah, he wasn’t too experienced when it came to ‘fun’ things to do with others. Lemy snickered at Video’s description of the joiners but kept an eye out for them. Joiners were a good thing, after all. He’d welcome them later. He grinned at the promotions, aiming to give Sigmund a soft nudge. “Wow, congrats, Sigmund! Nice job!” He said with a giggle, quickly adding a, ”Congrats to you too, Gaster.” Hopefully the guy heard him, if he didn’t that was fine. He’d tell him later.

Oh! Lemy leaned forward towards Videogames. ”I’m holding a sparring session, so check it out, okay?” He was pretty sure that was all he had to say.

//Sparring session link!

[abbr=lemy abelard // moonlight vale // @candorosa](? ? ?)[/abbr]
one time, i saw in a dream —
that the whole world had sunken away
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