
[Image: 9d5abbbfdbe5f60875725f019abf9cf4.png]
[sub]badlands ♡ 24 ♡ [abbr=wears eyepatch on one eye, glamorous, violent]more tags[/abbr][/sub]

He saw her--and kept quiet, but his mouth was open in shock. Tati? What pure luck she'd found herself here. He was relieved beyond measure, and the instant she spoke he let out a gasp of that relief, a hesitant smile creeping onto his features. He heard the man tell her to put the gun away, and he thought, perhaps--he could distract him, and Tati could shoot--but no, he didn't want her to waste bullets for this, but--maybe this man had robbed others, and he had something of value? Not to mention his own gun.

Of course, Metta's plans were cut short when another showed up, surprising him. He turned to see the woman with her bow, aimed at the elder man, and he frowned a bit--only because the more here, the higher the chance that someone got shot. He didn't want it to be him, or Tati--otherwise he couldn't care less. He was nervous, still--not sure what he could do. The doorways were blocked and until Tati let the man out, he couldn't really do much besides hope that nothing found its way to him. He glared at the man with the gun, a bit more obviously aggressive now he wasn't in immediate danger. He'd remember that face.
"Tatania--let's go?" He asked, his voice still a bit shaky. He glanced at the woman, and flashed her a bit of a smile. "Appreciate this, darling." His voice was warm and friendly--she might be a bit frightening, but she did get the guy to put his hands up. He really did appreciate it.

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Mettaton's in good health--100%
Mettaton is 6'3'' and has a slender build, but with quite muscular legs. He is lean.
Mettaton carries a long knife, about 9 inches long, in a sheath at his hip.
Mettaton is extremely fast and agile; with a dancer's coordination and flexibility. He can make a tough opponent in a hand-to-hand fight, and unless he's up against a gun, he's a difficult opponent in any scenario unless already weakened. He can be outsmarted, but physically is tough to beat, with his incredible skills at getting away from danger.

He is occasionally a bit of a coward, as well as quite naive and manipulable.

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Re: FULL OF SHINE AND FULL OF SPARKLE--OPEN, scavenging! - by Mᴇᴛᴛᴀᴛᴏɴ - 01-29-2017, 12:52 AM

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