heron stared at her brother with a worried frown. what was going to heppen to him? was he okay? he looked like death. heron knew he loved ravencloud, but she didn't think he'd be like this when her death came...she always thought he would continue to be optimistic about the whole situation. like he always was.

she was wrong.

as he fell unconscious, heron felt herself start to panic. "what happened?! she demanded, sprinting towards him and leaving froststar to stare with wide eyes, pressing her paw against him to try and wake him up. when that didn't work, she looked up to the two medicine cats with burning eyes.

"he probably passed out from stress...theres nothing we can do. he wont cooperate." the little molly responded, averting her gaze.

she hears froststar heave in a breath and turn to walk away.

honeybreeze frowned, staring towards the medicine den with hooded eyes "i just...feel so bad for them." she said slowly, pressing against her mate in search of comfort. "and you know they won't do that...i hope he survives or at least cooperates with them...heron...she'd probably blame ivyleaf. and we don't know how dangerous she is yet." honeybreeze shuddered at the thought. what kind of damage could the tall kit do? she was skinny and weak, but her paws looked powerful despite that.

"just because they aren't our responsibility doesn't mean we shouldn't help them. you know that none of the other clans will help. and especially not the rouges..." she frowned. they were the only ones that could help these poor kits. "yeah...that'd be a good idea, thank you honey. she replied, nuzzling his cheek after the affectionate lick. she watched him walk away before padding towards her sister, watching turtlepaw play with lizardkit.

sparrownose was sitting outside of froststars den, watching her walk towards him and tell him that she needed to call a clan meeting soon, before padding into her den slowly. obviously deep in thought.

he frowned and watched her closely as she walked past him, ears flattening as he thought of the possibilities of what could be wrong.

he basically jumped out of his skin as he noticed the russet tom standing in front of him. [b]"ah, russetpelt. whats up?"[b] he asked, tilting his head to the side to show he was listening.


thes code
ten moons old
Giving a respectful curt dip of his head, the tom sat little ways from the deputy. Glancing over to look for Honeybreeze and try to locate the stranger. Still unsure about her presence, as well as the second kit that was, as he assumed, resting in the medicine cat's den.

Blinking slowly, he turned his gaze to rest on the deputy, large paws shuffling for a couple of seconds, shifting his weight around. "[b]I know that you are busy enough, so I will try to make this short. Will you be organizing more patrols until we know that the threat that drove the kits to the Clan is well away? I will volunteer to go on as many patrols as I can." Russetpelt cleared his throat "I want to assure Honeybreeze that the kits will be safe and Turtlepaw that there is no mysterious rouge lurking around, waiting to pounce him if given the chance." his voice softened to a soft chuckle.

The beloved apprentice was afraid of his own shadow, and while he was currently distracted on finding a rock. But he would soon enough remember that something is just waiting to harm him. And Honeybreeze? A gentle soul that cared too much, and seeing that the kits would be something that would surely concern her, he wanted to make sure that her mind could be put to ease. And of course, he didn't want to risk seeing any of his clanmates be harmed by a dangerous rouge.

Sparrownose heaved a great sigh, finally letting his stress show with a hunched back and half-lidded, baggy eyes. "I was planning on it. But, I do not know who to send. I don't want the cats too disturbed by the rouge to go, as they won't get much done. Would you mind leading a patrol of uh..." He trailed off, squinting at the warriors den before speaking - "Vinetail, Scorchfrost, and Blackmuzzle? I want the least scared and largest cats going. Swiftclaw seems to have killed somebody important to those kits. I'm assuming their mother. Try to find the body, I think it's between the territories, where the river runs through." He sighed, "And be careful. We don't know if hes more dangerous than before, if you see him and a fight ensues send a cat back to bring a bigger patrol."

He turned to watch the clan, a weight seeming to have been lifted off his shoulders from talking to the reddish tom. He stared at the two sisters talking, Honeybreeze seeming to look really disturbed as Badgerfang glanced at the Medicine Den. Just as the tall white kit walked out again,  he turned to Russetpelt and gave a smile.


thes code
ten moons old
Feeling bad for his deputy, the tom stood and inched closer, pressing his nose briefly Sparrownose's shoulder. "[b]Don't worry, I'll make sure to find that fleabag and deliver the message that he is not wanted around these parts." his voice coming in a low growl.

Lifting his chin and scanning the camp, he sighed deeply. "We'll make sure of it. And for the body, where should we dispose of it? Should we bury it in the area we found it at?" He made a note that that would be best. If it was a familiar space for the kits, they would have the chance to visit if they wished. But then again, why would they go back if it all brought memories of the event. His eyes feeling with worry and concern as he turned his gaze back on the tired deputy. "Try and get some rest, if you can. I'll make sure to keep the patrol safe, and voice to the others to use more caution."

