
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 500px; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 100%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 7pt; text-align: justify"][align=center][i] sometimes i feel cold, even paralyzed
my interior world needs to sanitize

[font=verdana][sub]she ; her [color=black]/ discord : scully#2222 / dump / halfmoon

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]

[align=center][font=arial][I]so, i heard the world doesn't revolve around me /:
Hoot loves your aesthetics

[div style="width:537px;font-size:8pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;letter-spacing: 2px;"]beatles ( she/her ) — beatles#1098 — dump — nikolai

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 500px; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 100%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 7pt; text-align: justify"][align=center][i] sometimes i feel cold, even paralyzed
my interior world needs to sanitize

[align=center]  [ SHE'S NEON, SHINE YOUR LIGHT! ]  
[abbr=perpetual emo phase / college sophomore / taurus / osh-l / msg 4 skype sc discord etc / crows is my best friend - crows]info[/abbr] + thread hub + [abbr=fucc u it was 185 not 186 - eskie ; spills paint whoops i ruined it - fangs ; *handcuffs u to my weird bird foot* - crows ; pee kink - aporia]friends[/abbr]
watch out — private, sp
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]CLAUDIA MONTEIRO

The basement is packed—all the members of their little “gang,” or the group of them at St. Petersburg Academy who have flocked together for one reason or another. Some of them dating, others friends, others friends of friends, whoever they all are in relation to each other, everyone’s breathing in the same weed smoke and passing the joints around like candy. Claudia’s never really had a group of friends, but she supposes whatever their little ragtag group of students is will probably be the closest she’s ever going to get.

She has her backpack at her side, a binder and a couple pencils having been thrown haphazardly in before she had left to come here. She doesn’t really know why she brought it; she always tells herself that she’ll go to the basement, maybe ask someone smarter than her like Elijah or Jane for help with whatever she had spent three hours trying to decode that day, and she never ends up doing it. School is important to her, but after a certain point, she’s found herself incapable of caring about it anymore.

They’ve all been here a little while now; probably a couple hours at least, and without needing to check her phone, she already knows it’s probably past midnight. “I might head out soon; I don’t wanna wake up still high,” she jokes, adjusting her legs underneath her from her position on the loose mattress that’s sitting on the ground. Before she can start to get up, though, the lights in the room start to flicker.

Claudia can feel her heart stop, and she’s ready to brush it off before it gets quicker and quicker. “Um, what the fuck...?” she says loudly, looking around wildly for a friend she can lock eyes with and try to calm herself down, but the flickering lights don’t allow her much time to make out faces. Before she can say anything else, she catches sight of movement across the room, coming directly towards her; she screams a little over dramatically and moves to grab the shoulders of the person two feet away from her on the mattress, hiding behind them. When she looks up, she sees a vintage, boxy television, crashed right into the spot where her head had been moments before and lying broken on the ground.

She feels ready to cry, but her voice only trembles slightly when she speaks up again. “No fucking way. I’m done. We gotta leave,” she says, her words coming out quicker than she meant them to.
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]BRYN ROTHSCHILD

the night has been calm, everyone just hanging out in the basement they’ve all claimed as a personal refuge from the catholic fuckery that constantly went on at st. petersburg. it was almost like their safe place, counting on comfort and memories whenever they descended into it, at least that’s how bryn generally feels. it’s the one place here that doesn’t make her feel like shit and actually is kinda soothing, in an odd way, like just by being down there, bryn has escaped and doesn’t have the expectations of everywhere else while she’s there. tonight’s no different, they’ve pulled together all their stashes like a pot luck; a literal pot luck. at this point, smoke hangs in the air as the group starts to slow down on the smoking, only a couple joints still being passed around. bryn watches adam take a drag before moving to kiss him and have him shotgun the smoke to her.

she breathes out slowly, a faint but content smile settles onto her lips. then, claudia gets up with the intention to leave. this isn’t a bummer for bryn, in fact, her smile grows and becomes smug, tilting her head to the side. the two girls are feuding, bryn convinced that claudia’s the culprit of the ransacking of her dorm as well as stealing her precious family ring; with good reason, it couldn’t have just magically showed up in her room. however, the other girl fiercely denies it, only fueling bryn’s anger. they’re all on edge, though, some sus stuff has been going down.

