
[div style="width: 424px; min-height: 315px; padding-right: 0px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; margin-bottom: px; line-height: 14px; font-family: times new roman; margin-top: -2px; background-color: #d6d0c5; color: #5a472a"][b]PLOT THREAD      CHAT THREAD    [b] PINTEREST    DISCORD

[b]G      E      N      E      R      A      L

[align=left][div style="width: 427px; text-align: center; font-family: work sans, arial; font-size: 6pt; text-transform: uppercase; color: #282828; text-spacing: 2px; letter-spacing: 1px;"]"Immortality is what nature possesses without effort and without anybody's assistance, and immortality is what the mortals must therefore try to achieve if they want to live up to the world into which they were born, to live up to the things which surround them and to whose company they are admitted for a short while."

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This is a cult built from the ruins of another, you see, long before The Children of Abaddon existed the children that now reside there came from a hippie-based, Christian cult by the name of Teens For Christ. The founder—Abraham—had one clear message: Children are our future, love and appreciate them. To outsides it seemed like the perfect way to raise your children and yourself, while being surrounded by likeminded folks that loved you, cared for you. The town of Friend, located in Nebraska, was pushing close to 160 members and those moving in all had the same very thought in mind. Behind closed doors, however, told a different story. One that wasn't just love your teens, but encourage a nature that was described as taboo in the media's eyes: intercourse. Abraham pushed this agenda in secret, the outside world completely unaware of the unlikely victims. The downfall of the world didn't seem to help their case, if anything, if only seemed to make it worse—with no one left to follow, the children turned to Abraham and his disillusioned beliefs and sinister ideals in order to keep them afloat. Although, it was his toxicity that continued to spread through the group as he took advantage of the impressionable and presented a new agenda, one that did not involve God, but a new Antichrist by the name of Abaddon. ""Thy Father above has left us, as have your mothers and fathers; there is someone new to fill in the prophecy and he speaks to me..." Abaddon along with Abraham presented it's idea of life only mattering under youth. The adults whom joined, were killed, with the exclusion of Abraham. The children seemed accepting of their new savior and tolerant of the abuse that came along with it in His Name, and—as it was preached to them—instilling a deep-rooted obsession with youth. Babies, children, and teens alike were stolen from lingering towns, brainwashed like their peers into believing there is something out there protecting them and that they hold a new type of importance. By late 2018, an unlikely hero stepped in. Abraham's biological son, Isaac, pointing out his father's hypocrisy: "Abaddon does not speak through decrepit men such as him; I know as he has spoken through me, cherubic and pure, both in which Abraham is not...." Persuading the children to trust him was no easy task, but he shared his father's vociferous and charisma. November night, during the full moon, Abraham was sacrificed and eaten, an ideology of dominance, where The Children of Abaddon begun, spreading like a disease among neighboring towns resulting in extinction or relocation.

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[WEEKLY] MASS Every Sunday around 6AM. Here, issues are presented to The Children and discussed, promises of Abaddon's protection reassured, the leader reading scriptures as songs and praise ring throughout the Church.

CRUCIFIXION Also known as the parties held the week before the full moon, also known as before a sacrifice. This is an honor of the life that will be sacrificed, for tears and hugs and gifts traded (if any) that'll pass into the afterlife. It is not to be a sad event, but one of joy that they lived and died in the cult's hands.

[Ritualistic] Mass Every full moon, mass is held to both honor Abaddon, and to sacrifice those the age of twenty-one. Here, you either have the option to take your own life, or offered by your peers. This usually isn't an act of acrimony, but celebrated and if you don't fight, it is to be made as painless and quick as possible.

[Ceremonious] Mass These masses are held along with weekly mass when they welcome a new member into the group. Here, new members are expected to eat the heart of a lamb and be baptized with the heart of a goat. This is the same for newborns of The Cult after they are about three weeks old. 

Harvest Day Takes place on October 31st. Basically the day of cleansing, when they wander outside their groups and kill those who aren't like them, the sinners. The day of harvest lasts from midnight to the crack of dawn.

