LOVE DON'T CRY / joining
[glow=Black,2,300]SPIN THE SKY. x [url=http://]x[/glow]
Papyrus could not remember much except for the feeling of disintegrating. But even then, that was soon gone as he came to. He was a bit chilly but that was to be expected. Snowdin was, after all, a rather cold town. His teeth chattered. His tail tucked in between his legs as he tried to condense himself into the smallest, warmest thing possible. He didn't seem to remember that he'd never had a tail before.

The skeleton-patterned canine wobbled as he tread through the snow. He didn't seem to remember that walking had not been this difficult before. But he would get used to it. After all, he was the great Papyrus! He could do absolutely anything he set his mind to. He pressed on, a bit of a bounce in his step as he got used to the whole walking thing. Hopefully the diner was still open? Its name seemed to have slipped his memory. Oh well!

Gaster did not eant to remember what he'd done, what had happened. But the memories, the resets, all stuck to him. This was not Snowdin, his home, it would never be. Nor would it be Hotland, his work place. This appeared to be the surface, but the dog could not recall the barrier being shattered. Gaster sighs, writing this in "hands" in his notebook. He would need to run tests on these things.

Unlike his child, he did not think he was great. Not anymore. He went on a walk to clear his mind -- rubbing his temples with a paw. And then, he sees something odd. It... it felt like Papyrus. His son. No, that's crazy! Papyrus would've had to die... Genocide. It hits him like a brick, and he feels uneasy. He watches the skeleton-pattered canine walk with a bounce in his step. No, no. He needed to say hello. The scientist smiles, rushing over to his son, "Papyrus! Oh, my little noodle!"
[glow=Black,2,300]JUST LAST THE YEAR [url=http://]★[/glow]
[div style="Width: 485px; min-height: 25px; padding: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; margin-top: -6px;"]Videogames wasn't sure what to think of all of the strange characters showing up on their borders. Videogames genuinely wanted to be friendly, of course! It was just .. hard. They hadn't had to deal with outsiders for .. ages. He was trying to be welcoming, it was just kinda.
It's a somewhat jarring sight to come upon, Gaster and the other skeleton dog. Videogames blinks a few times, jarred. Gaster was calling this .. Papyrus .. a noodle. Okay.
Videogames can work with this!!
Though .. Papyrus seems cold. Videogames considers this, and then yanks a blanket out of .. somewhere. Videogames loops it around his neck and hurries alongside the other, smiling awkwardly.
"Hi, uh!! Do you want a blanket or .. some other .. warm things. You look cold." Videogames bounces on his paws and frowns at the other worriedly. Felix .. wasn't that good at works, unfortunately. But he was trying!!
— Now, Lemy didn't mind the outsiders joining the Vale - he was an outsider himself after all. He liked the little boost in members, it was more convenient for them. That didn't mean he liked seeing animals randomly waltz into their territory as if they owned it - it set his fur on edge. Gaster seemed to know this 'Papyrus' guy though, and Videogames seemed to be treating them in a familiar manner for whatever reason, so he supposed all was well. He felt a headache begin, and he quickly switched his train of thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah! If you want I could get you some gear from the Shamans' den," he said as he peered at the unfamiliar animal. Lemy made sure to give 'Papyrus' a friendly grin before speaking once more, "So your name's Papyrus, huh? Can I call you Papy? What're you doing around here, huh?"

[abbr=lemy abelard // moonlight vale // @candorosa](? ? ?)[/abbr]
one time, i saw in a dream —
that the whole world had sunken away
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