Wanted dead or alive // Private
//Trigger warning for mentions of violence, death, and drug and alcohol use and past abuse

This was the second time they had been chased away from their camp. Arthur, along with the rest of the gang, assumed they were finished running. Finished moving. They were only supposed to do one last big robbery and then head out west. They would end their life of being outlaws and start a ranch. Or just do something more peaceful.

But of course that didn’t happen. It had gone wrong and the government found out where they were so they had to move camp again. Was Arthur disappointed? Yes. He was. He was hoping the gang could just settle down and live the rest of their lives in peace. But, in the back of his mind, he knew that wouldn’t happen. The age out outlaws was ending and they were all wanted.

Arthur had been out hunting alone. He had gotten lost in his thoughts though and wasn’t really paying attention to where he was going. At this point he just let his horse have free rein of where to go. And they had strayed away from the trail Arthur had been taking. After a while, he came back to his thoughts when his horse suddenly stopped. Arthur looked around, sighing, seeing that they were in a forest. Well, good enough for hunting he guessed. He gently pat the horse’s neck, looking around.

“Alright girl. Hold up.” He murmured softly. He then got off of the horse, hitching her to a low hanging tree branch just so she wouldn’t run off. He then moved to the saddle, taking the bow off from it.

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
[Image: photo.jpg]
elliot wright

elliot very much enjoyed nature. he had sort of found a second home with the trees, spent most of his time sketching what he saw and whistling back at the birds. he had gotten very good at mimicking their calls, copying them each time that chirped or cooed. though, this time he hadnt been in the forest to draw. no, he was in the forest because.. he couldn’t go home. his family literally thought he was a demon, and .. he was scared of what they might do, so he had made a little camp using onto beaches and sticks and stone.. he couldn’t bring himself to hunt so he just ate the berries. he was currently asleep in his stick tent, his fire sending a smoke trail into the sky.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Arthur soon spotted a smoke further on in the distance. A camp. Well...Their camp needed supplies as well. He could make a quick detour. If no one was there, we’ll...Maybe he could gather some supplies. Arthur frownwd, slinging the bow over his shoulder and then started moving over to the camp.

Once there, he crouched down a bit in the bushes, scouting out the camp. The fire was still going, so it couldn’t have been made that long ago. Arthur frownwd, weighing his options. People could still be there. Was it worth it to try and rob whoever it was? Arthur frownwd, attempting to get closer to get a better view of the small campsite

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
at the rustling, elliot awoke and paused. the only weapon he had was a sort of crude spear that he had made. he sat up, slowly grabbing his soear and waiting. his neck and back hurt, and he was freezing, but if it was his father.. he might have to kill him.

/don’t forget the usual triggers!

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Arthur froze when he spotted a man wandering out. He froze. Well, there wasn’t anyway he was going to be able to move without being spotted now. No sense in keeping himself hidden any longer. Arthur slowly stood up, raising his hands. “Hey, Hey, Easy. I’m not going to hurt you.” Arthur said

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he quickly held up the spear, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. he was small, sorta skinny but he ibviousky ate well. he was covered in bruises and dirt, the worst bruis being a black eyes. “i-i don’t k-kn-know you..” he said softly, voice shaking and stuttering.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
He blinked, watching him. He could tell that the male really wasn’t in that great of condition. “I’m sorry I startled you. I thought this camp was empty.” He said. He felt bad at the state of the male, but he couldn’t help him. They already had enough problems back at camp. He took a step back. “I’m sorry for scaring you. I’ll be on my way, you won’t have to worry about me.” Arthur said

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
ye hesitated. “w-wait.. uh.. could.. do you know where.. i-i could stay? somewhere..” the poor guy looked horribly anxious, like he didn’t want to be talking.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
He blinked, watching him. “Yeah there’s a city, not to far from here. Rhodes. It’s a small town, but...They’ve got a motel there. Cheap rooms from what I hear.” Arthur said

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he hesitated. “can you.. take me..?” he asked nervously.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
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