survivor — twc dump
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 355px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]hey y'all, this is for my twc schtuff. my only rule is pls don't post in it. ty ily

when this r e p e t i t i o n ends behind the window shades, a semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made  —— that most unrestful bed, that most original of sins, and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again. I'd hate to let you [sub]down,[/sub] so I'll let the waters [sup]rise[/sup] and drown my dull reflection in the naïve expectation in your eyes. back in a cast bit-part, back when I felt most free, I had a butcher's / heart and no-one thought they knew me         .        .        .        .        .         .          [ ★ ]

idea-dumping post uwu

when this r e p e t i t i o n ends behind the window shades, a semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made  —— that most unrestful bed, that most original of sins, and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again. I'd hate to let you [sub]down,[/sub] so I'll let the waters [sup]rise[/sup] and drown my dull reflection in the naïve expectation in your eyes. back in a cast bit-part, back when I felt most free, I had a butcher's / heart and no-one thought they knew me         .        .        .        .        .         .          [ ★ ]

[align=left]fallowpaw  ——                ( tags )
windclan apprentice                      ( notes )
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 420px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]

Name: Fallowkit – Fallowpaw – Fallowflight
— Meaning: Prefix "Fallow" given for his pale brown pelt; suffix "Flight" will be given for his quick fighting style
— Nicknames: Fal
Gender: DMAB / cisgender
— Preferred pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 8 months (moons)
— Born: Sometime in the winter
— Created: 06/12/18
— Aging Ratio: fluid

Alliegiance(s): Windclan (current)
— Birthplace: Windclan
— How do they feel about it?: He takes a lot of pride in Windclan and believes it to be the best of the four clans. He wouldn't want to leave for any reason.
— How do they feel about other places?: He shows clear disdain for the other clans, but wouldn't voice these thoughts directly.
Ranking: Apprentice
— Future goal(s): Aspires to be a warrior and not much else; he doesn't really see himself in a leadership position given his current skillset.

Brief Physical: (include breed)
— Physical Qualities: Sturdy build, slightly short stature
— Fur Qualities: Pelt is a mottled pale brown and white colour, and of a medium length; usually it isn't too messy, but it is often tangled in places.
— Eye Qualities: Wide, round eyes of a bright emerald green, with slightly darker colouration around the pupils. Has the classic "eyeliner" look.
Detailed Description: (REF 1) (REF 2) Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet lollipop. Caramels pastry sugar plum carrot cake tootsie roll jelly-o danish. Ice cream I love apple pie sweet chocolate bar candy tart muffin. Croissant biscuit icing liquorice I love gingerbread fruitcake. Toffee cupcake chupa chups carrot cake macaroon powder icing candy. Fruitcake cheesecake wafer sesame snaps marzipan. Soufflé apple pie jelly beans candy I love tootsie roll sweet dessert tiramisu. Apple pie halvah halvah bonbon halvah brownie. Halvah cotton candy bear claw sweet roll dragée. Bear claw sweet marshmallow.

First-Glance Persona: (brief, short and sweet sentence or two)
— Positive Traits:
— Neutral Traits:
— Negative Traits:
Detailed Personality: (MBTI) (ENNEAGRAM) Cookie croissant jelly beans wafer. Liquorice cake liquorice I love. Lemon drops sweet roll croissant gummi bears sweet roll danish. Cupcake chocolate cake I love I love gummi bears bonbon croissant pudding. Chupa chups chocolate cake chocolate I love jelly beans cupcake. Pie chocolate bar fruitcake marzipan sugar plum donut macaroon tart. Lollipop pastry dragée cupcake tootsie roll caramels caramels danish I love.

Lineage: NPC x NPC
— Siblings: Frecklepaw
— Children: none
— Relatives: none
— Mentored By: Stormgaze
— Current Status:
— Past Romance:

Early History: Pudding oat cake tiramisu cookie topping powder macaroon fruitcake oat cake. Chocolate cake carrot cake jelly-o. Dessert bear claw I love powder tart. Cheesecake cupcake brownie halvah pudding ice cream cotton candy. Jelly beans marzipan wafer apple pie apple pie sweet roll cake carrot cake I love. Oat cake sweet cotton candy jelly caramels.
— Event name: how it shaped them
— Event name: how it shaped them

