imagine eobshin feeling in distress in the killua and circ spar and she's just like "we fuck wiff bem" and circ's just feeling like the worst father in the world
oh who would ever want to be king
,,, you know i gotta do it to em
[abbr=claire made this!]―[/abbr] SHE DEPENDS ON YOU
"WE FUCK WIFF BEM" "uh old man, what's wrong with your kid"
do it do it
oh who would ever want to be king
also,,, how big was the mouse circ gave her,, bc if it aint a baby mouse she gonna have to Spit It Out bc its gonna be 2 big for her lil baby mouth lmFAO. i mean. to be fair. Good Reason For Her To Notice Them Again
[abbr=claire made this!]―[/abbr] SHE DEPENDS ON YOU
circ would've given her tiny mouse for babby snack
poor babby snack, daddy wanna fight but babby snack want love
oh who would ever want to be king
//crashes back in on top of kohaku
hellooo, i'll prolly make a joining thread tomorrow (by that i mean later today, after school) or wednesday,,, a triple joining thread bc shizuka and ita are coming too pfft, but hiii
that snake is so cute smh i'm dyign...... fortunately jungkook isn't like hobi,,, he likes snakes he thinks they're p cool <3
How long has it been? Hope I'm not dreaming, looking good too aren't you? It's time to unwind. Eager to catch your smile — ain't shown it in a while, so set free the mind!
Don't need no words, we'll dance the night away together. Passing hours, embrace the feeling forever. It's all ours till the sunrise signals closure, come on, don't be shy now. Won't you take my hand?
hey im here to say Cyrus wants to protect baby snake,, and teach her all the swears,, and he's worried he'll hurt her,,
Love for baby snake~~
Yes yes seli the maknae like is gonna wreck shadowclan
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: center; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #383737; line-height: 125%; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: 2px;"][ new account: venus. ★