[ lady luck is stone blind ] joining
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As soon as the words come from Catalyst’s mouth, Marco goes blank.

In any other situation he’d be able to offer himself up for some kind of physical labor and that would be that. His stature would sure make one think he’s at the very least strong, but now his own good feature is his resilience, and even that is dwindling. He starts to shrink in on himself again, this time out of shame more than fear--what good is this big body if he can hardly use it?

”I--” and then La Dama cuts him off.

Marco shoots her the most bewildered, incredulous look he can muster up. Fishing? That’s the best she could do? Sure, he grew up on the coast, but if you ever gave him a fishing rod he wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between the ferrule and the handle. He’s never handled any kind of seafood, let alone caught it. To promise them someone with a skill like that is essentially asking to get the both of them thrown out or beat half to death … food is an incredibly important resource, and he’s sure these street punks would be itching for a chance to increase their stores.

As she speaks, Marco furiously shakes his head, hoping Catalyst will understand that Olga is just spewing shit from her mouth.

No, he growls. “Can’t fish.” Please don’t believe anything she says, he thinks at Catalyst, hoping that maybe his pleading eyes will inspire them to have some rachmones. Yes, poor him, look what he’s had to deal with for the past week…

For a minute after, he just stands there, silent and blank, before his face lights up and he suddenly starts to rustle through his backpack.

Aha! There it is.

Gently, with all the care someone would give to a newborn baby, Marco presents his violin.

”This,” he says, now somewhat excited. ”Good at this.”

[sub]the artist formerly known as hal[/sub]
Hoot gives Hal’s body a hug
﹝[abbr=don't look back]♢[/abbr]﹞
Some people just don't know how to lie.

She's trailing off, using filler words, rambling as she tries to spin a believable story. They can see the internal struggle on her face, though they couldn't say exactly what it was about. The question was, did they call her out or not? "I didn't ask you." They said, sparing a look at Olga before returning their gaze to Marco. He was shaking his head, confirming their suspicion that the woman was a goddamn liar. Their eyes slid back to Olga for a second more. "I believe you don't wanna travel with him, if that helps." There was the call-out.

Now, back to Marco. He'd withdrawn something from his backpack, a violin, held with a mixture of tenderness and eagerness. They raised an eyebrow. "Well maybe if you'd gotten here before the wedding, I'd have a job for you. As it stands, however, a violin isn't gonna do too much. Anything else?" They'd be lying if having some classy violin music in the casino, among the vice and violence, didn't sound fucking awesome. Just their sort of style.

[spoiler=IF YOU DONT KNOW NOW YOU KNOW && INFO && 10/14/19]GENERAL  welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life
⇥ Given name is Scott Mathew Darrow ⇥ Alias is Catalyst
⇥ Will accept Cat or Catalyst from anyone, Scott only from family
⇥ Assigned male at birth ⇥ Agender ⇥ They/Them pronouns only
Twenty-one ⇥ Born 11/27/17 ⇥ Sagittarius ⇥ Real time aging
Boss (leader) of the Badlands ⇥ Ex prisoner of the Badlands
⇥ Ex cultist (Mourningstar) ⇥ Ex member of the Young Rogues

RECENT EVENTS  done my time and served my sentence
⇥ 09/02/39 ⇥ Returned from vacation
⇥ 08/23/39 ⇥ Went on vacation with Gavril
⇥ 08/21/39 ⇥ Oversaw their parents' vow renewal

APPEARANCE  dress me up and watch me die
⇥ Catalyst is 6'2" tall; they possess a lean and muscular body, one that has a variety of old scars adorning it. One of the easiest to notice is one that stretches down their right cheek. While not a scar, one very notable marking on their chest is the "BL" brand. They have two piercings, one in their tongue and the other in the cartilage of their left ear. They typically dress in dark colors (favoring jackets with some sort of writing on the back), and their hair is black. They're not all dark, however, as they have pale blue eyes that peer out from beneath medium-sized eyebrows.

PERSONALITY  if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine
⇥ Catalyst is ambitious, with the cunning and ruthlessness to reach their goals by any means necessary. They can be brutal when they feel it is needed, however when it's not they won't bother. They tend to be rather aloof and apathetic to most things and people, with some very rare exceptions. Provided those around them don't cross a few specific lines, they're content to leave them be, though they've been known to take an interest in some people, which seldom has a positive end for whoever their interest is in. They can be manipulative, and will often encourage people to make bad decisions. Those that stick by them will be rewarded, but those that do not will be cast out, as they've been outcast for their entire life and have learned to appreciate loyalty wherever they can find it. Even during the most stressful of situations, they usually keep a firm grip on their temper and keep their calm, though when they do snap and lose their temper, it is uncontrollable. They're remarkably observant, often able to deign much from subtle clues in what people say, how they say it and how they act.

RELATIONS  dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight
⇥ Molly Darrow x Austin Darrow ⇥ No biological siblings
⇥ Adopted parent of Molly Valentina Darrow-Lupei (Mo)
Pansexual/Panromantic ⇥ Very much taken by Gavril Lupei
⇥ Not looking but it happened ⇥ Rarely forms romantic attachment
⇥ Holds most people at arms length and doesn't get close

INTERACTION  i'm taking back the c r o w n
Hard physicallyHard mentally ⇥ Doesn't let their guard down
⇥ Is most comfortable with close ranged-weapons ⇥ Dislikes guns
Brass knuckles ⇥ A variety of knives ⇥ Carries a handgun
⇥ Will kill/capture/maim in certain circumstances
⇥ Will leave things be in others ⇥ Will start & finish fights
⇥ No kill/capture/maim without permission
⇥ Attack in bold #0d0d0d and tag @/Bryne
⇥ Peaceful powerplay allowed but they may react negatively
⇥ Dislikes almost any sort of touch unless they initiate or agree to it

there's blood on the leaves / there's blood on the sands I ——————
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Yeah, Cat! You tell her! Marco is so excited to have someone on his side for once. It’s been miserable with Olga for the past week or so. He is trying so hard to contain his excitement. Maybe this place isn’t so bad?

Aim for her knees, Catalyst.

Oh, nevermind. His giddy little grin falters when Catalyst speaks up again. Marco hangs his head once more and shakes it. No, there isn’t much else he can do--if he’s being honest, which he’s not, he can’t even play his violin anymore. His arms just won’t move how he wants them to. He used to be so languid and fluid, but now he can only move with erratic, jerky movements. Occasionally, he tries, but all he can get out is choppy, pitchy music that might as well make your ears bleed.

“No,” he mumbles. “That’s it.” Violin is really his only skill. If he had shown up about five months earlier, he’d be able to offer himself up for physical labor, but by now it’s most likely clear he’s not good for much.

Marco decides he at least owes these people an explanation.

“My head,” he says, gesturing vaguely towards himself. “is … messed up. Can’t move well … or talk.”

[sub]the artist formerly known as hal[/sub]
Hoot gives Hal’s body a hug
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