I’m Still Here *Private*

It had been a year later. They had rebuilt Insomnia and now Noctis was king and ruling over. Gladio was now head of the kingsglaive. Ignis took control of foreign relations. Prompto helped out wherever he could as did Ardyn. Everything was going great for the city.

Except for Night. He had been missing for a few days now. The group assumed he was just off doing god duties, but Ardyn had tarted to worry

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
after a few days, someone just sort of.. appeared in the throne room. they seemed to glow brightly, their smile white as fresh snow and eyes blacker than the night sky. "'yello!" the man greater brightly, waving clawed hands at noctis. "oh bud, do i got some news for you!" he looked like night just.. darker skinned with white hair and a wicked grin. this was day.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Ignis and Ardyn were in the throne room. Ignis looked over, frowning. He glanced him over. “Who are you?” Ignis asked

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he hummed, morphing into a bright ball of light, and then returning. back to the human form. "who the fuck do you think, dumbass?" he snapped before gasping. "oh no, did big bro never mention his little bro? i'm disappointsled." the male pouted before smirking. "well, you won't be seeing big brother any time soon. why? he's dead. super dead. MEGA dead!" he did little jazz hands, laughing. "i'm sure his little boyfriend will be vewee vewee sad." he pouted, using a baby voice for the last three words.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Ardyn and Ignis froze. Ardyn narrowed his eyes. “What did you do to him?” Ardyn asked.

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
he smirked. "what happens in the void, stays in the void~" he said brightly, tossing what looked like a ball made a flames up and catching it, smirking slowly. "but i do know you're reign is over, noctis." he said and launched the fireball straight at noctis but it stopped disappeared halfway to him. "what the hell?" day said before his eyes widened. "now, kind, what are you doing with a tear? hmm? since when do the tears appear in the fucking castle?!"

/night isn't dead, i just wanted day to appear

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Ignis froze at the sight of the fireball. He quickly stepped in front of Noctis to protect him, but noticed it disappeared.

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
day froze when he saw something seem to just awkwardly side step out of the rear, and day tended up. it was night, though he looked seriously beat up. he growled, stalking over to his 'brother' and clenching his fists. "you forget that i created everything. including you." he growled and grabbed his brother by the throat, squeezing hard and gritting his teeth. "i can easily destroy you." he looked around and put his hand over his brothers face, and day began to scream in agony, glowing brightly. soon enough, it seemed like night had just sort of.. absorbed him. he let out a breath and collapsed on the tiles of the throne room floor.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
Ardyn froze. His eyes widened. He quickly moved over to Night, kneeling down beside him, setting a hand on his back

J̶u̷s̶t̸ ̴a̴ ̷g̸l̸i̶t̸c̴h̷ ̸i̵n̴ ̵t̴h̵e̷ ̷s̶y̷s̸t̴e̶m̸ ̵
night hissed in pain, and his skin seemed to burn at the touch.

★ ──────────── {⋅. [abbr=#swiggity swooty I LOVE Hooty][/abbr] .⋅} ──────────── ★
[align=center]gregory / 17 / trans male / married to legiana
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