when the other didn’t notice, he slowly rose to watch him, another, louder noise emitting from his gills that resulted in them getting covered, and a strange, almost robotic noise let out a small phrase- obviously not a human language.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
The male blinked and frowned, jumping a bit when he heard the noise. Whirling around, he looked around and said softly, his eyes wide and cautious, "Who.... Who's out there? Show yourself."

he let out a soft, defeated noise and slowly poked his head out to reveal himself. “uh.. hello.. what is how you greet humans, right..?”

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Blinking, the man frowned and said softly, seeming tense and slightly nervous, "Yes, it is... Who are you?"

he hesitated. “uh.. my name is zadda.” he introduced and slowly moved out so the other could see him in full. of course, he didn’t wear much, as he was a water dweller. they wore more ropes and thin chains, jewels that hung off them and decorated their ears and such, a clam here and there. as he was higher in power, he wore more diamond and pearls, and his chains were cold instead of heavy silver, titanium, or iron. “i.. please don’t hurt me.”

me: types zadda
my phone: dude you mean; daddy?

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Emmi's mouth: Zadda
Emmi's brain: Sugar Daddy?

Still cautious, the male frowned and said softly, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, "I won't hurt you, as long as you don't hurt me... I'm Emmi..."

gay keysmashing

zadda nodded and slowly held his hands out, the sides of his hands connecting. it was basically offering to shake hands, just the one initiating it always held the other persons hand with both of theirs as a sign of respect. “i try to not be violent.” he explained, having a closed mouth smile so he didn’t flash his pointed teeth. “you are.. a scavenger?”

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Emmi stood there for a moment before accepting the handshake, and he nodded slowly, saying with a tired sigh, "Yes, I am. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here..."

triggers: violence, death, possibly alcohol and smoking??
[spoiler=pics of the boi tm]
[Image: tumblr_pf33d9MEut1wxen9qo1_400.png]
[Image: tumblr_pf33d9MEut1wxen9qo2_400.png]
[Image: tumblr_pf33d9MEut1wxen9qo4_250.png]
[Image: tumblr_pf33d9MEut1wxen9qo3_250.png]
[spoiler=info on boi]
Zadda Tskdre, but is often shortened to "Zad"
Zadda Tskdre is basically alien-speak for Little shark
stands at around 5'2
technically, hes near 250 years old, but to humans, he's basically 25ish. (10 alien years = 1 human year)
really enjoys human foods like pasta and noodles, is completely obsessed with shrimp ramen. He's also really fascinated by human literature/written languages, but he cant actually read it. some human's see him quite often, as he wanders from his group to study them from afar, but he's no good at stealth, so they see him.
He's one of the more docile aliens, and tends to be more gentle with humans, though this is quickly changed if you play dubstep around him, or anything with a very heavy bass.
voice at 8:57
[spoiler=stuff about the aliens i guess]The aliens come from a planet a lot like earth, though their plant is 95% water, making them amphibious but more comfortable in water.
Theres two species of intelligent aliens, the Aquasedes, and the Terrasedes. Aquasedes obviously being the water dwellers and Terrasedes being the land dwellers. however, there is a more uncommon section called the Nixsedes, or snow dwellers.
both species have smaller differences, where as aqua's are more blues and blacks, more tribal and have smaller ears, where as terra's are greens and browns, have very large and decorated ears, and tend to seem more 'civilized'. the nix are found more in the northern regions and have pure white scales and eyes, and can not survive in anything hotter than 0 degrees farenheight. all of them have both gills and lungs so that they may survive on land and in water, though aqua's must stay hydrated and keep themselves slightly wet or they will either become injured or posssibly just die.
each section has an ambassador, the aqua's being Maly Toh (basically whale), the terra's being pangej (literally just tree), and the nix's being ophel nytsk (large storm).
When they arrived on earth, they at first worked with the government to make translation implants so they could speak among each other, only for the government to try and take control of them, resulting in the aliens rebelling and killing nearly 70% of the human race, with the aliens only suffering 60% loss.
most aliens live for at least 1200 years[/spoiler]
[spoiler=info on current world]its been nearly 300 years since the rebellion and tensions are still extremely high, as most aliens who were around for the rebellion are still alive. the aliens are ruled by a queen, Fyjall Udrtsk (holy / sacred one), who also happens to be zadda's mother. there is constant fighting amongst the aliens and humans, and while energy weapons are a thing, they are hard to come by for humans, giving aliens a massive advantage. human's are very short on resources, as are aliens as their crops wont grow on earth, and the aliens plants are contaminating soil and spreading disease through the earth plants (except trees). There are solar powered vehicles, mostly bikes as their cheapest. most humans are paid in 'chips' which have three tiers: bronze, platinum, and gold, rarely diamond. bronze is the least useful and are the equivelent to a nickle, platinum is worth around 1$, and gold being worth around 10$, with diamond being worth nearly 100$.[/spoiler]

Zad, as usual, had wandered from the massive lake that they had made their home and through the city that rest in a clearing past a forest. he had climbed over the wall that seperated the two territories and snuck through the meadow that sat next to a stretching road with abandoned cars lining it. he could hear the distant 'zzz' of one of the hover bikes that those human's had. he quietly hid behind a car, crouching and gripping the riusted metal with his webbed fingers as he watched the human come to a stop and take off his bike helmet to hang on his bike handle. dark eyes widened as he watched, filled with awe and wonder as he watched the man get along e=with his business. he was probably one of those 'scavengers' that always came looking through old cars, considering he had no visible weapons. tilting his head, the tiny little tendrils flopped to one side of his head, a soft, curious little 'ssskk' noise coming from his gills, which he quickly covered and ducked his head in hopes of not being found.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
( I am,, not doing like a form thing bc I'm way too tired for that )

The man was around average height, had pale skin that looked like it had been tanned from hours in the sun, and had bouncy and curly dark black hair that was shaved down to almost nothing on one side. As he took off his helmet, he wrinkled his nose and reached up to fluff out his hair again, since it was all tangled, before he moved to start looking around, glancing over the cars and occasionally kicking at the tires or looking inside their fronts and trunks. He didn't notice Zad yet, too distracted by his task at hand.

[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
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