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Although the children follow The Ten Commandments, those whom are outsiders would consider the rules to be followed very loosely; in their eyes, sacrifice and the murder of those whom aren't them are justifiable as in their eyes, they are cleansing the earth of sinners, and doing it in the act of survival.

The Ten Commandments
I. You shall have no other Gods before Me.
II. You shall not make idols.
III. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
V. Honor your father and your mother.
VI. You shall not murder.
VII. You shall not commit adultery.
VII. You shall not steal.
IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
X. You shall not covet.

The Rules of Abaddon
[ 1 ] You should willingly lay down your life for this cult and your messiah, no matter the circumstances. Upon sacrifice, you shall be ready to give your life whether by your beloved members, or for yourself. There is no backing out.

[ 2 ] Around the age of 18 to 20, you are to 'give a life for your life' in other terms, before the age of twenty-one women shall bare children before their ultimate sacrifice. Unless physically unable, motherhood is expected of you whatever the circumstance.

[ 3 ] Medication isn't allowed. The only medication offered is that of your messiah. Whether you put your faith into Abaddon brings result to your health. Those whom are less likely to make it are put out of their misery.

[ 4 ] The age is four is when a member learns their daily tasks. This does not completely reassure a position in a certain branch, however, this is an opportunity to hone in your skills, if any.

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When the states excited, mattered, the importance of what was called Nebraska was it's cornfields, and creation of Kool-aid. All that remains is a trace of what it used to be, the only trace lively and with what seems to be a soul is the cornfields, stretching acres of land, the only lead way into the city of Abaddon being a dirt road. Abaddon's border is obvious enough: signs with what used to pride itself in it's love for Jesus leaving a far more ominous message.


CHURCH OF ABADDON The main and most important building to TCOA, the church is located five minutes outside of the small cluster of buildings that make up the small town of Isaac. Like everything here it has obviously seen better days—the white paint on the outside is peeling away to reveal the aged wood beneath, shingles continuously fall from the roof, windows are broken with shards of glass littering the ground beneath them. In short, the building is disgusting and dangerous to even stand in but the children make due with what they have and their church is the most sacred thing that they posses. The inside of the church is not much better, broken pieces of wood are usually kept to the back of the church, remade into pews so that they can sit during mass or simply carried back to the small town and used to help with the upkeep of the other buildings. There is a large hole in the roof of the church, directly over the alter and despite the time of day it always allows the sun to shine down on whoever may be speaking at that moment; it adds to this illusioned affect of holiness that TCOA desperately try to reach for.

MESSIAH'S SANCTUARY This house is probably one of the only buildings that has managed to stand the test of time and is, well, really the only house that has continuous maintenance done to it. The inside still has remains of furniture, no fabrics were able to remain but the Messiah does have access to tables, to chairs and to desks that the other children could only ever dream of—along with being the only house with an actual mattress to sleep on.

[b]CHILDREN'S HOUSE The children's house is the house where the smallest children are looked over and cared for; children under the age of eight spend most of their time here if not outside. While it looks... less impressive than the Messiah's Sanctuary, it is still more put together than the house the majority of the older kids share and is actually a little cleaner and safer inside and fairly sturdy despite it's old age. Most of the outside paint is pealing off and the shingles, like the church, continuously fall to the ground and many of the babysitters have taken to simply hammering in old boards over the holes left in the ceiling each time a whole is created by water damage because of the lack of outside protection. The first floor has been cleared out and is now lined with hay and pieces of fabric for the children to sleep on; it isn't the most comfortable but, at times, it's the most amount of comfort that anyone in the group can get. The house itself acts as a giant bed, having been stripped clean from the inside out. All leftover furniture having been torn apart and repurposed over the years have left most of the houses ominously empty. However, upstairs is a different story: this is the area where the smallest children live, children from two and under aren't often allowed to leave the warmth and safety of the attic. Windows have been nailed shut, stuffing has been shoved into any holes and a large tarp has been nailed to the ceiling to create a small tent-like structure that protects the youngest members of the cult. It is often the warmest place during the winter and is well regulated and monitored, more so than any other place in the town. Makeshift cribs line the floor, lined with the softest fabrics the group has to offer and whatever stuffing or soft material the kids managed to gather.

