what happened in 2015, btw? I was still perma'd back then, so i have no idea what happened ;~;

I say don't bother, it's a lost cause

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[align=center][Image: tumblr_inline_nqezj49k6s1qi7awk_500.gif]
thanks guys <3
agreeing with checkers - i constantly tried to be reasonable, and i even would defend dynamo. but in the end he has no intent of changing, and it won't do anything but stir up everyone.

in 2015 im pretty sure that was when dynamo popped up? wasn't the 2015 hellden when chuman hacked the site on a dif admin account? or was that the year when all the staff went to crittercosmos bc of unfairness in the staff team? i think it was both of them but i cant remember right

oh who would ever want to be king
  [member=578]cyrus[/member], huh, that's interesting
  to his credit, he was fairly reasonable when I sent in my ban appeal (the appeal was denied, but I was at least given a shot, and not automatically shut down)

  [member=62]checkers[/member] it was the critter cosmos thing, yeah

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
my ban appeal was never replied to.

oh who would ever want to be king
i believe the chuman thing is a bit older

also are you fucking kidding me
'unfairness in the staff team'
they were a bunch of assholes! they deserved to tear themselves apart if you ask me

my ban appeal got shoved back up my ass
i have screenshots of the reply from the staff tumblr, back when they had that

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[align=center][Image: tumblr_inline_nqezj49k6s1qi7awk_500.gif]
what were chuman and emery like and what did they do, if i may ask? i was always too scared to talk to them, or anything really.

i think feralfront has lowkey always been filled with unfairness,, and i never really realized that until i looked back at all the stuff that happened?

oh who would ever want to be king
my ban appeal took a week to be answered but was approved, which i credit to my ability to bullshit essay type things very well

[streaming art: ]

[align=left][b]DADDY'S LITTLE PSYCHO.
[align=right]cyrus cipher disharmony + shadowclan + warrior
  huh, that's unfortunate
  I could ask one of the lower staff members to bring that up for you, since I have contact with some of them- no guarantee that it'll work, though

  [member=62]checkers[/member] could you PM me those screenshots? I admit that I'm morbidly curious

  [member=558]CIRCUSCLOWN![/member] I always got along with them, but I did hear that they were involved in a few different scandals
  yeah, looking back, there were quite a few incidents

[font=trebuchet ms]some individual

hey hey
joey loves you <3
chuman was dating nuka I think, from what i remember they were pretty quiet

when i got banned from wcrpg, it was around the same time a heap of SJWs took over tumblr. rape threads were extremely popular, to the point it was disgusting, and there was a hateful stigma around xanje in it's first few months. mainly for the porn that was everywhere on xanje.

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and [member=21]Verdigris[/member]
here's everything, I think because of the site transfer, I'm now unbanned

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