Childhood: Pie chocolate bar candy canes dragée cotton candy donut apple pie cotton candy. Oat cake cotton candy liquorice pudding cake cupcake. Carrot cake cookie cotton candy jelly beans tart powder pastry brownie sweet roll. Icing powder jelly. Pastry biscuit marshmallow jelly ice cream sweet I love sugar plum wafer. Powder I love sweet croissant marshmallow. Halvah chupa chups chupa chups jujubes fruitcake I love. I love chupa chups tart I love. Icing donut marzipan macaroon dragée. Toffee sweet roll dessert.
— Event name: how it shaped them
— Event name: how it shaped them

[div style="background:url( center; background-size: cover; width: 420px; height: 45px; outline: 1px solid white; border: 2px solid white;"][div style="width: 420px; padding-top: 12px; color: white; font-size: 6px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;"][align=center]template by sanguine

when i'm around slow dancing in the dark
don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms

[align=left]creekpaw  ——                ( tags )
riverclan apprentice                      ( notes )
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 420px; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]

Name: Creekkit - Creekpaw - Creekrun
— Meaning: Prefix "Creek" given for her grey fur, which resembles the water in a creek; suffix "Run" will be given for her streamlined build and speed in water
— Nicknames: Creek, Cree
Gender: DFAB / cisgender
— Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 11 months (moons)
— Born: Sometime in the fall
— Created: 06/12/18
— Aging Ratio: fluid
Alliegiance(s): Riverclan (current)
— Birthplace: Riverclan
— How do they feel about it?:
— How do they feel about other places?:
Ranking: Kit, Apprentice (current)
— Future goal(s):

Brief Physical: (include breed)
— Physical Qualities: (size/build)
— Fur Qualities: (colour/texture/length)
— Eye Qualities: (color/shape)
Detailed Description: (REF 1) (REF 2) Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet lollipop. Caramels pastry sugar plum carrot cake tootsie roll jelly-o danish. Ice cream I love apple pie sweet chocolate bar candy tart muffin. Croissant biscuit icing liquorice I love gingerbread fruitcake. Toffee cupcake chupa chups carrot cake macaroon powder icing candy. Fruitcake cheesecake wafer sesame snaps marzipan. Soufflé apple pie jelly beans candy I love tootsie roll sweet dessert tiramisu. Apple pie halvah halvah bonbon halvah brownie. Halvah cotton candy bear claw sweet roll dragée. Bear claw sweet marshmallow.

First-Glance Persona: (brief, short and sweet sentence or two)
—Positive Traits:
—Neutral Traits:
—Negative Traits:
Detailed Personality: (MBTI) (ENNEAGRAM) Cookie croissant jelly beans wafer. Liquorice cake liquorice I love. Lemon drops sweet roll croissant gummi bears sweet roll danish. Cupcake chocolate cake I love I love gummi bears bonbon croissant pudding. Chupa chups chocolate cake chocolate I love jelly beans cupcake. Pie chocolate bar fruitcake marzipan sugar plum donut macaroon tart. Lollipop pastry dragée cupcake tootsie roll caramels caramels danish I love.

Lineage: parent1 x parent2
— Siblings:
— Children:
— Relatives:
— Mentored By:
— Current Status:
— Past Romance:

Early History: Pudding oat cake tiramisu cookie topping powder macaroon fruitcake oat cake. Chocolate cake carrot cake jelly-o. Dessert bear claw I love powder tart. Cheesecake cupcake brownie halvah pudding ice cream cotton candy. Jelly beans marzipan wafer apple pie apple pie sweet roll cake carrot cake I love. Oat cake sweet cotton candy jelly caramels.
— Event name: how it shaped them
— Event name: how it shaped them

Childhood: Pie chocolate bar candy canes dragée cotton candy donut apple pie cotton candy. Oat cake cotton candy liquorice pudding cake cupcake. Carrot cake cookie cotton candy jelly beans tart powder pastry brownie sweet roll. Icing powder jelly. Pastry biscuit marshmallow jelly ice cream sweet I love sugar plum wafer. Powder I love sweet croissant marshmallow. Halvah chupa chups chupa chups jujubes fruitcake I love. I love chupa chups tart I love. Icing donut marzipan macaroon dragée. Toffee sweet roll dessert.
— Event name: how it shaped them
— Event name: how it shaped them

[div style="background:url( center; background-size: cover; width: 420px; height: 45px; outline: 1px solid white; border: 2px solid white;"][div style="width: 420px; padding-top: 12px; color: white; font-size:6px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;"][align=center]template by sanguine
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