Heron had stopped walking a few tail-lengths away from the duo, listening as Sparrownose gave a sigh and said, "Yes, thank you Russetpelt. Bury the body in their home. And put a marker over the grave. Like rocks or a flower or something, so the kits can find it."

She paused, nose crinkling. They were going on a patrol or something? She needed to go. What if they found Swiftclaw? She wanted to see him suffer for ruining Crows life.

She made her presence known by clearing her throat and walking up to the two, sitting down next to them and staring at the reddish tom with a determined gleam in her yellow eyes. "I'm coming with." She stated as if she had a say in it, turning up her nose "Even if you say no, I'll follow you anyways. So you best just say yes." Her voice was quiet as always, so the two would probably have to strain just to hear her.

She heard the deputy take in a shaky breath, rubbing his head with his paw "I'm exhausted. You two sort this out. Russetpelt, whatever you decide I'll be fine with. I trust you. He said, before turning towards the warriors den and slinking inside next to the others.

Heron turned her gaze back to the fluffy tom, eyes narrowing as she awaited his answer. She didn't really want to leave Crows side, but she, for some reason, trusted that medic to take care of him. And he was out anyways, what help would she be to him right now while he was unconscious?

[/table] [/quote]

thes code
ten moons old
At the sight of the little molly walking their way, the colored warrior held back from rolling his eyes. Looking the stranger over, he scoffed at her words and turned to his deputy in an attempt for help "[b]I'm sorry, Sparrownose, but I'm not comfortable taking a..." the warrior started to say. But the deputy's eyes showed just how tired he was, and when he dismissed himself, Russetpelt hung his head for a second, ready to just take the molly with him. But before he could accept, his eyes grew cold and he looked up at Heron, stance changing from a defeated sulk to being more defensive.

Leaning forward with a soft snarl, "How do we know we can trust you? We don't know who you are, where you came from, or why you're here. I'm not going to risk my friend's lives because of some runt that wants to be brave and join us." he stood up, fur slightly bristling as he looked down on her.

"Plus, don't you have a sick litter mate to protect? I'm sure Ivyleaf and Dapplepaw are just dying to have you back snarling at them." the tom scoffed. The tip of his tail was brushing against the ground in a rhythmic movement. Standing to tower over the white molly, he curled his lip in distaste "If you follow us, you will not be looked after. You will have to deal with yourself. We will not wait for you to catch up, and if you get lost, it is all on you to find shelter. You either deal with unfamiliar territory and the thought of a rouge out for your blood, or you stay here. Where it's safe."

With that, the tom marched off, scanning the clearing for the familiar figures of the named warriors. He would round them up and make sure they were sturdy enough to leave right away.

Inside the medicine cat's den, Turtlepaw was softly whimpering to Dapplepaw, pitifully lifting his left paw for the apprentice to examine. With Dapplepaw sniffing and looking it over, the shake of his head giving Turtlepaw the sense of his 'sprained' paw wasn't serious. As it was most certainly just an awkward twist of his leg that happened while playing. But as Ivyleaf had most definitely told her apprentice, it was best to give in to the small tortoiseshell's paranoia.

So with a sighed "I'll treat your paw, just give me a second to gather the material's. Sit back and try to relax." from Dapplepaw, the warrior apprentice scooted away from the entrance and awkwardly sat on his rear, paw lifted slightly as he continued to look down at it.

He had completely forgotten about the rescued tom that laid not too far behind him. Only being reminded of his presence when the black shape stirred with a sniffle. Jumping in the air, Turtlepaw whipped around with a squeak, "What?!", his back arching as he hopped back, only to hear a soft croak "You look funny"

Crow had regained consciousness for a minute, lifting his head to better look at the tortie before he laid it back down before Dapplepaw or Ivyleaf could hurry over.
"How..." The tall molly murmured, disbelievingly. "You're older, more experienced, and stronger than me. What am I gonna do? Bite your tail a little?" Heron snapped at the russet tom, whiskers twitching with agitation. She stared up at him with burning eyes.

Though, at the mention of Crow she seemed to relax, even though faint frustration still burned behind her yellow irises.

"He can handle himself. Hes unconscious, anyways. Not like I'm any use here." Her lip curled, though no other sound came from her. She let her fur lay flat and she smirked "Then I'll follow you. I'm sure your leader will be thrilled to know that a cat she had taken into her camp and decided to care for ended up dead because of an incompetent warrior!" She chirped, watching the tom go to collect his warriors. She stayed put, though.

Her long, thin black tail lashed around on the ground in a frustrated manner. Though she stayed until they began to leave, following behind at a bit of a distance. Her paws moved quietly, though she knew that the patrol knew she was there.

