[align=center][div style="width: 400px;"][align=left]The Hunt hadn't been this close to major settlements in a while. It had put the majority on them that edge - outsiders were coming and going through the territory and she was not allowed to loose an arrow to remind them that this was the Hunt's lands until they moved along. Kaiden was being an idiot when he decided that they would set up near the Badlands.

The flatlands offered a good hunting ground. There were rabbits and small mammals to shoot, but the larger prey - deer and the sorts - are further out from the city altogether. Anima doesn't blame them after all, she would rather be as far away from civilization too. But that doesn't mean that there are useful things to be found in the ruins. There are jewels and trinkets and all sorts of shiny things. Sometimes, she finds arrows or knives or other useful things.

Today, it seems it's not one of those days. It's people that she finds, and she's none too happy about that fact. The final person to enter the room is Anima through a separate doorway than the rest of them, quietly wondering why there were so many doorways to one room. But that doesn't matter, an arrow is nocked in her bow and she draws it back ready to fire. There are more in her quiver, and her scowl is evident. Her hawk is not nearby, something that annoys her at that moment too. Tsumi could have gone for someone's eyes at least.

"If anyone shoots, I will make sure you do not shoot again." The arrow is targeted towards Vincent, who is the one that started the commotion in the first place. It would not do well to have the Badlands hunting to find the person that killed or harmed one of their members. "Take your things and leave without causing a commotion."
— anima blair
— female | she/her | assigned female
— biromantic bisexual | female preference
— huntress of the wild hunt
— "queen of crows" / "magpie" / "sharpshooter"
— bonded to a female eurasian sparrowhawk named tsumi
— also has several magpies, named numerically from 1 to 10

— main fc - choi sooyoung
— other fcs - riven ( league of legends ), lightning farron ( ffxiii ), crowe altius ( ffxv ), cirilla ( witcher )
— anima looks like a huntress. from the white facepaint that she regularly dons to her figure, well muscled and toned. her hair is kept shorter than most, tied up in a small scruffy bun at the back her head and her fringe is left down. she has green eyes, sharp facial features and stands at a rather modest 5"5. her legs are quite long for her size whilst her torso is on the shorter side.
— she tends to wear "comfortable" clothing - this ranges from warm coats in the bitter cold to hoodies in warmer weather. she likes leggings, but will also regularly don light armour. she wears one steel pauldron constantly on her right arm and an armguard upon her left forearm to stop wear and tear from her bow. her right hand is often found with a glove to protect her fingers.
— anima has two amulet for protection. one is tied to her bow and is red in colour, dedicated so that her arrows will not miss their mark and is an Onamori. the other is a small amulet that represents a zenko kitsune and is worn as a necklace tucked under her clothes.

— forest ranger, friendly sniper
— like most hunters, anima is not a welcoming figure to most outsiders. she meets strangers with harsh words and tends to distance herself from there. when meeting them, an arrow is likely nocked in her bow. she will not attack without being provoked and will not reveal much about herself. she is quiet around strangers, acting as a hunter and not as a person.
— to whose who are a member of the hunt or friends of her's, she tends to become more talkative. she has a slightly offensive but still good natured sense of humour, a casual attitude towards death and injury. she loves her birds to a great degree and tends to talk about them at length. she is usually willing to help out her friends, and her methods may not be... Orthodox or even particularly moral at times, but she will do her best

— fights with two weapons
    — a shortbow
    — single handed sword
— more proficient with the bow than the sword, can reasonably hold her own with a blade against unskilled and reasonably skilled opponents
— prefers to attack from cover, stealth over open combat
— does not fight fair, will use insults and other tricks ( poisons, knives, dirt ) in order to give herself the upper hand in a fight
— will often steal things from other groups, especially "valuables" such as jewelry

° , pick up your rope lord, swing it to me. if we are to battle, i must not be weak. and give us your strength world, your food and your water. oh, i am your saviour, your last serving daughter. there's hope in the air, there's hope in the water, but sadly not me, your last serving daughter.
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Re: FULL OF SHINE AND FULL OF SPARKLE--OPEN, scavenging! - by ANIMA - 01-28-2017, 07:56 PM

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