TATIANA DOGSWORTH [abbr=17 years old, cis female, badlands member, savage, salty, harsh, mean, open, fearless, she's a person, bisexual and biromantic]✨[/abbr]
I can do it like a brother
Do it like a dude
Grab my crotch,
wear my hat low like you

Her gaze sharp and deadly as she walked around the loner lands, she had decided to go on a little scavenging party out here, everything in the territory was basically already found everything.  She had her little backpack that looks like something a school girl would have, and come on it was cute as shit after all.  She had already scavenged in a few houses, she was rather great at breaking locks and things in order to get too what she anted.  Some money here and there, some dead people here and there, it was pretty efficient for today.  Luckily she found her three favorite items in this whole damn world, cigarettes, a lighter, and knives.  God how she loved her knives, but she also kept her bat as well.  The bat was fun and she could easily use it at any given moment, but it was a lot easier to kill someone when she used her knives. With the baseball bat it was more like beating the shit out of someone till they bruise to death.

She wore her usual outfit though, a black leather jacket over her black shirt, with her skirt going almost past her knee, having fishnets, and her black combat boots on.  Her knives hidden under her skirt, strapped to her thighs. 

But here she was walking in the middle of no where searching for somewhere to find some more goodies, maybe this time a new pack of gum, this one was getting pretty stale.  As she walked she had her baseball bat in her bag sticking out at the top.  Blowing bubbles with every stride she made, she had a canteen as usual, she didn't want to die of thirst on this 'grand' adventure.  But the canteen was rather empty by now only one last drink was able to be sipped in this situation.  She'd just have to find more.  Walking around her green optics scanned around, and suddenly she heard a familiar voice not too far away but it was a panicked voice.  "I--I'd die--there's wolves--"

Walking behind another house across from the other one the girl was able to examine what was happening.  In the door way was a beefy man, and he had her good friend Mettaton at gun point.  Of course he was most likely think he was on the verge of death, but even Tatiana knew that this guy wasn't going to shoot Mettaton unless he absolutely had too.  Guns where hard to come by, not only that, but bullets.  The teen had her own, a Colt Model 1873 Single-Action "New Model Army Metallic Cartridge Revolving Pistol".  It was an old weapon, but it got the job done, plus it looked nice when she held it.  The girl managed to pull it out of one of the pockets of her back pack as she slyly made her way over too them. She was extra cautious with her steps as she came up behind this guy and put the gun to his back.

"Seems like you're picking on my friend."  Tatiana said as she kept the gun to this guys back, her finger on the trigger and ready to shoot at any moment.  "How about you leave him alone." 

✨ Tatiana Dogsworth | Tat | Cis Female (she/her)
✨ Scorpio / 17 years old / ages in real life time
✨ Badlands
✨ Grunts
✨ Spotify playlist

✨ Born in what would be Russia, her father was a mobster in what would be Russia, had moved too the Badlands area, her mother left several years ago and left her in the hands of some members of the group, what a terrific idea right.
✨ She is a sort of baddie, grunge, little rebellious teenager, she is one with beating people up, pure in her appearance though, frequently ignoring people.
✨ She has a thick Russian accent, that is slightly rough, dominating, but very interesting to listen too
✨ Smells of a cigarette smoke.

✨ Petite, 5' tall, pale, and a smol teenager.
✨ Chloe Mortez Grace
✨ Injuries: scratches and bruises
✨ Aliments: 80%

✨ ESTP | The Rebellious Teen | The Fighter | Chaotic Good
✨ Loyal, salty, fighter, strong, stubborn, and defensive
✨ Cocky, tricky, will fight you I fucking swear, hot headed

✨ Bisexual and Binromantic
✨ Single
✨ Friends:
✨ Crushes:
✨ Enemies:


✨ dirty fighter, strong, and hard to beat
✨ address in BOLD
✨ attack in #640000
✨ can powerplay nonviolent or peaceful gestures 

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Re: FULL OF SHINE AND FULL OF SPARKLE--OPEN, scavenging! - by TATIANA - 01-28-2017, 05:39 PM

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