Nobody asked any questions, though. It was mostly silent on the journey of patrolling. Some idle conversation and communication.

Heron just followed silently, big ears flat against her skull as she noticed they were nearing her old territory. Her lip curled once again and she felt a flurry of emotions.

Fear, anger, sadness. Though none of it showed in her blank, dull eyes.

It was as if she had no emotions other than anger. Though could you blame her, after all that just happened the day prior? She was scared.

Her and Crow weren't ready to leave Raven. Sure, she was quite a horrible mother, though Heron knew that they wouldn't last without help. She was thankful for the clans help.

As they neared the body, Heron let out a snort to disturb the awkward silence.

The limp, lifeless body looked pathetic. Sprawled in old, dry blood with wide eyes that were obviously panicked before the life drained from them.

Heron couldn't even bring herself to feel pity, though. She just felt...nothing.

Was that wrong? Was she weird?

She wanted to kick dirt at the body. So she did, as soon as she thought nobody was looking, she turned and kicked the dusty dirt right into the pretty black mollys face.

She then walked to the river, where some pretty flowers bloomed. She nipped at the stem of a bright orange one, just sitting there holding it. She then grabbed a pretty smooth stone.

Gifts, for Crow. Maybe some things from their home would help him feel a bit better. Less homesick, maybe.


thes code
ten moons old
The patrol had been reasonably quiet, the toms' ears respectfully pointed in different directions as they combed the territory. Their pace always consistant, never slowing or picking up. They would speak in hushed voices, their eyes all trained on a set of trees or bushes that would provide cover or shelter for an intruder.

Nearing a land mark, Blackmuzzle turned to his son forcing him to stop in his tracks, "A[b]re you sure you don't want the kit to join us? If she gets harmed or lost, you know your neck is on the line." As he spoke, he turned to look for the molly, worried for a second as she wasn't spotted, but sighed in relief as her white pelt stood out as she appeared from tall grass. She was determined on staying with them.

The younger tom, scoffed, lip curling "If you worry for her safety, then fall back and join her. Be her personal guard for all I care. I--no we-- weren't ordered to be kit-sitting. We were ordered to look for the rouge that attacked and killed a cat near our camp." his voice came as a gruel hiss.

Seeing a flash of anger in his father's eyes at the disrespect, he didn't let his stare falter as he raised his chin, "We are to finish this patrol, with you here next to me, or behind with the kit. Better yet, just trail behind, we need to make sure our backs are covered." Continuing to walk, he signaled to Vinetail and Scorchfrost to keep walking as they had paused to listen.

With their patrol going smoothly without any signs of the rouge actually trespassing and checking out any rustling bushes or branches from above their heads, the five cats looked about as they stepped over unfamiliar land.
The stench of Heron and her family were strong, and if they had had their doubts of this being a home, despite the worn down ground made as pathways, the dead molly confirmed it. Skin crawling, Russetpelt's fur began to stand. While he was used to seeing dead cats and was comfortable with the concept of death, it never got easier seeing a lifeless body. Especially not when their dull eyes stared into your soul and their maw were frozen in an eternal shriek. 
Setting out to scan the area, the warriors each took a direction as they all searched for signs to where Swiftclaw could potentially jump them from. Each taking turns to watch each others back, before moving on to checking out the damage done around the small camp. Blackmuzzle looking over his shoulder in time to see Heron kick dirt onto the dead she-cat's face. He stayed silent and passed it over, softly reminding himself that he knew nothing of their relationship, hence it was none of his business.

But on the other side of the camp, Russetpelt had turned to walk over, to see the white kit move to the water. His paws forcing his body to approach the corpse, his nose wrinkling in distaste as he leaned down to give it a sniff. "Poor one, this one. She reeks of sickness." he announced to the patrol, "Wouldn't have stood a chance to defend herself, less her kits." he dipped his head momentarily as a sign of respect.

Signaling for Vinetail and Scorchfrost, he ordered them to look for a place with soft enough soil to dig a grave for the body. Then moving to Blackmuzzle to tell him to stay alert and keep guard, just in case, before moving to Heron next. "Would you like to find something to mark the grave with once it is taken cared of? Or would you rather return with your brother once he is well enough to pay respects?"

Settling himself to look over the slow moving water, he raised his chin in time for a soft breeze to pass. His mane ruffled, ears twitched, and his massive head tilted to the side. "You know, living in the Clan won't be too bad. Now that your mother is dead, you don't have your primary source of protection or food. Of course, not everyone will accept you at first, or even after they've gotten used to you being around, they may not like you still." He looked down at her, eyes turning cold "But if you want to live in a space that allows you to sleep with a full belly, you must learn to accept it. For now, you are still a stranger, someone that cannot be trusted. You said you stood no chance to be a threat, but even the smallest apprentice can do damage to a skilled warrior, given they are caught off-guard or at a weakened state."

