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so i wanted to get one of these up b/c there's like little things that i don't want to crowd up their tags with, and i've gotta make a new main dump soon oof
but like feel free to track and talk if anyone,, wants to? this is probably going to be a lot of junk tho tbh
[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request  van#5054
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things that should probably happen eventually
 oneshot where crow fucks up. like, seriously fucks up. stars a big fire, kills someone by accident, idk what. but canary goes through all these hoops to help him cover it up and someone's eventually like "bitch why are you helping him?" and she's just,,, "it's my place in life"
 canary should like talk about their gods at some point, because crow probably never really paid attention to them? but like twins were this really sacred thing, because their culture believes that the sun and the moon are twin gods.
 there's also a belief that twins share the same soul, so when one dies it's considered courageous for the other to kill them self, since they'd be weak to continue living with half a soul. there's probably some old story in their tribe about how like one king had a twin brother and he died and the twin brother was this great guy but because he had half a soul, he was weak and evil overtook him or something?
 at some point canary needs to just snap on crow when he does something really shitty and she needs to point out that she's always had to act like an adult and do everything for him. he then points out that he's always acted so childish because he's never felt like he could follow in her footsteps? she was just automatically good at everything she did and he felt like no one would ever want him to be king when she's obviously the better option. they cry, then hug it out, then probably start wrestling because neither of them handle the feels very well.
 both of them are secretly relieved that they were abandoned? crow was always made to feel like a disappointment by their parents. meanwhile, canary always felt really stressed out and overwhelmed because she was always expected to be perfect at everything, and she was constantly afraid of being a disappointment.
 they both definitely think more highly of the other than themselves. canary really admired how confident crow is and how he lived his life with a lot of passion and she feels like he's very strong emotionally. meanwhile, crow thinks canary does everything she tries perfectly and he just see's her as super smart and confident and thinks she definitely multitasks and handles everything really easily and well.
 at some point, there needs to be a wrestling intervention, because they absolutely beat the shit out of each other. like, neither really cares, and they're always laughing while they fight, but like they give each other black eyes and sprain arms and all sorts of shit. they'll probably start fighting during the intervention though, ngl.
[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request  van#5054
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 thread where canary and crow publicly spar and like they definitely beat the shit out of each other.
 thread where canary tries to tell old folklore from their tribe and crow provides unhelpful, sarcastic commentary.
 thread where they explore the temples and ask about their gods. crow's probably really interested, canary's polite. crow rats out that canary used to be a priestess, but that she's better at sending people to join their ancestors then she is talking to their ancestors.
 thread where crow gives canary another little tally tattoo that's probably long overdue.
 thread where maybe they hang around sewing new clothes and crow's really good, but canary sucks at it, because fuck gender rules. on that note, crow's probably the king of fashion tbh.
 thread where they end up in the stable and encounter horses and they're both just terrified, because they've never seen horses before. like,, someone just walks in to these two giants cowering in a corner.
[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request  van#5054
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: auto; font-size: 9.2pt; font-family:helvetica; line-height: 125%; text-align:justify; width: 500px"]a small track ! [s]they should meet hannibal's fave mare