bryn rests back on her elbows, her body relaxing with the idea of her current nemesis leaving, but... the lights begin to flicker. not a power issue flicker, a rapid flicker that even has a strobe light effect. she sits up instantly, muscled ridged and she looks up to the light, a single bulb dangling down enough for one to reach it and turn it on and off, but it swings slightly as the flickering gets faster and faster and faster...

when she’s still looking up, someone grabs her shoulders which makes bryn let out a startled yelp before there’s a crash and the light returns to its normal vibrancy. her eyes wide, she slowly turns to see the shattered tv on the ground, exactly where claudia had been. it also clicks for her who had grabbed her moments before and as soon as it does, bryn twists to shove claudia away, ”get the fuck off of me,” she snaps, arms then quickly wrapping tightly around her stomach and scooting closer to adam.

she agrees, they need to go, now, but she’s unwilling to speak up in support of her idea.
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]AHN SEORA

seora wasn't sure how she kept getting herself into these situations. there was always a promise to study, and she went over certain that today would be the day she would finally figure out the latest mechanism in physics or learn more about the details surrounding the new deal. it didn't turn out that way, though, and she should've caught on to the pattern. someone rolled a joint, or pushed someone onto the couch, and everyone forgot why they were there to begin with.

seora was hanging out in the corner trying to make out the sounds that were coming from the radio. it was either news from downtown or a retelling of a spooky story, but it settled her nerves, nonetheless. when claudia announced her leave, she rose with her. she would've taken off earlier, but with all of the happenings around campus lately, she didn't want to head back alone.

then the lights started to flicker.

no way. not now. she didn't have time for this.

seora leapt to her feet and bolted to the stairs, but bumped into someone face-first and fell onto her backside. "what the fuck![i] who-"

there was a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking, but she didn't bother looking for the source. she tried to get back to her feet, and grabbed whoever's wrist was next to hers - claudia's, hopefully? jane's? was jane here? she forgot to say hello..fuck [i]fuck!

"everyone, go! get out!" she screamed, her eyes welling with tears. god, she hated this school.
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]REY MORENO

Rey swore to himself that he'd limit the number of times he'd be here— weekends, okay— but any weekday was dangerous for him. He'd found himself trading out homework, assignments, and sleep to take back any ounce of normalcy he felt he'd lost by coming here in the first place. Back in Compton, his friends of choice did what his friends of choice decided to do here— resolve their problem through the comfort of drugs and alcohol. His normalcy is what his mama wanted to astray him from by sending him here, yet as soon as he could find it again there he was. If he were to get kicked out of this school, he isn't sure on whether or not he'd have a home.

He isn't thinking about that, though. Time isn't even a matter of mind to him right now. Instead he's sitting in a chair, his head is rested in his arms and noise is just this— thing. He doesn't really listen to anyone. For some reason, though, he's hyperaware of the static from the corner that he doesn't register as Seora's doing. He's especially interested in the news, and he's curious whether or not their school's questionable series of murders are being publicized. Veteran students, students who have been going here most of their lives say that's never the case. People go crazy, people go missing. Sometimes are found dead. Apologies are sent to the family, belittled as some unfortunate cause— but natural, or accidental. 

Rey tries not to worry, at least externally. He's been witnessed, nearly desensitized to the violence of his neighborhood. A few mishaps at a boarding school shouldn't conjure anything different. Still, as Seora changes the channel— just as a case is mentioned— without lifting his head, he mumbles, "Go back." hones in as he waits but his attention quickly diverts when Claudia announces she's leaving. "Alone?" Sure, Rey would be the first to dismiss a supernatural suggestion but it's only common sense that they didn't leave alone. Not if there was potentially some serial killer on the loose. They could just be waiting for their next opportunity.

Of course, Rey is willing to suggest he go with her. Along with some alone time with her, he was nearly dormant on that chair and probably would have been out in the next few minutes. Probably best he got back anyway. But before he could, Seora is up. He hesitates, but figures he could make the suggestion. Before he could, however, the lights are flickering, panic ensuing in less than thirty seconds.

Senses already impaired by weed, he finds it hard to register what's happening. Only that a sharp pain shoots through his leg causing him to recoil in pain. If the lights flickering didn't sober him up, this definitely had. Rey searches for familiar bodies, pushing his way through them to search for the hatch of the door. He fumbles but eventually finds it, but pushes to no avail. "It's fucking stuck" He shouts to the group behind him, pushing against it to no avail.