Not everyone got along. Most cats were hated for the majority of their lives, the only relief they received being when their life drained from their body. Others were loved beyond comparison, the ground they walked on being treated as holy. Either was fine. They all died and went to the same place. Most of the time.

The white molly just stood near the water. She wanted to leave, now. She did what she came here for. Though it seemed as if they weren't leaving any time soon. With the patrol looking around the camp for signs of Swiftclaw, though the oriental deemed it safe enough to lay with her long muzzle resting on her dainty paws. The rock and flower laying next to her as she waited impatiently. Her long wiry tail lashing back and forth to show her irritation. Though she said nothing, just listened to the idle chatter and communication between the cats.

As Russetpelt spoke of the sickness, Herons massive ears flattened against her head. Though not directly, the sickness is what got her killed. It was Herons fault, too.

She looked away, yellow irises glancing to the side to stare at where she and Crow would often sit and pick flowers. Under the shade of a tall tree, a wide array of pants grew. It was probably because they were so close to the water.

She heaved a deep sigh, looking up as a big shadow loomed over her. Seeing Russetpelt, she hummed. "I'll go look for some rocks or something." She answered, more relaxed in this familiar environment. She rose to full height and stretched with a yawn. She looked over her shoulder as the tom spoke.

He wasn't wrong. Plus, It would be better to make allies in a tough time like this. There was a bloodthirsty cat out for their necks, they would need the protection clan life brought. Though she didn't feel super comfortable with it. She probably never would, though. She preferred to be on her own.

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind." She said simply, before walking down along the water and grabbing three good sized rocks to mark the grave with. Though thinking of what clan life had to offer.

While it brought protection, it also came with a unique set of problems. She wasn't clan-born, and she knew from Ravens stories that it could cause a problem. It would, in fact. They were not fond of outsiders.

And she looked like Swiftclaw. She already noticed a few cats staring and whispering. Something she was used to with Raven, but not others.

Nobody had said anything to her, which was a relief. She wasn't Swiftclaw. She never would be. Sure she had her anger issues but never would hurt a cat with no good reason.

The tall cat pushed the rocks towards Ravens body, staring down at it blankly before turning to Russetpelt again - "I got rocks." she deadpanned


everything i've loved has turned to stone // P
thes code
ten moons old
As the medicine cat and the apprentice began to review Crow now that his sister was gone, the young tom cried softly. He buried his face deeper into his paws. He couldn't bring himself to open his eyes and face the strangers. But he couldn't handle having his eyelids feeling glued shut. The flashing images of his mother's expression changing in seconds kept replaying.

Clogging his nose and mouth for too long, Crow had a hard time breathing properly, and lifting his head just the slightest, he took deep breaths. They came shakily. His eyes stung once more at the threat of tears. His throat choked up as a sob began to form. We should have gotten help, we should have accepted the help of these cats. He choked back a growl, he stared at the bedding that stuck out from between his forelegs. He only glanced to the side as something was pushed to him, though he refused to take them. Jaws clamped shut, he returned to staring at his paws with tired eyes.

Hearing the familiar voice of his sister at the entry of the den, his fur began to rise. He wanted to force himself to his paws and run to her. We should have accepted the Clan cats help. Momma could still be alive. Or at least she wouldn't have died choking on her own blood! he wanted to scream, yell, he wanted to feel anything, he wanted to speak. He forced himself to feel angry. But he felt numb, his thoughts began to grow fuzzier by the second. His voice was lost, and his head hit his paws as he lost consciousness.

The large warrior stared at the small she-cat as she spoke with his mate. Unaware of him slowly inching between them as he examined her. She didn't seem like a threat. She was small in size, clearly starved. But the look in her eyes told him that she could still do some damage if she wished. So he found himself pressing against Honeybreeze, looking at her as she whispered.

He lowered his eyes and grunted in thought. "[b]If the kit dies, we can do nothing but bury him away from the camp. If he doesn't want to take the help given to him, we can do nothing else. Unless Ivyleaf and Dapplepaw force the herbs down his throat."

Leaning towards his mate, he pressed his nose against her cheek, "They are not our responsibility, Honeybreeze. You know that. They're strangers and we must treat them as potential threats." he spoke softly, "I'll see if Sparrownose will increase patrols until we know that the rouge is well away."

Leaving her with a comforting lick between the ears, he looked around the camp to find the small tortie. He was back at the nursery, playing with a few kits as their mothers watched, lazily chatting among themselves. He set off to where he assumed Sparrownose would be, question already at the tip of his tongue.

everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
everyone will come
everyone will yell
id thank you just the same
if you didnt tell
my mother says that
i will surely go to hell
please be a good man
please say you won't tell
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