YOU WEAR ME OUT ;; open, high + idea
The homme was high.

He had found some brownies in the back of a cabinet in his cabin, and he had devoured them. Leo then started to feel funny, so he wandered out to the middle of camp, where he just sat and enjoyed the state he was in. "w-what if...we held a party?" a stupid grin spread across his face. "yeah, a Valentine's Day party...with music, and food and shit...where I can finally ask the dude I like to date me."

[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams

  • black domestic feline
  • gold eyes
  • wears an eyepatch over right eye
  • wears a gold locket on occasion

  • [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
  • 16 moons
  • used to be human
  • Ages normally
  • birthday is January 1st
  • currently dealing with depression
  • incredibly vulnerable
  • has very little drive to do things
  • is trying their hardest
  • lets their emotions rule them
  • hates it when they bring people down
  • pansexual
  • single
  • lonely



[abbr=aporia's left thumb]James "Miles" Upshur[/abbr]
[align=left][justify][size=8pt] "Oh?" Miles was intrigued. The party was a good idea, but Leo was obviously high on something. "Yo, you got some on you? If you know what I mean.." The canine then grinned like a school girl and shuffled closer. "Who do you like? C'mon. I'm like a teenager when it comes to this." Teenager.. would anyone get that? Eh, whatever.
He chucked the weed he had left at Miles, before aiming to pet the other male's face. "Nah....can't tell you."

[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams

  • black domestic feline
  • gold eyes
  • wears an eyepatch over right eye
  • wears a gold locket on occasion

  • [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
  • 16 moons
  • used to be human
  • Ages normally
  • birthday is January 1st
  • currently dealing with depression
  • incredibly vulnerable
  • has very little drive to do things
  • is trying their hardest
  • lets their emotions rule them
  • hates it when they bring people down
  • pansexual
  • single
  • lonely

(My fancy is being mean rn and hiding from me)

Miles gave a defeated whine and quickly swallowed down the brownies. He was giddy as could be at that point. "Awh." His eyes glittered in curiosity. "I-I like parties." A smile sparked across his maw when Leo pet him.
"oh yeah! The'll be lit! We could have a DJ, and play games....oh and there'll be alcohol. Lotsa alcohol." the cat smiled stupdly at miles. "you wanna be my date for the thing?"

[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams

  • black domestic feline
  • gold eyes
  • wears an eyepatch over right eye
  • wears a gold locket on occasion

  • [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
  • 16 moons
  • used to be human
  • Ages normally
  • birthday is January 1st
  • currently dealing with depression
  • incredibly vulnerable
  • has very little drive to do things
  • is trying their hardest
  • lets their emotions rule them
  • hates it when they bring people down
  • pansexual
  • single
  • lonely

Tripwire stalked over calmly, listening intently to the idea Leo had suggested and nodded. "You can set that up if you want" The leader said approvingly. It would be fun to get something going around here. "Invite bloodclan too, we need to keep our alliance strong"
/ugh I have 0 time but I'm trying, a party sounds great and I can sticky it for you once it's all set up!
He nodded, "Aight, aight."

//will probably make this tomorrow

[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams

  • black domestic feline
  • gold eyes
  • wears an eyepatch over right eye
  • wears a gold locket on occasion

  • [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
  • 16 moons
  • used to be human
  • Ages normally
  • birthday is January 1st
  • currently dealing with depression
  • incredibly vulnerable
  • has very little drive to do things
  • is trying their hardest
  • lets their emotions rule them
  • hates it when they bring people down
  • pansexual
  • single
  • lonely

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