Yep, everything is just fine. Heck, apparently I've been having pretty strong contractions and I'm not feeling any of them, I'm not even induced yet. My nurse keeps looking at me like "r u even human"
[member=62]hurricos[/member] yeah this is my first time in a hospital so it's the first IV I've experienced. I have to keep my hand a certain way so the dull aching doesn't bother me too much
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[size=14][color=red]as part of bearbones, you have been vored
w t f
h o w do u not feel them
ahhhh i've never had an IV in my finger before,,, come to think of it i haven't had an IV in ever
but from my mom's experiences with it, it looks like it reallyyyyy hurts ;w; rip
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yep, I had to do the exact same thing, it was my first time in hospital, at least in emergency, so i know what the aching is like. i have like, nerve issues so my hands would shake a lot and i would get a shot of pain, it was irritating
and to be honest, i've heard of that before, women going into labor and not even noticing?? so idk what your nurse is fussing about lmao
and personally for me it wasn't in my finger, i've heard about iv drips in the arm and throat, stomach etc but not finger? mine was in the back of my hand, i imagine an iv in the finger would be really unsafe tbh since it does wiggle a lot, they had to put a lot of tape on my hand to bind it
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my cousin recently had her son and her contractions were so bad she started to cry and asked for the epidural lmao
my mom only has to have them in her finger because her veins are so small in her arms
she has a heart condition so
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youch. yeah that's why I don't want to have kids tbh no offence to anyone that does tho ofc
and ahhhh that makes sense, I just figured b/c the veins in your fingers are usually super small they wouldn't be able to but I mean, everybody's body is different so, what do I know
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I'm sure I'll end up feeling them at some point since I'm not even in labor yet. I definitely plan on getting an epidural. And I dunno, maybe she's just not used to someone with such a high pain tolerance. It's the same thing with my wisdom teeth, the bottom are impacted and my dentist looked alarmed when I told them I felt no pain. Clearly I'm nOT HUMAN.
yeah, I can't wait for this IV to be taken out.
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[size=14][color=red]as part of bearbones, you have been vored
I don't think there should be a definition of what makes you human tbh, everyone reacts to pain differently tbh, like i can handle dull pain okay but sharp/hot pain is irritating to me, like i get a lot of nerve pain
it'll ache a little while after but it should go away after an hour or two btw!
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what's up,,,guys?? wtf is a dream daddy and why are you talking about it
[align=center] [b][i]don't you know i'm tired [sup][b]OF THESE PAINT BY NUMBERS && SONG && [abbr=????????] <3[/abbr][/sup]
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[spoiler=just sappy shit]greahound hacked into your profile to say she adores you and to have a great day
greahound hacked into your profile a second time to love on you more because grea loves you A FUCKING LOT[/spoiler]
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(08-15-2017, 12:57 PM)hurricos link Wrote: [s]gay dad dating simulator
gross school
i'm currently in bed still debating whether or not to go back to sleep