[align=center][div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px;"]The war was tense, and Xiomar was probably lucky that he had the privilege of a nice warm home while his father was out serving as a commander... Killing people. He swallowed down the disgust that came up in a small wave of nausea, and he found himself bundled in blankets - it was autumn now, and it only would get colder from here. Spacing out and staring at the radio as he thought of what his father might be doing, all the words in the radio started clashing together in a mix of frighteningly impossible sentences. Tuning back into the real world when he heard Willie come crashing past and Derek and Rigoberto followed right after, they ended up turning into a soup of children groaning at the door.

"Stop, stop!" Xiomar would grunt as he tumbled from the couch, running over and pulling them up from the floor when Willie whispered to him. "The tutor's here!" Before he could react, Derek piped up. "I'm gonna answer it!" Xio's protests were blocked out by Rigoberto fighting over who opened the door, and Rigoberto was who ended up swinging the door open and staring almost coldly, stiff as a bone. Oh - the tutor, Xio forgot. Chewing his lip, he gently pulled Derek and Willie back who had shoved past Rigoberto. Ordering the three to go sit on the couch, Xio turned to Emma with a friendly smile.

"Ah, hello again! They are excited to see you, and it's always a pleasure to have you. Come on in!" He was never sure if he should be polite or casual, laidback or not, if it was wasteful to offer her tea or just simple manners. Wringing his hands, he smiled down, only to realize he still had a blanket looped clumsily over him. Eyes widening and cheeks sucking in, his eyes drifted briefly to her face before darting down to the floor, shuffling backwards so she could walk past him.


[abbr=aporia's left thumb]emma wainwright[/abbr]

The young woman fondly known as Em among her charges gave a refreshing smile to the eldest Sturm brother, who was even older than she. "Good morning, Xiomar, boys," she stated kindly, looking over everyone with her steely-gray eyes. She was dressed in a usual form fitting white dress that fell just below her knees. She sported a pair of plain black pumps and a heavy knit cardigan to brave the weather. Her blonde curls had been pinned back. She, unlike many people during the war, looked refreshed and healthy. Well rested, even. She stepped into the warm house and took it in, as usual. The crackling sound of the fireplace and the general gloominess was comforting to her.

Stepping aside so Xio could close the door, she looked down at her charges. The Sturm triplets, she thought they were the most precious set of children to walk the planet, and perhaps she was right, as they seemed to only know how to behave when she was around. Emma had to admit, they were all exceptional students, and had every confidence that they would all lead successful lives outside of the war. Hopefully, in a much different world than what they were experiencing now.

Emma had to lie about her political stance in order to get this job. In no fashion did she support what her boss was doing, but she desperately needed something to get herself through, without going to the war itself. She had to be useful. As far as Mr. Sturm knew, she was a perfect, blonde woman who supported his efforts and educated his children in such ways. Though, he didn't seem involved in his children's education, so Emma made a note to teach them facts, as well as practices of compassion and basic human decency.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery
[align=center][div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px;"]She looked far more elegant in contrast to Xio, and he felt embarrassed as he hugged himself. His smile was growing weak as he opened his mouth and the triplets interrupted with differently timed replies to her, talking loudly over each other. "Good morning!" Was probably the easiest to make out before Willie and Derek started chattering, Rigoberto meanwhile brooding. Xio closed the door, and reaching his hand to his teeth to bite his nails, he quickly shoved his hands into his pockets before he could start.

"Oh, would you like... tea, Miss Emma?" Xiomar inquired, hesitantly. With his mother having passed awhile ago, mysteriously murdered, he was never sure how to talk. What to say that was kind, where to put his hands, whether to smile or stare seriously. He was far from as rough as his father, but Xiomar was far from well-mannered. He didn't have a guardian to gently hold his hand, guiding them through life, and his siblings sometimes got called brats and spoiled - so having someone who seemed to know what she was doing was both relieving, and humbling.

He didn't dare meet her face, make eye contact - it was frightening to look at eyes, or to be looked at. These were, of course, thoughts in result of paranoia. To be quite honest, Xio was lucky to be alive with his... Condition. Many that struggled with his hallucinations and delusions were handed over to doctors, given to die by some cruel means - his father had even threatened to do the same with Xio, and Xio wasn't sure why he hadn't. He could only hope Emma had no intents of doing that if he were to snap, but to Xio's knowledge, Emma was on his father's side.

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]emma wainwright[/abbr]

"Tea would be wonderful, thank you," Emma accepted, smiling gratefully. The air did have a nip to it and she would certainly be grateful for the warmth. "So, do you boys remember where we left off last week?" she asked, setting down her materials on the great dining table in the room next to the foyer. Often, her teaching style included testing their memories. If they could remember the lesson from the week before, they'd be more likely to take things from it and apply it to the lesson they'd be learning this week. She sat down, tossing her curls over her shoulder and opening up the list of things she hoped to accomplish that day, skimming over it to start.

//so sorry for the shorter post, there's a lot going on around me and I have a hard time of keeping my focus in anywhere that's not a silent environment.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery
[align=center][div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px;"]With a bend of his knees in a sort of tiny bow, he gave a small smile. "Right away." Bashfully stepping off and starting the tea kettle, he began scrambling about to get the tea ready, his fingers slightly shaky and his brows knitted as he glanced at a family picture in wonder. Meanwhile, Rigoberto stared up blankly while his two identical siblings began whispering together trying to figure out what they did. "I remember easily." He stated with a proud lift of his chest, head tilted up to her in a most boastful manner, and upon his siblings both trying to whisper to him Rigoberto had a smug smirk as he pulled his hands together airily.

[abbr=aporia's left thumb]emma wainwright[/abbr]

Emma watched Xio scurry off, a small smile playing on her face. Looking back at her students, she focused on Rigoberto and his prideful stance. Nodding, she cleared her throat. "What do you think we'll do today?" she asked kindly, pulling out the materials she would need.

//i'm so sorry for the short post- they'll get longer as our thread begins to play out!

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; color: #3E3C43; font-family: georgia"]watching every motion in my foolish lover's game ———
on this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame ———
turning and returning to some secret place inside ———
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say ———
[shadow=#AE9669,left]take my breath away[/shadow] ———————— [abbr=Signature by Bryne]♛[/abbr]
[abbr=discord: cygnus#7690]discord: cygnus#7754[/abbr] — Gallery
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