Yeah I was leaning over to shadowclan

[member=20]fuentes[/member] ooooo yasss he could totally have some beef with her

My school doesn't have bearbones blocked currently so I can do this

wow okay
you guys did a lot better on your geometry tests than i did
my area of expertise was trigonometry

♛ mu tha thu airson a bhith buan, na teid eadar an té ruadh agus a' chreag.
⁶/₁₁ spn squad / artist / junior / spn/voltron fanatic / tumblr / she/her
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
It was a 61 out of 100 this is unbelievable seriously I was doing so well and felt so good about it but then I get a damn 61 almost an F on it
And then the stuff I redid I did with my tutor and guess what? I had a 60 on both of those before I fixed them and when she graded them again they were a 70 and??
i hate my geometry teacher so so so much

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: center; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #383737; line-height: 125%; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: 2px;"][ new account: venus.
So I have a date for prom already but me and my date didn't make a huge deal so not many people know besides our group and rumor is gong around this other kid is gong to ask me but I don't want to hurt his feelings omfg

I failed maths last year and somehow i'm still in the extension class this year?? my teachers logic is flawed
[member=20]fuentes[/member]: I'm crying,,,, that's so fucking cute..... *falls over to your arms*
Kei would playfully rub his cheeks and play with them, being a damn dork, and at the meantime, Cosmo be screaming while blushing and flustered because w h y
aaaaaa, same with me, omg!!!! We need a ship name between them, Keilomos??

Good God, my final marks on mathematic itself,  when I was grade nine, was like.... just at least 60% out....
I honestly can't do math itself in my life when I have a stupid learning disability, seriously though, how do you people even do it??
But wow, Sherrie... :c
*hugs you* At least you tried your best, that's what matters the most and your parents should be proud that you did put so much effort and time on doing the geometry test, knowing you, you worked and studied very hard on it. <3

Honestly, [member=124]britty[/member], if I was in your position and the rumour does turn out to be a real thing; to put it bluntly, I just would gently tell the guy that while I appreciate it, I already have a date. It's always better to say the truth rather than lying to his face or putting him to the silent corner, and without a truth, it only makes it two times more hurtful for him.

[div style="0px;​margin-top:-12px;font-size:12px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#dee2e1f"]NOW LIVE WITH THE TRAUMA // PLOTTING. PLAYED BY: CRYWOLF. BIOGRAPHY.
a wild von has appeared!
but yo i'm failing math atm and my teacher is still putting me into the next class instead of having me re-take the year :')

binge the sip 'till you're sick casino
[ english lit. major  he/they 22 ★ eng + cn ]
I'm just gonna rewatch Voltron and be salty af
My dad is gonna call my teacher and ask her why she's doing this and I'm like "tHANK YOU"

Asdfghjkl now to make this dude's template and tags

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: center; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #383737; line-height: 125%; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: 2px;"][ new account: venus.
Yeah I'm just gonna tell him
Plus it's really hard to get the courage to ask someone in the first place

I shouldn't even be in my year, let alone some of the extension classes in my year. I should technically be in the year below rip
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