"speech" 'thought' text

As he trudged through the sludge on the ground, Michael once again asked himself why he continued to live when it was such a pain in his ass. He had a crude sling done up to hold his arm, though it wasn't the arm that hurt it was the hand. He'd bandaged it best he could, and immobilized it, but without Mord there to set it, he wasn't sure how well it would heal. Not like he'd let anyone else take a look at the injury.

Why he'd been picked to do this was beyond him, he would have been much happier drinking what was left of his stash of whiskey and forgetting his problems for as long as he could. But, he supposed he had to make the best of this situation. He sighed and pulled his collar up on his jacket with his good hand. At least he still had one hand which still worked, though it could easily have been broken along with the other one.

Michael frowned in concentration as they continued on. Teddy was an absolute waste of space, and Michael certainly resented him. But what could be done about it? The fact Teddy had decided magnanimously to send Michael out to fetch a tree, though not alone, no, he couldn't be trusted to go alone after all. Granted it was a fair assumption that he'd leave, hell he would have left if it had been possible as soon as he handed the reins over to the Knope brothers.

Speaking of, the second half of the duo was here with him. Micah, if the younger man hadn't pulled him off of Teddy he very well might have killed one third of the new administration. They walked in silence, Micah with the axe, apparently Mike couldn't be trusted with an axe either... though that was also understandable. Not that he needed a weapon to induce serious damage. Right before sending them off, Teddy had murmured some words in his ear, getting uncomfortably close in Mike's opinion... close enough for Mike to suckerpunch him, for sure.

'Get used to working for me, mike, not with me.' Simple enough sentence, but it raised his hackles, even now at least a few miles from the city he was still thinking about it. He wanted to punch that smug look off of the man's face. As much of a fan of silence as he was, the monotony of the sound of slush underneath his boots, and the stillness of the day was getting to him, and as then continued on their trek he opened his mouth to speak several times before shutting it promptly.

Soon they'd start climbing a bit and then the good trees would start peppering the landscape. He wondered how large of a one they were going to bring back. Hopefully not too big, or it'd be difficult to lug it back with a broken hand, despite how good in shape the other slab of meat was.


Michael Ford is a 45 year old, man, he's stubbornly loyal to whatever cause he chooses, protective of his family and friends, he's a member of the Badlands. Michael has issues controlling his anger in most situations. He is a difficult opponent and well trained, feel free to power play nonviolent interactions though.
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; Font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]as much as the job of babysitting a, essentially, prisoner sucks, micah said he would do it because that seemed a lot easier than interacting with other badlanders. juliette and teddy do a much better job at that than he ever could. plus, maybe it'll send even stronger of a message to the others, cross the big three and it's over. in most other circumstances, they probably would have killed mike; micah wasn't opposed, but teddy had plans, apparently.

he watches the ax move with his steps, glad mike didn't try talking. he wants to just take in the sounds of the forest, he's only getting the tree because of his wife and wants to make his sons' first holiday season the best he can, even if they won't remember. maybe that's another reason he wanted to come, have a say in the tree, making it the best they could find. micah starts the climb to get to the better trees easily, stopping to look back and wait for mike when he reaches another flat part of the land. however, he doesn't offer any help.

" i like dis one, " he says, picking out an about eight foot tall one. mike isn't going to be of much help, just carrying it back to town. micah feels his jaw tighten and anger grow in his throat whenever he looks at mike. that had been the one way to get to micah, going after his family. the man didn't care about much else, never struggled with loss of life that isn't his immediate family. spending his whole life protecting teddy from people and the world wasn't going to be lost to some old man who takes such offense to words.

once the tree is down, micah picks up the trunk end and lifts his head to signal mike to grab the other end and start heading back. once they start moving, he can't hold his tongue any longer, " [color=#000000]you touch my family 'gain, any of 'em, yous fuckin' dead, " he threatens, " [color=#000000]if ya wanna die, we'll keep ya alive 'gain 'n 'gain. got it? "

[spoiler= tags, updated 11/30/2020]BASICS[color=#000000]NOW SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH

&. ❝ micah alexander knope ❞ | male [ he/him ] .
&. 30 years old . | june third ; gemini
&. 1/3  of the administration of badlands .

&. ruthless . silent type . rough exterior . heartless . every man for themselves . controlling . a planner . brooding . apathetic . determined . cold . short tempered . impatient . serious . stoic .

&.  six foot four & one hundred and eighty-nine pounds ; reference ; stephen james .
↳ keeps the sides of his heads shaved, exposing some tattoos on his head with his hair slicked back in a clean fashion.
↳ nearly his whole body is covered in tattoos.
↳ has ice grey eyes and an oval face. his chin is wide and jawline sharp.
↳ almost entirely muscle.

