02-01-2017, 09:32 PM
"shadowclan. Now tell me what you want." the cat narrowed his eyes, although he had to admit he did like the demeanor of the newcomer. She got straight to the poising, and didn't waste his time.
[spoiler=Tags]Leonora "Leo" Adams
- black domestic feline
- gold eyes
- wears an eyepatch over right eye
- wears a gold locket on occasion
- [li$i] genderfluid [/li]
- 16 moons
- used to be human
- Ages normally
- birthday is January 1st
- currently dealing with depression
- incredibly vulnerable
- has very little drive to do things
- is trying their hardest
- lets their emotions rule them
- hates it when they bring people down
- pansexual
- single
- lonely