triggers: depression, alcohol, possible self harm, suicidal thoughts / attempt?

Danny had no clue what he was doing. he couldn't sleep, he constantly felt numb, felt like he was pretending constantly. currently, since grace was at a sleepover with her cheerleader friends, he was drinking a beer, alone in his home. he didn't know how many times he had started crying just in the past two hours. he just stared at the blank tv screen with tears in his eyes, not knowing what the fuck was going on. he was needlessly scared, his chest felt tight, and he kept glancing towards the kitchen like he was considering something. finally, at around 3AM, he pulled out his phone and called steve, waiting for the other to pick up, and when he finally did, he let out a shaky breath. "steve..? please come over.." he breathed, slurring and trying to hold back tears.

he didn't know why he was so upset.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
It had taken a few attempts for Steve to answer the phone. He had been passed out since it was a long day for him. However, when he heard the phone ring, he groggily sat up and took his phone, answering it. It was Danny. “Danny? What’s going on?” Steve asked. When the other spoke, any lingering feelings of exhaustion had left him and were replaced with concern for his friend. Danny certainly sounded like shit. He had never heard him sound this broken before. He was silent for a moment, just trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

“Okay Danny. I’ll be over in a bit, Alright? Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there?” Steve asked softly.

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he hesitated, looking down. “yes..” he mumbled.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
“Alright.” Steve murmjred softky. He then got out of bed, moving to quickly throw some longer pants on. He then headed out to the car, starting to drive to Danny’s house. “...Hey, talk to me Danny? What’s going on?” He askes softky

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he whimpered softly. “i don’t.. i don’t know. i don’t know..” he swhispered shalily. he closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. “i don’t.. trust myself right now..”

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Steve frowned a bit. “Okay. Don’t worry Danny. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He said

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he nodded, curling up on the couch and sighing shakily.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
After a while, Steve pulled into the driveway. “Alright. I’m here Danny. I’m going to hang up.” He murmured

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he nodded. “ok.. doors unlocked..” he mumbled.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
“Alright.” He murmured. He then hung up, moving to the door and opening it. He then looked around, soon finding Danny. Steve frowned, slowly heading over to him. He then sat down next to him.

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
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