
just checking out to hide from life ;
chaosdino #7160 ★ brooke ★ she/her

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[color=transparent]claire loves u!

red. the color was everywhere, leaking out into adelaide's world like it was a marker that had exploded in her book-bag. that had actually happened to her once, that's why she could recall what it looked like. it looked like this, this scene that was laid out in front of her. the red, it was on her hands from where she tried to stop it from spreading, it was pooling out into the tile floor of the kitchen, around the shadowed silhouette of her boyfriend. ex. ex-boyfriend. the red, the blood, it had drained all the color from everything else. she looked down at the body before her. yeah, it had drained the color from him. his eyes weren't shiny anymore, they didn't glimmer with a dark aliveness, they didn't glimmer at all. his skin was pale now, translucent almost, she could see the sickly ivory color over almost all of his body, stretched out like a canvas that someone had painted splatters of deep reds all over. his shirt was gone, his pants were too. adelaide shivered, feeling nauseous. what had she done, what had she done, what had she done?

her breathing was getting ragged, her eyes were filling with saltwater, and her whole body was starting to shake as she caught a glimpse of the silver blade piercing just inside the depths of his skin and muscles, right where his heart is. his dead, dead heart. adelaide was definitely going to be sick. she didn't know what to do now, she couldn't save him and she was the one that had caused him to need saving in the first place. no. that was wrong. that was wrong, wrong, wrong. he did this. she had told him to leave her house, she had begged him to go, but he wouldn't have it. he just kept advancing into the house, like a man on a mission, a mission filled with chaos and twisted pleasure. he was sadistic, it's why she had left him in the first place. mistake number one, that's what he had said. yeah, well, maybe his mistake was underestimating her. and look at what it had cost him.

the blonde haired twenty four year old woman started to sob, piercing sounds that broke the dead silence that had taken over the house, her cries a haunting melody. she vaguely remembered calling the police, it seemed like she had done it days ago. but no, it must have been about forty minutes in all actuality, because that was about how long the man on the floor had been dead and that was when everything had escalated. she just wanted him to leave her alone, not leave the earth. she hadn't meant to kill him, she was just trying to defend herself. she hadn't even been aiming for his heart. she screamed in anger and overwhelming grief.

sirens cut through her crying, stopping her heart momentarily from the abruptness of the sound. it was sharp and commanding, as if the trumpet to the end of times had been sounding. it was her judgement day, and surely she was about to burn. she shook in fear, cowering in a corner of the kitchen, away from the body that seemed to laugh at her - what was that edgar allen poe poem? her hands reached up to wipe away her tears and left behind streaks of blood, making her look even more a wreck. it had gotten everywhere, but her sins were too heavy to get clean now. she was impure now, she was disgusting. the tears just wouldn't stop, she felt like she was on a cliff, at the very edge of it, and the world was hovering over her, weighing her down, screaming at her; you are going to burn for this adelaide warner.

"ma'am, are you alright? ma'am?"

adelaide could hear the voices, she could hear them hovering in her head, distant and blurry, if sounds could be blurry, but she couldn't do a thing to answer them. the figures were hovering around the house, looking at the scene and taking pictures, each flash of the camera making her jump and her heart rabbit in her chest. she could barely breathe, how did they expect her to answer? apparently they didn't, because two ems workers came over to wrap her up in a blanket and lead her out of the house, a police officer (detective?) following closely behind them. they sat her on the edge of the back of the ambulance, looking her over for any injuries - just some bruises on her thighs and a few on her face from when an angry fist had kissed it. instead of asking her questions, the men just gave her warm comments of encouragement, trying to calm her. a man tried to wipe off her face with steady hands, but she flinched and started to cry so they had to let some women do it. her hands were soft, reassuring but she noticed the hurt in the man's face and immediately felt terrible. hopefully he didn't think that it was him she was scared of.

once she had been assessed for any and all injuries, and her face had been cleaned up as best they could, adelaide was escorted to the police car and taken to the precinct. she was put into an interrogation room and she was left there to wait. the room was daunting, with its two way mirror where she couldn't see out but everyone else could see in, watching her like some animal in a zoo. the room was bland and gray, the overhead light meant to make her sweat with its heat, but it, honestly, just settled the chill in her bones, making her become numb.

she couldn't tell how long it had been. a few hours maybe? she didn't even understand why they were making her wait so long, but then again she was thankful because she didn't know if she'd be able to recount the story without another breakdown. when she'd first been escorted into the room, and sat down with her hands chained in handcuffs to the table, she'd had another fit. she was sobbing and screaming, begging for the man she'd killed to please forgive her, begging for the officers to show her mercy, that she hadn't meant to kill him. it was an accident. she just wanted him to leave her be.

now though, now she was settling into the monotonous hum of the overhead light, letting it guide her thoughts into a blankness, one that made her numb and uninterested. she was just trying not to think for a while, maybe if she became cool and calculated, she could tell them what happened. if she could tell them what really happened, maybe they could help her. she just had to keep it together. breathe in, breathe out. keep it together. breathe in, breathe out. keep it together. she repeated it like a mantra, until it became the only song in her head, a verse that would be her saving grace. breathe in, breathe out. keep it together.

the door opened slowly and in stepped a man, with dark hair and kind features. the mantra stopped in her head as she fixed her eyes on him, a blank, sad expression in her curious gaze. she held his gaze as he stepped fully into the room, the door closing shut quietly behind him. she breathed in. she breathed out. "keep it together.." echoing out of her mouth, a barely audible whisper.
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