EVERYONE'S HOUSE A cramped, single-story house is the place in which the majority of children sleep who are over the age of eight and who have no rank or status. Most of the paint on the outside has peeled off with age and a few of the wooden boards that make up the house have fallen off or have been awkwardly hammered on to keep the building in somewhat good condition. The door barely hangs on to it's frame anymore and is usually left open all day and only closed during night or regularly during the winter to try and keep it from completely coming off and need to be repaired or replaced by the children. The inside is lined much the same as the Children's houses is—stripped bare with hay and fabric scattering the floor in what appears to be a simple mass bed where everyone sleeps against each other to preserve heat and simply because they don't have enough room for everyone to have their own space. The windows of this house are probably the only ones left intact and while they are certainly cracked, the children know to keep away from them and to cover them in the winter as best they can to keep the cold weather out.

BANK (FOOD STORAGE) The only building made of brick in all of Isaac, the abandoned bank acts as the center for storing food, supplies and anything else that helps the children with their farming duties. The two story-building holds a large lockable safe in the back where all the good food i stored to keep it safe from grabby hands and animals alike, although every other inch of the building is mostly storage—the first floor being mainly tools and appliances and the second being filled with buckets of various seeds and some potted plants. It isn't the prettiest of buildings on the outside but many of the children try to keep the inside fairly clean to avoid accidents and to keep the food safe from being contaminated by any outside force.

TAVERN (DINING ROOM) There's not much to say about the tavern, it stands directly across from the bank and is a little smaller than some of the other buildings. It acts as the dining room for the kids, a wood stove in the back helps the children to cook and serve food onto scattered tables and broken chairs. The outside paint has peeled off and the paint inside is quickly following suit, it isn't the most sanitary of places but it has chairs and a stove and honestly it's really all the kids need to consider something a dining room with their limited amount of knowledge on the subject.

TOWN HALL (PEYOTE STORAGE) The Town Hall is likely the building that is in the worst shape thus rendering it uninhabitable by any of the children; however, it has been somewhat renovated and now works as both the storehouse and the growing center for the Peyote. Most of the windows have been broken out, pieces of the building are falling off ever more as the days go on and are very poorly fixed with nothing more than a few awkwardly nailed pieces of wood to it's structure. The second floor has completely collapsed and the wood has been scattered across the camp and used in different places, the first floor isn't in much better shape and the back half off the building is mostly caved away to reveal patches of dirt and planets beneath it where some of the Peyote supply is grown. All young children are not permitted in this area because it is both a safety hazard and because they wouldn't understand what to be cautious of when exploring the building. Supplies regarding the growth of the drug are usually strewn about the entrance room while the plants are grown in the furthest back of the building to keep unwanted people from immediately having access to it.

BARN Simple, the barn is the place where all of the animals that TCOA own are kept and cared for. It is not in the best of shape but it still manages to hold itself up and be a safe place for the animals to sleep and, on rare occasions, even some of the children during the winter months. It's not the biggest barn but it works well enough for the amount of livestock the children actually own and is fairly sturdy and rarely needs to be repaired because of either outside damages or damages caused by age. There are bits of the ceiling that are missing, areas on the side were wood panels are long gone and the main entrance has a door that has to be forced shut but overall it's one of the few good buildings that they have.

THE WELL The only source of drinking water that the children have access to is a small well a mile outside of town, it's located near the town's entrance sign. The pump well is fairly small but is situated deep in the ground to a large body of water and has sustained them for a long time and is, at times, their only source of "clean" water. I say "clean" because well water is often known for not being the best and they often have to deal with muddied or brown water with high iron content, it has been known to make the kids sick for short periods of time but there really isn't much they can do about it.

THE POND The pond is used for bathing and is located almost directly across from the church in the open field five minutes from town. It's the only body of water that the children have access to for a good few miles and as such has become both the bathing place and the fishing spot; it's not extremely large but it isn't small and only goes up to about the waist in the deepest parts. They have all been instructed that the water from this pond cannot be used as drinking water because of the filth in it but in dire situations they have been known to resort to drinking this water just to survive hot summers.

