when death rides a horse — open.
it is empty achilles, so end it all now
it's a pointless resistance for you

David never enjoyed conflict. When an argument would spark between his parents, he would cover his ears. He hated being around when fights would break out. He felt so scared, his heart would thrum in his chest and all he wanted was to get away. He didn't understand why. Everyone should get along, why would they hate each other? He just wanted everyone to get along. The whole fight with Flintlock nearly caused David to lose it, when Roxanne took off and didn't come back until the fight was well over. She was covered in blood and grinning. David's heart would have given up if she didn't return.

He hated thinking about what would have happened.

Currently, David had been passing Brock and he immediately stepped out of his way when he saw the sour look on his face. He followed behind, his hands rubbing together anxiously. He saw Layne and Gemma and slowed to a stop near the end of the row of buildings that Brock disappeared around. These two were not good people, from the way that Brock was talking to them. David glanced at Brock with hesitance when the missing livestock was brought up--they did just get some new livestock recently, and David just assumed that they were from a trade.

David opened his mouth, but shut it when Brock and Layne continued. He stood behind Brock, both literally and metaphorically. While Brock did some questionable choices, David didn't think he could have stuck with anyone differently. Maybe it was the hope Brock gave him, be it false or not. He trusted Brock. He gave him a home when no one else could. David's brows pinched together.

achilles, achilles, just put down the bottle
don't listen to what you've consumed

[spoiler=//tags — updated ;; 08/01/21]
> david benson ;; n/a
> male ;; he/him
> 35 years ;; ages real time ;; may 15th
> bluestem prairie

> physical health ;; 85%
> minor injuries ;; a few scrapes
> major injuries ;; n/a
> important things to note ;; david has a bad skin condition that causes his body to break out into mass acne ; his face, shoulders, and back get the worst of it ; has burn scars on his arms

> long, brown hair ; pale brown eyes ; rather large with a strongman physique ; 7'6" ; just over 400 lbs
> no body modifications
> wears anything loose ; big, white shirt that's stained with dirt and sweat ; sweatpants that are also stained with dirt
> no carried items
> important things to note ;; his wisdom teeth have all grown in in clumps ; he has no back teeth

> very friendly ; hesitant around strangers ; difficult to gain his trust ; general sweetheart ; likes to compliment people ; very protective of his daughter ; very self-less and usually lets people eat before he does ; awkward with forced interactions ; prefers to be the one to start conversations ; very laid back
> anxiety ; autism ; separation anxiety
> eyebrows twitch a lot

> margaret benson x charles benson ;; parents - alive
> mary-anne (mary) benson ;; sister - alive
> lavania masters ;; girlfriend - deceased
      > passed in a house break-in
> roxanne benson ;; daugher - alive
> demisexual ; panromantic
> no crushes

> medium mentally | easy physically
> non-violent power play allowed
> will not attack/kill/maim/capture without asking the author
> do not kill/maim/capture without asking me (timothy)
> if you want to attack, use this colour (red) and underline it

misc importance
> "this is him talking." ;; his speech is in bold
> this is him thinking ;; thoughts are in italics
credit @ kenneth

[Image: unknown.png]
your teeth are as sharp
as the mouth of a gun
★ member of bluestem prairie / bio + pinterest / pm timothy to plot
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when death rides a horse — open. - by BROCK. - 09-24-2021, 11:12 PM
Re: when death rides a horse — open. - by DAVID B. - 09-29-2021, 04:37 PM
Re: when death rides a horse — open. - by GEMMA - 04-22-2022, 10:46 PM

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