[align=center][size=8pt]Moksha tapped his foot impatiently, his forehead furrowed in irritation. "Are you coming or what?"
Olsef sluggishly follows/ "What's the rush? Why are you making me run?"
[align=center][size=9pt]Moksha frowned, his chin tilting up so he could stare down his nose at Olsef like the bug he was. "The rush, is that you're making me run late," he snapped, tossing his head like an angry bull as he turned. He pushed his hair out of his face with one calloused hand, glaring at the ceiling as if to ask why he was stuck with this shit. Again. "We've got a quota to make." He started forward at a swift pace, clearly irritated and pissed that he had to waste any more time waking up some lazy bastard like he was their mother. Today was the day Moksha was training the newbies, putting them out on a conveyor belt and making them do the heavy lifting. Olsef had zero other talent, as far as Moksha was concerned. Between not being favored by Calum, and Advay not giving a shit enough to glance at the newcomers, Moksha was stuck with the lot of them. If the little bitch couldn't get his hands dirty lifting some steel, he'd be cut up and fed to Advay's dogs. "Are you keeping up," he snarled, turning to glare over his shoulder with predatory blue eyes. They were passing through a dull hallway with gray walls and plain black tile. A large window to their left was opening into the expansive factory below, people working side by side to align rods and bend pipes for export already. The forge itself was visible from this high up, burning hot and making the air waver around it.
Olsef knew this was a dark place for him. It was all, dreary. He would rather be sleeping all day or at least meditating. But he knew that he had some responsibilities, whether he liked it or not. "I am right behind you." This person sounds like an asshole, but Olsef had a feeling this guy had to be one to do his job right. "So man, where are we going?"
[align=center][size=8pt]Moksha frowned, his upper lip curling like a wolf's snarl. "Great, you skipped the briefing too. What a bright one, you are," he growled, turning around again with his braid swishing down his back. "You're going to learn how to shape steel bars at section seven B of the factory. There's a space open after someone caught their hand in the machine." He rolled his shoulders, adjusting his dark jacket with a single shrug. "You'll be working with three other people in your specific quad-section, meaning one person is going to bend it one way, you bend it the other and send it on it's way," he took a sharp left, pushing open a door into an old metal stairwell, open aired to the rest of the factory. Sweltering air pushed it's way into the air conditioned hallway, it was no wonder the rest of the factory workers were shining with sweat. "One pair on one side of the conveyor belt, one pair on the other." Hands behind his back like a drill sergeant, he started down the stairs. "What's your name again?" He glared over his shoulder, still scowling.
"The name's Olsef." He couldn't even say it correctly. As soon as that door swung open, it was the instant stench of sweat and light smog that forced him to give a hacking, yet short cough. 
[align=center][size=8pt]Moksha's head tilted to the side slightly, like a curious dog, or an owl surveying for it's prey. "Olsef," he puffed, seemingly unbothered by the heat despite his thick hair and black clothing. He was silent the rest of the way down the steps, the only sound being the clicking of their feet on the metal steps and the roar of the factory below them. A few groups of people were laughing and singing, those who still had their fingers and who's arms were still sore with new work. As he reached the bottom, the heat grew more intense, now up close to the furnaces exhausts. Those around him averted their eyes as he passed, leading Olsef along a narrow walkway. "You will get work-safe clothes tomorrow, for now, do not catch any loose cloth on any working parts, it will be the death of you," he said, crossing over a small overpass and down some steps. The entire work-space was a maze, it seemed, though Moksha knew exactly where he was going. "You will be here. Follow that path into work each day, be here at six am sharp. No clocking in, but if I see your space empty, you're dead." He motioned slightly for Olsef to step up to the moving line of metal bars.
Olsef moved directly towards where his boss told him to go. "All right then, I'll do my best." As he started feeling more awake he started to notice how everyone reacts to this man. They all look like they respect him, but by fear. Olsef knew of course that some bosses would try to be scary. But he also knew there was a fine difference between scary, and bloodlust. But Olsef knew he would not be scared like the others. First off that he has been thru some abuse in the past so he can take it. Second he'll just sleep around it. Smile "Before I begin, I would like to know your name?" Olsef asked with a drowsy smile. "Also, when do we get our break?"
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