The man was on the prowl, hoping to find some supplies out in these fields. He didn't like being out in the open like this, nor was it exactly safe to be so close to the Badlands, but he had to be thorough. He had spotted houses, but it's unlikely there'll be much out here. Being so close to a settlement, it's got to be picked dry, but what places haven't been picked clean already? Besides there's always the chance of jumping someone out here and people usually had something to take. Normally Vin wouldn't prey on others, but chances were the scavengers out here were scum from the Badlands, which he wouldn't mind screwing over. Although he tended to stay away from the settlements, he disliked the Badlands the most due to the base nature of its inhabitants.

Speaking of, the man noticed someone make their way into one of the houses. Vin was low to the ground, seeking cover in the long grass from any preying eyes. He waited for a few moments and searched the horizon for any companions that the scavver may have. He was satisfied after a few moments that the man was alone and he made his way over the the door of the house which the scavver had entered.

Once he was close he moved slowly and silently, willing his boots to not make a sound in the grass or on any squeaky floorboards as he made his way to the steps and onto the porch. He drew his shotgun with his left hand from its holster on his side and stood in the doorway, casting a shadow in the room.  He leveled the two barrels of his short shotgun at the back of of the man in the room and beat on the doorjamb to alert him of his presence. "Slowly." He grunted in a rough voice that obviously wasn't used very often. He rested a finger on the first trigger of his gun, remembering that he had loaded a 410 slug in the barrel, hopefully if he did have to shoot, the recoil won't cause his own gun to knock him out. He hoped he wouldn't have to shoot, but he didn't have his hopes up very high due to how careless this man seemed to act.

-Vincent Clemens (Vin)
-35 years old
- fc: Tom Hardy
-Has a rather average build (would be considered the "medium" build)
-Stands around 5'8"
-Has short uneven brown hair accompanied by a short uneven beard
-Normally wears a brown leather jacket with a khaki button up shirt over an undershirt with dull blue jeans and finally khaki military boots
-Has Hazel eyes
-A Sawed off Double Barreled Shotgun with ammo adapter inserts to allow his shotgun to fire a variety of shotgun and pistol rounds. He rarely fires it, mostly using it a threat more than anything.
-Has a worn KA-BAR knife with a 7" blade
Health: %100
Difficulty: Very Hard
Skilled in Martial Arts and knife fighting and is a fairly decent shot with most misses to blame on his gun
Attack in Olive
He's a recluse, making him quiet and unsocial. When he speaks, he's gruff and to the point. He tends to not get close to people and his trust is hard to earn. Although he hardly shows it, there's a tender and caring side to him.[/spoiler]

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Re: FULL OF SHINE AND FULL OF SPARKLE--OPEN, scavenging! - by Vincent Clemens - 01-26-2017, 11:23 PM

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