03-23-2018, 09:37 PM
My character is a jaguar, but he's the size (and weight) of a tiger. I already the item that would be needed for a tiger body, but would I even be able to make him a jaguar of that size? Or would I have to buy the shrinking/growing power as well?
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[spoiler=just sappy shit]greahound hacked into your profile to say she adores you and to have a great day
greahound hacked into your profile a second time to love on you more because grea loves you A FUCKING LOT[/spoiler]
[b][i]don't you know i'm tired
[div style="font-family: times new roman; width:300px; margin-top: -3px; color: #8F6548; font-size:9pt;"]
[spoiler=just sappy shit]greahound hacked into your profile to say she adores you and to have a great day
greahound hacked into your profile a second time to love on you more because grea loves you A FUCKING LOT[/spoiler]