they are v nice
hey fin
y'know how you fucked maika up
where is her doggo whilst she is fucked up
[size=3][b] [color=#979080]✦ STOP THE WORLD CAUSE I WANNA GET OFF WITH YOU
she/her [color=#979080]✦ hub ✦ thingyhere ✦ i love ya[align=center]
[spoiler= ・゚✦ love!]pyre patted this person
you are my bro-in-law
you're my bro-in-law
boogie woogie woogie
hoot basked in the sunlight
joey loves you <3[/spoiler]
probably sleeping somewhere im thinking
he's a lazy boi
i didn't mention him in that because i mention hm a lot a don't wanna be annoying
my mom walked into my room, made the loser sign, and then left without saying anything
hmm ok
navy is getting a cat currently so once she is Less Fucked Up they need to introduce their pets ok
what an icon tbh
[size=3][b] [color=#979080]✦ STOP THE WORLD CAUSE I WANNA GET OFF WITH YOU
she/her [color=#979080]✦ hub ✦ thingyhere ✦ i love ya[align=center]
[spoiler= ・゚✦ love!]pyre patted this person
you are my bro-in-law
you're my bro-in-law
boogie woogie woogie
hoot basked in the sunlight
joey loves you <3[/spoiler]
okay they do
and they gotta be pals
for months now whenever you call her she will answer with "loser says what"