honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago. | kay's character storage.
[Image: 119058525_193374048862540_71366346781120...1024_1.jpg]
[glow=#54965d,2,300][gfont=Lora]IDEALISM SITS IN PRISON; CHIVALRY FELL ON ITS SWORD.[/gfont][/glow]

[gfont=Palette Mosaic]doyle.[/gfont]


[gfont=Fredericka the Great]june.[/gfont]

[gfont=Cormorant Garamond]tú trúc[/gfont]

[gfont=Sedgwick Ave Display]robbie[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]kay — minor — allthekingsmen#9541[/gfont]

currently VERY busy with school Sad... if anyone needs to talk to me, i'll be on discord!
[Image: 1398494df25fa7414098fadc63d2579b_1.jpg]
[glow=#54965d,2,300][gfont=Lora]WHERE TO BEGIN?[/gfont][/glow]


[gfont=Lora]I. NAIYANA SAENPONG (NIN)[/gfont]
[gfont=East Sea Dokdo]"'Ligma?' Should we get you to a doctor? Is it a serious illness? I've never heard of it before."[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=black,2,300]NIN[/glow] is a stoic young girl with a twin brother that's a little more sinister than she is, but she still loves him very much. While he runs a small trading shack out in the Loner Lands, she runs messages and parcels for whoever pays. She doesn't trust others on first glance, but if you're nice to her, she'll eventually fall into her belief of innate human good and think you're alright. Overall, a pretty good kid at heart.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]❁ 14 years — AFAB female — she/her/hers — biromantic bisexual — Thai — Previously nomadic — Loner Lands; goes anywhere she needs to run letters or packages

❁ Choppy wavy-curly black hair that reaches about jaw to chin length, light-medium brown skin, lots of freckles and scars, brown eyes so dark they're basically black, 4'11", wiry-slender but solid physique, occasional bandana to cover her face, comfy and functional clothing

❁ Stoic, loyal, protective

❁ She has OCD and frequently loses sleep over her and her brother's safety

[gfont=Lora]II. CHANCHAI SAENPONG (NOI)[/gfont]
[gfont=East Sea Dokdo]"Hey Nin! I just found out that I have this disease called ligma—ask me what it is!"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=black,2,300]NOI[/glow] is a crafty young lad with a twin sister that's a little more gullible than he is, but he still loves her very much. While she runs messages and parcels for whoever pays, he keeps their small trading stand out in the Loner Lands in shape and intact. He likes playing games and messing around with people that pass by, usually in rather innocent ways. At heart, he's... a good kid. Promise.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]✺ 14 years — AMAB male — he/him/his — biromantic bisexual — Thai — Previously nomadic — Loner Lands; might visit other places to make deals, but people usually just find him, instead

✺ Curly black hair cropped at the upper nape and falling over his forehead, light-medium brown skin, lots of freckles with some pale scars, brown eyes so dark they're practically black, 5'7", lithely limber physique, occasional bandana to cover his face, comfy yet somewhat neat clothing

✺ Charming, manipulative, ruthless

✺ He's more than a little deceptive to people he doesn't know well, and has a penchant for giving wrong direction if someone rubs him the wrong way.

[gfont=Lora]III. DOYLE VENTURA[/gfont]
[gfont=Palette Mosaic]"Okay, mom, if it really makes you happy... what's ligma?"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=#ffc680,2,300]DOYLE[/glow] is a rather introverted individual with a love for reading and a distaste for intense socialization. They're the type of person to scoff at approaching chatterers and lovingly stroke their old mystery novels. Despite that, they care deeply for their mother and aunt and are searching for a way to join the Bluestem Prairie to ensure their safety. They also have a secret musical streak and can be a real softie, but they don't have any friends to show that around.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]✒ 22 years — AFAB agender — they/them/their, ey/em/eir — demiromantic pansexual — Dominican (Central African and Taíno) — Tennessee — Bluestem Prairie

✒ Buzzed-shaved coily black hair, dark brown skin, dark beauty mark beneath left corner of their lips, syrup-colored brown eyes, 5'8", strong upper body with softer lower body, circular wire-rimmed glasses, lover of open Hawaiian shirts over tank tops

✒ Intelligent, self-assured, inquisitive

✒ Their left leg isn't so reliable, and they use a crutch to get around, most of the time; they're also probably depressed.

[gfont=Lora]IV. JUDE CASWELL (CASS)[/gfont]
[gfont=Uchen]"Kid, did your auntie put you up to this? Do you even know what 'ligma' means?"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=#6b6b6b,2,300]CASS[/glow] is a dad that does dad-things, albeit in an emotionally distant way (though one could argue that that's the most dad-like thing he could do). Though he used to be a bit of a wild child in his teens, he's straightened himself out now that he's got a son to raise. He also has a sister nine years his junior that has been responsible for a lot longer than he has. He's a Sentinel of Flintlock Lodge.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]☾ 33 years — AMAB male — he/him/his — biromantic bisexual, with a preference for women — Diné, Irish, English, West African — New Mexico — Flintlock Lodge

