when death rides a horse — open.
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: .6px;"]it had been awhile since gemma gallagher had stepped foot in bluestem prairie's territory. the last time she had been there, she had been screaming over a dozen curses at brock with her arms held firmly behind her by one of the ranchers. her judgment was better on most days, she shouldn't have ever let him get the upper hand with her, but before she could even realize what was happening, he had won. moonshining was something that had been in her family for generations now, it was a skill that her grandfather had taught her when he was the one to stand up and raise her. there was always a risk that came around with it, making it so gemma spent a handful of years following her grandfather's footsteps up in the same cabin in the mountains, keeping to herself while she produced and sold the moonshine. if she hadn't decided to leave, brock wouldn't have stolen her distillery. 

brock may have won the battle, but gemma was determined to win the war.

"would be better if i didn't have to see that ugly face of yours."

gemma crossed her arms, turning to look into the saloon like layne did. she listened to the conversation happening behind her, rolling her eyes briefly at what brock had to say. it wasn't long before he brought her into the conversation, one of her eyebrows raising. clearing her throat, she let out a dry and low laugh, shaking her head.

"i guess you could call it that..." turning around, gemma tilted her head to the side as her dark eyes stared down bluestem prairie's leader. "i'd hate to ruin your little speech ya have goin' on, but since we go way back and i'm fair to middlin' right now, i'll give ya a fair warning." gemma unfolded her arms and pulled her bandanna down from over her face and let it rest around her neck before taking a couple steps closer back to where the two men were standing. "there's going to be a day where i put a bullet between your eyes, but you'd understand, right? it's a dog eat dog world, everyone else can thrive and evolve while you're buried six feet deep in a bone orchard." her lips formed into a dry, tightlipped smile. "funny how shit works, huh?"

there was a few moments of silence before gemma straightened up her posture. "so, here's how this is gonna work for ya - " gemma cleared her throat, looking around at the people who began to stop and stare at the commotion. once gemma looked back towards brock, her eyes narrowed and she refused to break the eye contact. "you got one of two options to pick from, brock. ya see, i'm not here to give ya a hard time, i can be flexible. you know me, right? i can be one to make some negotiations, but with this one, you only got the two choices. there's no flannel mouthin’ with this one." she let out a few sarcastic laughs, raising her arms up in a carelessly relaxed way. "so, here ya go. option one - " she raised her hand up and extended her pointer finger as she held it up in the air at him. "you either give the herriott family back their livestock, give me my distillery back with all of the 'shine you made with it and the goods that you traded it for, and then you pack up your shit and leave so i don't have to see your face again - we'll be all in apple pie order after that." then she raised a second finger.

"or, you be the coward that we both know you really are and you refuse. you hide behind your lil group of worshippers and i come back and stick true to my promise of you getting a pretty little bullet right there in that big head of yours before taking back our shit." it probably wasn't always the best idea to threaten people in their own territory, but gemma wasn't one to be cautious or back down from something like this. she knew she was capable of holding her own, she had taken on a dozen of men by herself before, but more importantly, she knew that brock knew what she had been capable of.

// some of the different like cowboy phrases i found/used DFGHJK
fair to middlin - doing pretty good , so so
bone orchard - graveyard / cemetery
flannel mouth - smooth talker
in apple pie order - to be in top shape / high quality
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when death rides a horse — open. - by BROCK. - 09-24-2021, 11:12 PM
Re: when death rides a horse — open. - by GEMMA - 04-22-2022, 10:46 PM

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