THE WOOD PILE Is exactly what you would expect it to be, a giant pile of wood in the center of town that acts as both a place to get extra repair supplies or firewood during the winter. It is made up of cut boards and chopped wood and even sticks, basically anything that is related to wood is thrown on the pile to be used later when needed.

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Also known to some as roles, hierarchy. Unable to develop a very stable, prominent one, you're most expected to fight and lay your life down on your life for the group whatever your role.

MESSIAH This is also known as the leader, the voice of the group. He is the voice of The Pastor, whom speaks through him, who is used as the vessel to raise Him up and tell the stories before them. Those who are Messiahs aren't chosen at random, but are known to harbor "The Gift" which to them, is those who have an close connection to their Lord. To many, you're unable to tell who's genuine, and it's almost far too easy to act as a prophet when you're not. Of course, none of them are, but many harbor an illness that lead them to thinking that they are important, a voice. They are also the hands of healing. Since the cult is no believer in actual medication, many believe he harbors the ability to heal those around him more than just mentally.

RIGHT HAND They take up a lot of the responsibilities that the Messiah can't get to. They're not really to inherent any of the Messiah's power in the future, but simply expected to help out in responsibilities, act as the Overseer in making sure that everyone does their job. Easily, their power can be taken advantage of, and many who don't dare question those with power won't always go as far as to question them. 

FARMERS Cares for the crops, including the peyote. These whom work in the fields switch up with those in the town hall and with their time in the sun, it is no doubt hard work. They are also the water collectors, and overall they're to be depended on for healthy food, clean water.

RANCHERS Ranchers handle the cattle, the animals in general. This includes the three or four horses, the cows, chickens, goats, and pigs. They make sure that they're fed, bred, and taken care for, especially the goats that are particularly precious to the group because they're seen as the Animal of Immortality; of Youth and often used for sacrifice.

HUNTERS There is a rare times in which there are runners, or betrayers, of the cult. The Hunters are gatherers of those people, as well as taking captive or putting down wanderers who are caught in the group's radar. They're the closest official role to soldiers that you can get to this group.

BABYSITTERS Mostly consist of young girls who can't handle the hard labor of the outdoors. They raise the babies, and young children after their parents' sacrifice. Around four years old, the babysitters task them from guns to properly handling weapons.  They are also to tell The Children of Abaddon's stories, weave into impressionable minds.
[align=right]— asyli

[align=center][font=arial][I]so, i heard the world doesn't revolve around me /:
Hoot loves your aesthetics
returning of tnw group: the children of abaddon
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 400px; line-height:105%; text-align: justify"][size=12pt]Am interested in possibly bringing this group back, as it had potential but came where tnw ran a little slower. Would love to bring it back, as I think it'd be interesting to build. Here's the rundown:

A Children of The Corn estque group that involves children ages baby-21. They are the Church of Abaddon and in the small town of Isaac in Nebraska, only children reign and when those are old enough they have choice of killing themselves or being killed by someone else. Other than their religion, which is their entire being in following an entity which they calm The Pastor, they are farmers who own goats, cows, and horses. Goats are also used for sacrifice in which the Messiah drinks from in which they believe will make them eternal. During every full moon is when mass is carried out where rituals are carried to those 21 or over (most likely trespassers) and they connect through The Pastor through peyote. Wondering if anyone will be interested.

[align=center][font=arial][I]so, i heard the world doesn't revolve around me /:
Hoot loves your aesthetics
throws myself in here
insert bibble meme here

[align=center][div style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; letter-spacing: 0.5px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt;"]will probs be kinda slow to reply  ⸺  [ dump ]
claudia said yes maam

[align=center][align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: center; font-size: 9pt; line-height:13px;"]
yes ma’am yes yes ma’am pls ma’am sir thank u

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

(02-04-2020, 02:40 AM)r o a c h . link Wrote:throws myself in here
insert bibble meme here
(02-04-2020, 03:16 AM)finny. link Wrote:[quote author=r o a c h . link=topic=22907.msg491312#msg491312 date=1580784017]
throws myself in here
insert bibble meme here

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: center; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #383737; line-height: 125%; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: 2px;"][ new account: venus.
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