[✓] the Pallas Parliament - a multi-genre RP site
  not even going to try to compete with Loner's ad for Abstract Reality, she really sold it there

  but anyway
  the Pallas Parliament is a ProBoards RP site, mostly focused on a Warriors game (it'll likely be like Bearbones or Feralfront, but it's not intended to compete with either)
  I set it up all by myself, so there's basically nothing there yet- the clans are all blank slates waiting for leaders and themes, there'll be a staff application process set up later this month once we get some members; even the current theme (which I'll confess is an eyesore) is just a placeholder, and the first thing the member base gets to discuss/vote on is what theme they actually want to use
  so if you guys would give it a look and offer your input, I'd really appreciate it

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
i signed up!! <33

[spoiler=staff <33]tiddy - crows
me, an intellectual: breast - skullcrow
yo but linkin park defined the alternative music genre - aporia[/spoiler]
hey! this looks really awesome! could you add an advertisements board (unless I missed it) so we can link our ad on your site?

  ah, yeah- I'd had an advertisement thread posted, but I guess it'd actually be better to have a full board for it
  there should be one up now ^^

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
thanks!! posting our ad now <3 it looks like an awesome site, I hope it goes well!!

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