☾ Slightly gray-streaked wavy black hair that's shorter at the sides and longer on the top, messily pushed back from his face; light-medium brown skin, some dark beauty marks and faint scars here and there, dark brown eyes, 6'1", strong and muscular physique with enough squish around the waist and hips to be somewhat pleasant to hug, tattoos (right arm has a full sleeve from wrist to over the shoulder, left arm has wrist and forearm tattoos, a few on his back; usually covered by clothes), silver locket tucked beneath clothes, simple and neatly functional clothing

☾ Practical, careful, sarcastic

☾ In certain situations, his many old injuries tend to flare up and leave him wrought with pain; he's also so tired. Save him

[gfont=Lora]V. JUNIPER CASWELL (JUNE)[/gfont]
[gfont=Fredericka the Great]"Hey, Ro! Go tell your dad that you have ligma—I'll give you some sweets if you do!"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=#8f55b5,2,300]JUNE[/glow] is an aunt that does aunt things, but not all the time. She's about as friendly and chatty as they come, but secretly harbors some resentment for her older brother of nine years for being absent and shirking all his responsibilities to her as they came. She's an arbiter of Flintlock Lodge.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]☀ 24 years — AFAB female — she/her/hers, they/them/their — panromantic pansexual — Diné, Irish, English, West African — New Mexico — Flintlock Lodge

☀ Dark brown wavy mid-neck-length hair with middle-parted bangs, light-medium brown skin, dark beauty mark just beneath the corner of her left eye, dark brown eyes, 5'3", soft hourglass-pear-shaped physique, silver locket tucked beneath clothes, simple but cutely functional clothing

☀ Cheery, logical, repressed

☀ She has ADHD; she also requires frequent socialization if she wants to stay fresh and upbeat.

[gfont=Lora]VI. VŨ TÚ TRÚC — WIP[/gfont]
[gfont=Prata]"...'Ligma?' Darling, it's cute that you're trying to make me laugh, but I do think that you need to try harder."[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=red,2,300]TÚ TRÚC[/glow] is a clever, seductive socialite of a woman that makes heads turn and hearts beat faster with every breath. She works hard to keep her place in the Badlands and works harder to keep her thoughts away from the darker parts of life. She's been a victim of a tough heartbreak, and if her frequent flirtations with most beautiful women are any indication, she's trying to forget about it.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]♛ 21 years — AFAB female — she/her/hers — homoromantic homosexual (lesbian)  — Vietnamese — New York — The Badlands

♛ Mid-back-length black hair made into curls using hair rollers, golden-tan skin, dark beauty mark beneath the right corner of her lips, whiskey-brown eyes, 5'6", slim physique with little muscle tone, lobe piercings, fine clothing (or as fine as she can make it seem)

♛ Alluring, pleasure-seeking, underhanded

♛ Further facts to come

[gfont=Lora]VII. ROBIN CHAI (ROBBIE) — WIP[/gfont]
[gfont=Sedgwick Ave Display]"Ligma? Ligma wh—oh, wait! Oh my god! Ligma nuts!"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=#a68263,2,300]ROBBIE[/glow] is a superbly mischievous little scamp full of pranks and malicious intent to spread upon the world. Xis residence in the Thrillfair part of Vice World couldn't be more wonderful for xer; xe gets to have as much fun as the big-boss allows, and the availability and chance to climb up the ranks and take some of the spotlight for xerself is too delectable not to try out. The devil works hard, but Robbie works harder.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]? 19 years — AFAB genderfluid — xe/xer/xis, they/them/their, it/it/its — panromantic demisexual — Hmong Chinese — Quebec — Vice World (mostly Thrillfair)

? Shoulder-length auburn-ginger hair in small twin braids, warm tan skin, light freckles and scarring sporadically speckled over xis body, amber eyes, 5'0", athletic but thin physique, cartilage & lobe piercings (string), ratty but somewhat playfully punk clothing

? Attention-seeking, ambitious, free-spirited

? Further facts to come

[gfont=Lora]VIII. SHAY O'BYRNE — WIP[/gfont]
[gfont=Gideon Roman]"What the hell is a ligma?"[/gfont]
[gfont=Lora][glow=#ee2eff,2,300]SHAY[/glow] is a simmering ball (cube?) of revenge, resentment, and a begrudging sense of duty that trails along his foot like snagged toilet paper wherever he goes. He harbors a lot of anger towards his backstabbing half-sister that works for the Badlands (wonder who she is?), but is trying to put it aside to live peacefully within the Northstar District, making a genuine attempt to help others. Of course, fate is a cruel mistress, and whether or not he'll be successful in that endeavor is up in the air.[/gfont]

[gfont=Lora]♞ 20 years — AMAB bigender — he/him/his, she/her/hers — biromantic asexual — Irish, Vietnamese — New York — Northstar District

♞ Choppy, semi-wavy black hair that reaches his lower neck/upper shoulders and is sometimes gathered in a half-up half-down style, pale skin with faint golden undertones, inky or smudged written reminders all over his arms, dark green eyes, 5'8", lean and strong, cartilage & lobe piercings, cleanly fashionable clothing with minimalist notes

♞ Tempestuous, honest, well-meaning (usually)

♞ Further facts to come

[gfont=Lora]kay — minor — allthekingsmen#9541[/gfont]

currently VERY busy with school Sad... if anyone needs to talk to me, i'll be on discord!
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