"Someone— someone— come over here and help me now."
it was a good thing that there was a space to escape from the confines of catholic school ; an unrestricted area where he could let loose with either the boys or with the whole squad — in this case , nearly all of the squad had gathered to celebrate 4/20 . declan probably smoked weed more often than he smoked actual cigarettes , which he had done on special occasions . even weed he did not smoke regularly . however , when it came down to smoking a blunt with the gang , how could he possibly pass up the opportunity ? on 4/20/20 , too .

the night had been good so far . things had quieted , and even claudia had decided on going home — until a bunch of shit happened at once . she screamed , she ran backwards into bryn , people were starting to freak out now . he shakes his head , knowing that these people were pretty quick to freak out and jump to conclusions . [b]" y'all are fuckin' tripping, i swear— " then the glass shatters , and his dazed eyes whip downward to the broken television that had fallen onto the floor . "whoa , whoa , " declan's eyes widen upon realization that the tv had indeed crashed down on its own . that was pretty freaky , and had even caused him to jump onto his feet .

rey had made his way over to the door , to which declan wholly agreed that they should be getting right the fuck out of there . he nearly stiffened when his friend had turned to the rest of the group , claiming that the door was stuck . " no way , dude . " declan made his way over to see for himself . he took the knob into his hands and he jiggled it around to no avail . " holy shit — " was this really happening ? dec tried opening the door again , and when his attempts failed , he went ahead and threw his entire weight against the door in an attempt to break it down .
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]CLAUDIA MONTEIRO

Claudia doesn’t even notice that the person she’s grabbed is Bryn until she hears swearing and is shoved off. She stumbles a bit and falls right back onto the broken television set, wincing and hissing under her breath as she feels broken shards of glass dig into her side and the palms of her hands that he’s fallen onto. Clenching her teeth against the mild pain, Claudia gets back up, wiping what blood there is on her hands onto her pants. She can see the room begin to start bustling, but fear and weed are impairing her senses slightly, and the bodies are starting to blur together. There’s a moment where her heart seems to stop; she needs to find someone, anyone, that will be a welcoming face.

She feels someone grab her hand and almost jumps in shock, but turns to her side and sees it’s Seora. She can already feel her racing heart begin to settle down now that Seora’s there, but the tears welling in her eyes don’t cease. She furiously wipes at them with her free hand before gently giving Seora’s hand a squeeze and removing her own from it. It’s not until Rey announces that the door is stuck, that she really begins to panic.

Her eyes widen as her attention shifts to him struggling with the door, and starts to make her way over before Declan starts trying to bust it down. “Declan, stop, the door’s bolted and you’re going to throw out your shoulder,” she frets, trying to keep her voice stable but failing. She looks around wildly, making her way to one of the egress windows and placing a chair underneath it. She gets up on the chair, struggling with the latch on the ground-level window just to found out it’s locked, as well. Wildly, she grabs a decoration off the wall—some sort of metal sun decor— and throws all her weight behind it at the window, spraying glass over the other side of the egress as it shatters. “Everyone, go break the other windows. I got this one open but it’s so small, there’s no—just no way any of us can fit through.” She’s starting to feel dizzy, and she’s suddenly scared that she’ll fall off the chair with her legs suddenly feeling like jelly, but she can’t get down for the same reason.
[color=transparent]claire loves u!
[align=center][size=9pt]AHN SEORA

there was a crash right above her head. shards of glass showered onto her shoulders, then a "seora, you fucking-"

"i won't do it again!" she whipped around to face the 6 foot bearded man, but he was nowhere to be seen. paralyzed with disbelief, she stood, watching the three people attempting to bust through the door with her mouth agape. seora then looked down at the wall decor scattered around her, beginning to understand.

"can't you do something? anything? what have we raised you for?"

she ran to the window that she was sitting beside listening to the radio earlier. she began to go through a box filled with church supplies and dug out a metal cross. she banged it against the window with all her might - once, twice, thrice, but to no avail.

"i'm going to find you gargling shit in that ditch the next time i come over."

the window cracked open. "here! here!" seora started to grin despite herself. "out here!" she put her foot into the opening, breaking through more glass in the process. god. it hurt. it hurt. but seora had to meet her friend. she said she wanted to show her something. she knew she'd be mad if she was running late - it had happened way too many times this week to be considered pure negligence.

just as she had her leg out halfway, two rough hands gripped her by the shoulders and began to shake her back and forth. "seora, are you [i]listening to me?!"[/i]

she reached up to feel them. real.

"get off me!" seora couldn't will herself to turn around. "i didn't do anything this time, i promise, i promise!"
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