my heart is like a stallion -- open, joining
  Geez, they were pushy. "J-just give me a minute, alright?" he muttered, leaning up against the trunk again. Taking a deep breath, though, he nodded. Okay, he was going to be okay. So his old clan had (apparently) migrated over here, but none of the old members were left- that was fine, he hadn't been that attached to any of them in the first place. They weren't his flock, after all.

  With a shaky sigh, he stood up straight, glancing between the three creatures. Well, he did need a place to stay, if only for a day or two, so he could get his strength back. He'd survived last time; he could make it this time. "Sure, I'll join," he answered finally, lowering his head slightly.

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
He groaned, "Fine." I being too pushy?

[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams

  • black domestic feline
  • gold eyes
  • wears an eyepatch over right eye
  • wears a gold locket on occasion

  • [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
  • 16 moons
  • used to be human
  • Ages normally
  • birthday is January 1st
  • currently dealing with depression
  • incredibly vulnerable
  • has very little drive to do things
  • is trying their hardest
  • lets their emotions rule them
  • hates it when they bring people down
  • pansexual
  • single
  • lonely

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