&.  [ 10/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ hard ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #000000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 3 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 3 ] aid items | [ 2 ] misc .
↳ one shotgun
↳ one rifle
↳ one set of brass knuckles
↳ three low quality explosives
↳ one pitbull puppy named leia
↳ one munchkin cat named ozzy

&. npc x npc | eldest child to a crime family .
↳ theodore knope, 28, badlands .
&. heterosexual, heteroromantic ; mongamous  . | never had a good model for relationships growing up, is learning how to be a good significant other .
↳ in a serious relationship with juliette rousseau .
↳ father to matthew knope & milo knope, 5 months .[/spoiler]

"speech" 'thought' text

The silence wasn't going to last, from the look brewing on Micah's face, and yet, Michael hoped it would. As the tree was felled, Michael watched it fall, standing clear of it. It would be rather... unfortunate if the tree crushed him entirely, though honestly it would end the miserable existence that God had cursed him with. He raised his eyes to the skies as if to all but dare him to strike him from the face of the earth. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

With a grunt, he lifted the other end, getting as good a grip as he could with his good hand. He supposed the months he spent as a... woodsman during his absence from the Badlands was useful for this current event. He listened to Micah, wondering if he could get away with a grunt as an answer, but, since he included a "got it" Mike supposed he should say something, adjusting his grip on the tree, he held it partially on his hip. "Your brother had no right to bring up my son."

Apparently Mike did not get it. "I understand though. I won't take any more cheap shots at Teddy." He added, not entirely keen on getting beaten up again, though he honestly didn't care that much, though he supposed if he ever wanted the killer of his son to be brought to justice some day. One day. He clenched his broken hand, only to release the grip a second later from the pain. It was a solid reminder for him to be more in control of his temper... and mouth.

Michael Ford is a 45 year old, man, he's stubbornly loyal to whatever cause he chooses, protective of his family and friends, he's a member of the Badlands. Michael has issues controlling his anger in most situations. He is a difficult opponent and well trained, feel free to power play nonviolent interactions though.
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; Font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]micah huffs, while he knows he would not react kindly to someone bringing up his sons in something like that, but it’s every person out for themselves nowadays; and micah’s loyalty is to his brother. with a shake of his head, “ don’t madda, you had no right to hit ‘im like dat, “ he retorts, not even entertaining the fact that teddy might have been in the wrong. plus, he never even really dissed will, it was more an attack on mike.

[color=#000000]nowdays, words kinna pointless ta get fussed ova, “ he preaches, which he only takes half of it and puts it into practice. micah doesn’t get wilded up over what people say; people can say anything, but there are some topics. but, hey, no one’s perfect, and he’s not the one on trial here. mike had his days on top of the world, ran badlands into the ground, if he wanted to keep his untouchable status, he should have done better.

[spoiler= tags, updated 11/30/2020]BASICS[color=#000000]NOW SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH

&. ❝ micah alexander knope ❞ | male [ he/him ] .
&. 30 years old . | june third ; gemini
&. 1/3  of the administration of badlands .

&. ruthless . silent type . rough exterior . heartless . every man for themselves . controlling . a planner . brooding . apathetic . determined . cold . short tempered . impatient . serious . stoic .

&.  six foot four & one hundred and eighty-nine pounds ; reference ; stephen james .
↳ keeps the sides of his heads shaved, exposing some tattoos on his head with his hair slicked back in a clean fashion.
↳ nearly his whole body is covered in tattoos.
↳ has ice grey eyes and an oval face. his chin is wide and jawline sharp.
↳ almost entirely muscle.

&.  [ 10/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ hard ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #000000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 3 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 3 ] aid items | [ 2 ] misc .
↳ one shotgun
↳ one rifle
↳ one set of brass knuckles
↳ three low quality explosives
↳ one pitbull puppy named leia
↳ one munchkin cat named ozzy

&. npc x npc | eldest child to a crime family .
↳ theodore knope, 28, badlands .
&. heterosexual, heteroromantic ; mongamous  . | never had a good model for relationships growing up, is learning how to be a good significant other .
↳ in a serious relationship with juliette rousseau .
↳ father to matthew knope & milo knope, 5 months .[/spoiler]

couldn't fix me i accepted it - p; scully
trigger warnings alcohol, death, lots of blood, profanity, heavy violence, religion.

tags  45 years old, difficult/hard opponent, nonviolent interactions are open, pm or ask for violent interactions.
trigger warnings alcohol, death, lots of blood, profanity, heavy violence, religion.

tags  45 years old, difficult/hard opponent, nonviolent interactions are open, pm or ask for violent interactions.
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